Farming in the wild, the leader's wife is hanging up again!

Chapter 123 The Dulwich of the Goddess, Even Beasts Can Influence

Chapter 123 The Dulwich of the Goddess, Even Beasts Can Influence

"How to ride?" Suiye asked in surprise.

People in this era have two ways to deal with wild animals, one is to wrestle with wild animals, and the other is to eat the meat of wild animals and wear the skins of wild animals.

Because they have never captured live beasts, they naturally don't know that animals such as horses, donkeys and cattle can also be domesticated and used as human mounts.

"Yes, let someone lead one of the wild donkeys caught a few days ago." Chu Yao said, she actually wanted to try riding a donkey a long time ago. In this era, there are no horses for the time being, so get a donkey to ride. It is also very cool, worthy of the world's top sports car.

Sui Ye had no choice but to order to the tribe: "Go and bring a donkey here."

These days, he kept pulling mills or pulling radishes down the mountain. His temperament has changed a lot compared to when he was in the wild, but he is still worried that he will hurt Chu Yao.

After a while, the donkey breeder came over personally leading a donkey, and Chu Yao jumped over when she saw a cheer.Suiye's expression changed, fearing that the donkey would hurt Chu Yao, he was about to step forward to stop her, but saw the donkey sticking out its long beak and arching Chu Yao, as if he was very familiar with Chu Yao.

It turned out that when these donkeys had just come down the mountain, Chu Yao asked Qingyun to bring someone back to cut the green hill and feed them to the donkeys.

Although these donkeys are animals, they are not bad at flexibility. The first time Chu Yao fed them green grass, they remembered it, so when they saw Chu Yao, they became very affectionate, sticking out their noses to hug Chu Yao, Seeing Chu Yao approaching, she stuck out her tongue again and licked Chu Yao's hand.

Seeing how affectionate the donkey was to Chu Yao, Sui Ye felt relieved, and joked again: "Does this wild donkey know the goddess?"

Chu Yao sternly said: "Don't underestimate wild beasts, all things have spirituality, even beasts, if people treat them well, they will know how to be grateful."

Everyone looked at the donkey's familiarity in front of Chu Yao in amazement, and listened to Chu Yao's words that they didn't understand, and their awe of Chu Yao increased.

After all, she is a goddess, she is really a person from heaven, and she knows and knows things that are unheard of by us people.

Suiyeqingti and Suiren's clansmen were a little better, because they saw a lot of Chuyao's miraculous things and listened to a lot of her great principles.

As for the Qingyu patriarch and the people of the Qingyu clan, although they had some contact with Chu Yao, after all, they were rare. Seeing that even the wild donkeys were submissive in front of the goddess, they were amazed in their hearts.

And Chu Yao didn’t mention this era, even in that era, she never rode a horse or a donkey, but often watched others ride on TV.And in that world, she always travels by car.It's just that she told Sui Ye to people in the barbaric era, they couldn't understand at all, so she never told Sui Ye about those things that were too far away.Anyway, she also understands that she can't go back to that era in this life, unless she wants to have a short life and only live for a few years.

If it comes, she will be at ease, if she can really go back to that era, she probably won't want to part with such a peerless beauty like Sui Ye, so she should stay in this world with peace of mind, quietly owning this beautiful man alone.

Seeing how affectionate the donkey was to herself, Chu Yao immediately felt relieved. She tried to lie on the donkey's back, trying to climb up, but the donkey stood quietly and motionless, but Chu Yao had thin arms and legs. The strength is so weak that I can't climb up at all.

She had no choice but to ask Suiye for help: "Patriarch, come and carry me on the donkey's back."

Suiye stood beside her early on, afraid that if the donkey went crazy and kicked Chu Yao.At this moment, when Chu Yao yelled, she hugged her immediately, like a child, and put her on the donkey's back.

Strange to say, after Chu Yao sat on the donkey's back, the donkey was still quiet. It seemed that it had no objection to Chu Yao riding it.

Whether it is from the Suiren clan or the Qingyu clan, this is the first time they have seen animals being ridden, and they are so tame, they all marveled.

The patriarch Qingyu couldn't help asking: "Goddess, will this donkey be so obedient after being tamed, that everyone can ride it?"

It was also the first time for Chu Yao to ride a donkey. Sitting on the donkey's back, she cautiously replied: "I don't know, why don't you try it with someone else?"

Sui Ye also wanted to know if anyone could ride this donkey. If so, it would be much easier to ride a donkey to distant places in the future.Immediately, he carried Chu Yao off the donkey's back again, and casually called the men in the clan and said, "Ride on and have a look."

The man saw that it was very easy for the goddess to ride on the donkey's back just now, and the donkey was also very docile, and he wanted to try it himself. Hearing Suiye's order, he stepped forward happily and wanted to climb on the donkey's back.

Unexpectedly, when the donkey saw that the tribesman was about to climb onto its back, it snorted irritably, stepped aside, jumped up its hind hoof, and kicked the tribesman.

The man in the clan couldn't dodge in time, was kicked by the donkey and rolled away.

Fortunately, the man also paid attention to it before, and at this time, people have been hunting in the wild for a long time, and their muscles and bones are very strong. It is okay to be kicked by a donkey, and they immediately get up.

Everyone laughed when they saw the man's embarrassment.

Patriarch Qingyu sighed: "It turns out that this donkey is willing to be ridden by the goddess. It seems that the virtue of the goddess can even influence wild animals."

Chu Yao secretly laughed in her heart, and did not explain that the donkey was willing to let her ride because she had fed it green grass before, and it remembered this affection.

People in this era are more superstitious. If they tell the truth about it, it will make them feel that this is the case, and their awe of themselves will no longer exist.

At that moment, Chu Yao asked Suiye to carry herself on the back of the donkey again, and said: "Now you can go to see the new residence, and look for the saponin tree." She still remembered to find the saponin tree, which is used for washing clothes thing.

So, a group of people set off, and the donkey that Chu Yao rode was led by the donkey breeder.

Although there is nothing on the back of the donkey, but this season the wild donkey has a lot of grass, so the donkey is fat and strong, and the back is full of meat, and it doesn't make people feel uncomfortable. Chu Yao feels that sitting on the back of the donkey is the same as the donkey. The leather car cushions in the last world are similar.

Although Chu Yao sat on the donkey's back very securely, Sui Ye was still worried that she would fall off, so he and Qing Ti stood on both sides to protect her.

Seeing that Suiye was so devoted to Chu Yao, Patriarch Qingyu secretly sighed in his heart.

All the people in the group have lived in the wild for a long time, and their feet are not slow, except for a slow-footed Chu Yao, who became the fastest one riding a donkey, so everyone left the place of residence very quickly.

In the past, when the Suiren clan chose their place of residence, they lived close to the mountains in order to avoid floods when they lived too low.After leaving the place of residence, Yimapingchuan is in front of you.

Chu Yao looked around and saw the endless weeds and small trees in front of her. She thought secretly, she always wanted to open up wasteland and farm, but always ran to the mountains, isn't this the best place.

(End of this chapter)

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