Chapter 138 Together
Qingti was obsessed with the bow and arrow, and when he saw the Qingyu clansman advancing, he was eager to try. At this time, Chu Yao ordered him to bend his bow and set up an arrow, stretch his arms, and shoot an arrow, which hit the wooden board in the middle of the Qingyu clansman.

The Qingyu tribe paused for a moment, then let out a roar of cheers, and the plank continued to move forward.I think the arrow just shot through the wooden board but didn't hurt anyone, so the Qingyu people cheered that they had a way to deal with bows and arrows.

"What should I do, Goddess?" Qing Ti looked at Chu Yao and asked.She is the best in all women's archery teams. If she can't shoot through the wood, then it's even more impossible for others.

Bows and arrows can't pierce wooden boards. If the Qingyu clansmen push forward, the Suiren clansmen won't have an advantage in close combat.Although there are many people from other clans on the side of the Suiren clan, they may not help the Suiren clan to fight against the Qingyu clan.

"Don't be afraid, let us come." Suiwu led the men of the Suiren clan to stand in front, holding spears and said, "Formation."

Chu Yao also conducted simple array training for the men of the Suiren clan. Before that, they had fought with various clans in their residences. The result was a complete victory, but it was just that there was no one from the Qingyu clan. I have never seen the scene at that time.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight each other, Luo Jia suddenly shouted: "Goddess, I have a way, you can try it."

In desperation, Chu Yao couldn't think of an idea, but he knew that the men of the Sui Ren clan led by Sui Wu had been trained. As long as they could block the Qingyu clan in the front, and the women attacked from behind with bows and arrows, it would be fine. It is easy to defeat the Qingyu tribe, but in that way, many people of the Qingyu tribe will be killed.But Chu Yao and Sui Ye were unwilling to kill more people from the Qingyu clan, because these people would be useful to the Suiren clan in farming and doing other things in the future.

So when Luo Jia said there was a way, she said urgently: "Let's hear it." Luo Jia said: "I can shoot an arrow into the sky."

Before Luo Jia finished speaking, Chu Yao immediately said: "Okay, you try."

Everyone was baffled by the conversation between the two, how could an arrow in the sky hit a person?
But Chu Yao understood that what Luo Jia was talking about was shooting arrows into the sky in a parabolic shape, and after the arrows reached the top of the sky, they would naturally fall in a parabolic shape. Acceleration, it can also attack the enemy from the top of the head, and the attack power is stronger.The mortar shells of Chu Yao's era were fired based on this principle, so she understood it as soon as she heard it.

It's just that she didn't understand how Luo Jia realized this, but she didn't have time to ask Luo Jia now.

At that moment, Luo Jia got Chu Yao's permission, and immediately bent his bow and led the arrow, pointed directly at the sky, and shot the arrow.

After the arrow rushed into the sky, it quickly fell towards the heads of the Qingyu tribe.

The Qingyu Clan is now only seven or eighty meters away from the Suiren Clan. Seeing that the Suiren Clan did not launch an arrow to attack, the Qingyu Clan Chief knew that the plank shield strategy had worked. He was happy when he saw a sound in the sky With a roar, the soldier on his side was hit in the middle of his head by an arrow falling from the sky, and fell to the ground dead on the spot.

This sudden change shocked the people of the Qingyu tribe, and they stopped immediately.

On Suiren's side, Suiye saw from the movement of the Qingyu clan that Luo Jia's arrow must have hit the Qingyu clan just now, and immediately shouted: "Patriarch Qingyu, stop moving forward immediately, come over here Apologize to the goddess, otherwise, all of you will not be able to escape today."

Patriarch Qingyu was shocked when he heard Suiye's shout, he knew that the arrow just now was just a warning from the Suiren clan, and he could also see that the women in the Suiren clan's brigade were holding arrows and preparing to shoot if All these arrows were fired at the same time as before, and the people I brought were indeed inescapable. No wonder the previous pack of wolves were easily wiped out.

People in the barbaric era are better at this point. For example, in a fight, if you can fight well, you will fight to the death. If you can’t fight, you have to admit defeat, and you don’t worry about whether you will lose face. You immediately throw away your weapon and admit defeat. At this time, there is no real meaning The war happened.

Rather than calling the fight at this time a war, it would be more appropriate to call it a group fight.

This is also the reason why Chu Yao can become invincible among the clans with a little training for the Suiren clan. After all, there is a difference between the regular army and the mob.

After hearing what Suiye said, the Qingyu clan chief immediately ordered the clansmen to put down the wooden planks and retreat a hundred steps back, thus being out of the attack range of Suiren's bow and arrow.

And he himself brought more than a dozen elders and leaders of the clan to the Suiren clan.

Generally speaking, although the clan leader can do all kinds of major things in the clan, everything will be done in consultation with the elders and leaders. The Qingyu clan leader knew that after coming to the Suiren clan and admitting defeat, he would have to ask Chu Yao to help design the residence. land, and the Sui people clan helped make clothes.To put it simply, the Qingyu clan still has many clans that are asking for help, so he brought important people from the clan over to show his sincerity in surrendering.

Seeing the Qingyu people retreating away, and the Qingyu patriarch leading the group towards this side, Chu Yao knew that the Qingyu people had finally surrendered.

She immediately ordered: "Qingti, Luo Jia, you two lead the girls to guard with bows and arrows. Suiwu, lead the people around to collect all the dead wolves, plus the bison, and prepare to move them back to the clan."

At this time, Suiwu and the people of all clans looked at the dozens of bison lying on the ground and the wolves shot dead by arrows all over the ground.

Everyone was amazed, especially people from other clans. While they were helping, they were admiring that the goddess would bring back a large number of prey every time she led people out.

"The people of the Suiren clan are really blessed. With the Goddess, there is nothing missing."

"The goddess must be a person of heaven's favor. As long as she goes out, she will definitely bring back a lot of prey."

"Nonsense, why else is it called a goddess."

"I went back today and ate beef again."

These foreigners who work in the Suiren clan, Chu Yao repeatedly told the people of the Suiren clan to treat them better, so they knew that if the Suiren clan hunted good things, they would definitely give them to eat, so they were in a good mood .

Chu Yao took Qingti and Luo Jia and stood in front of the Qingyu Patriarch and his party who came over.

Patriarch Qingyu noticed that the Goddess' face was very ugly.Before he took his clansmen to attack the Suiren clan and was captured, Chu Yao treated them very kindly.

Chief Qingyu understood that he had repeatedly gone back on his word, making the goddess angry.

Although barbarians don't have much sense of morality, they still understand the basic moral values ​​of being a human being. It's just that people at this time have no property and no sense of credit, so they have no binding force on capricious people.

But the Qingyu clan leader is different. He has many things to ask Chu Yao for help with.

That's why he lowered his dignity and came to Chu Yao and Sui Ye to make peace.

(End of this chapter)

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