Chapter 131
Seeing the weird expressions of the Qingyu patriarch and the clansmen, Chu Yao was secretly vigilant, and quietly winked at Qingti.

Qingti followed Chu Yao for a long time and learned a lot.Seeing Chu Yao's expression, she knew that the goddess had something to say to herself, so she pretended to be nonchalant and handed a blank piece of bamboo to Chu Yao.

Chu Yao usually teaches children to write by writing directly on the sand with a wooden stick. After writing, smooth the sand and continue to use it repeatedly.

However, it is only difficult to practice handwriting on the sandy ground. To really record things, you must have paper and pens. But this era is too backward. Even if Chu Yao has a system to help, he cannot produce paper. Chu Yao thought of a way , let Qingti and the others cut bamboo or wood into thin slices to use as paper, and then find a black stone in the mountains, which can draw black on the bamboo, and use it as a pen.

In the Suiren clan, all the young people, as well as the heads of various workshops, must follow Chu Yao to learn literacy and arithmetic.

Chu Yao took the bamboo piece and wrote on it: Be careful of the Qingyu clan's surprise attack, police.

Then return the bamboo slices to Qingti.

Qingti looked at the bamboo piece that Chu Yao handed over, and immediately understood the words on it.She also felt that the eyes of the Qingyu tribe suddenly became strange, but she never understood why, now that Chu Yao used bamboo slices to send her a message, she knew that the strangeness was here.

Qingti took the bamboo piece and read it, and didn't tell Chu Yao much, but passed the bamboo piece to the girl next to her. After reading it, she passed it on. The women of the Suiren family turned around in their hands.

These women who followed Qingti to protect Chu Yao are all outstanding members of the Suiren clan, and they all learned some characters from Chu Yao. When they saw the bamboo slices, even if they couldn't recognize all these characters, they immediately understood the meaning of Goddess. the meaning of.

She was also worried that people would misunderstand what she meant. At the beginning, Chu Yao used the word "caution" that everyone knew. Later, she originally planned to write "vigilance", but thinking that she had never taught everyone this word, she was afraid that people would misunderstand it. , so I only wrote a warning word, which she had taught everyone.

Chu Yao thought that if she did not agree to go to the residence of the Qingyu clan, the Qingyu clan leader and his party would have no choice but to resort to a surprise attack if they wanted to harm her, and because the Suiren clan had fewer people than the Qingyu clan, and Except for Suiye, all of them were women. If the Qingyu clan suddenly attacked, Qingti and the others would not have time to use bows and arrows. They were indeed no match for the Qingyu clan, so they came up with this method.

Fortunately, the Qingyu people were illiterate, seeing the girls of Suiren's family passing a piece of bamboo around, they didn't know what was written on it, so they could only stare blankly.In the words of Chu Yao's previous life, they just suffered from being uneducated.

Sure enough, after a while, everyone arrived at the river. As the boundary river between the two clans, the river was not particularly deep, maybe because it was the low season of water flow, but there was a layer of water at the bottom of the river, and then someone put a layer of water in the middle. If there are some stones, people can step on them without wading through water.But Chu Yao is fine, she sits on the donkey's back, even if there are no stones, the donkey can walk through the water, so she can't touch the water at all.

"Is the river full of water in summer?" Chu Yao asked. In her impression of the previous world, rivers usually flood in summer due to heavy rain.

"Big, in summer, people can't pass in the river." The Qingyu patriarch replied, "So our Qingyu clan's new residence must be built on a higher ground, so as not to be flooded by the river at that time."

In fact, no matter which clan, when looking for a new place to live, they must consider the problem of flooding. Humans have known this common sense since the barbaric era.

And Chu Yao remembered that from the education she received in that world, she knew that thousands of years later, a man named Dayu would appear and lead everyone in the world to control the great flood.So it is conceivable that if there are more floods at this time, it should be very scary.It's no wonder that people at this time always like to live in the mountains, so that they can at least avoid the suffering of floods.

While speaking, a group of people walked across the river bank and entered the territory of the Qingyu clan. Chu Yao looked at the surrounding terrain and asked, "Where does the Qingyu clan leader plan to build their residence?"

"I haven't made a decision yet, so I ask the goddess to help me with some ideas." The Qingyu patriarch saluted Chu Yao respectfully. Although he ordered his clansmen to find opportunities to bring Chu Yao to the Qingyu clan, it was not disrespectful to Chu Yao. , but want to get the knowledge in Chu Yao's mind far beyond this era.

"I see, this place is very good." Chu Yao pointed to a large flat land in front, "There are all kinds of trees growing here, which proves that the flood cannot reach here, otherwise these trees will be drowned by the flood. In addition, this area On the other side of the land is the mountain to the north, which can block the cold wind in winter."

When Chu Yao said this, the patriarch Qingyu immediately beamed with joy: "The goddess is really a god, and she knows that living in a place with mountains in the north can block the cold wind."

It turned out that the current residence of the Qingyu clan was built last year. It was built in summer at that time. They just thought the place was good, so they built it there at will. As a result, in winter, the north wind blows directly from the north, and the whole clan is miserable. , a large number of people froze to death in one winter.

An older member of the Qingyu tribe also said: "It would have been great if I could have met the goddess last year. I, the Qingyu tribe, wouldn't have froze to death so much."

Chu Yao thought to herself, I was still in that world last year, and I didn't travel through it, how could you meet me.

At the moment, she didn't intend to talk more with Patriarch Qingyu, so she asked: "Since that's the case, when will Patriarch Qingyu plan to move here?"

People in this era, moving is actually very easy.Because most people live in simple houses, most of which are a few tree trunks, and then add twigs and bamboo on top, and then add thatch on top, which can shelter from wind and rain, and it can be used as a home.

This is also the reason why the leader of the Qingyu clan can immediately decide on such a major matter as the relocation of the entire clan as soon as he has an idea.

"I plan to return to the clan today, and organize the relocation of the clan members tomorrow. I will live here first, and then slowly build a permanent residence." Patriarch Qingyu said, as the patriarch, he actually has a certain degree of overall management Ability, in this era, can be regarded as a relatively outstanding figure.

"That's fine, you guys move here tomorrow, and I'll come over with patriarch Suiye to help you design how to build the house and how to layout the entire clan." Chu Yao noticed that when the patriarch Qingyu was speaking, the Qingyu clan began to gradually unfold. , showing a tendency to encircle the Suiren clan.

(End of this chapter)

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