Chapter 114
In the past, although the people of the Suiren clan had few things to do, their efficiency was low, so everyone worked all day, but they couldn't get enough to eat.All people are like sparrows, flying around all day looking for food.

And after Chu Yao came, she taught everyone to identify many foods that people didn't know before, and also taught a lot of advanced production technology for this era. The food that everyone can get per unit time is ten times or twenty times higher than before. As you grow, you will naturally have more time.

So Chu Yao felt that it was time to teach the clan members some games and so on, so that everyone could learn to relax.

Just when this idea came to mind, a tribesman said: "It smells so good, better than anything I have eaten before."

When everyone heard the reminder from this clansman, their attention turned to the steamer that was steaming the food.

Sure enough, bursts of hot steam came out of the steamer, accompanied by a rich aroma, and hit everyone's noses.

"Goddess, this steamed dish must be delicious." Qing Ti said pleasantly.

Everyone echoed Qing Ti's words in unison.

Indeed, the aroma this time is different from the previous ones. Although the food made in the past is fragrant, it can only smell a kind of food aroma.But this time, it was the aroma of several kinds of food mixed together, which made people salivate after smelling it.

At this time, Sui Ye's voice also came from outside the door: "Madam, the food made today really smells different from usual."

Following the sound, Suiye walked in.

It turned out that Suiye led people to install bamboo to catch water according to the blueprint drawn by Chu Yao, and installed it at the restaurant, and smelled a burst of fragrance. He couldn't help it, so he came in to have a look.

Chu Yao looked at the pot, and said to everyone in the food hall, "The aroma has just come out, and the meat inside is not fully cooked yet, so it needs to be steamed for a while."

After saying that, she asked Sui Ye: "Chief, how is the bamboo pipe connection outside?"

Sui Ye replied: "I have installed it as Madam said, what should I do next?"

Chu Yao followed the crowd to the outside to have a look, and saw bamboos winding down from the mountain, like a long dragon, directly to the entrance of the restaurant.

Chu Yao said to Sui Ye: "Send someone to connect the water inlet on the side of Shiquan, so that the water can flow here."

Because the terrain on the other side of the mountain is slightly higher than the living place, she gave Suiye the blueprint, one section of the bamboo is slightly shorter than the other section, so that the water flow does not require additional pressure, and it can flow directly along the bamboo to the restaurant. come here.

The women in the restaurant didn't know that Chu Yao and Sui Ye took people up the mountain to cut bamboo, and they didn't know that Chu Yao had just left, so they designed this bamboo pipe to divert water. Looking at the bamboo frame, I thought it was amazing, but no one figured out what these bamboos are used for when they are connected like this.

After a while, a stream of water gushed out from the exit of the bamboo, and the people above connected the water source.

Only then did everyone in the restaurant understand that the project that the Goddess built up with bamboo was to supply water to the restaurant.

The crowd immediately boiled, and one after another went to the bamboo pipe, stretched out their hands to catch the clear mountain spring flowing from above, and some people simply put their mouths under the bamboo pipe to catch the water to drink.

The leader of the canteen said excitedly: "The Goddess made someone get this thing, so we don't have to go all the way to the river to wash the vegetables in the future, we can just collect the water here."

While another woman worried: "In this way, I will work faster and have more free time in the future."

Mentioning this matter again, Chu Yao said: "I have more time. Then I can teach you some games to play, so you don't have to be too bored."

She thought of some relatively simple games in that world. It would be a good choice to let everyone entertain and exercise in their spare time in this era.

However, she secretly thought that these game methods can only be taught to the clansmen. As for the goddess, she needs more time to feel sorry for my peerless beauty, Sui Ye, but she has no spare time to play games.

A group of people were chatting and laughing around the bamboo faucet stand, when suddenly a strange voice came: "Patriarch Suiye, Goddess, we have brought cotton."

Everyone followed the sound and saw a large group of people carrying and picking at the intersection where they entered the clan's residence. Their shoulders were full of cotton that hadn't been removed.

"It's the leader of the Qingyu tribe." Suiye said, remembering that he came down the mountain to welcome the cotton sent by the Qingyu tribe, and immediately went forward with Chu Yao and the others.

"Goddess, Patriarch Suiye, I haven't seen you for a long time, I've always wanted to come and see you." Patriarch Qingyu put down a large bag of cotton wool in his hand, came up to shake hands with Suiye, and hugged each other.When he arrived at Chu Yao, he also wanted to hug him, but he looked down at the dirt and dust on his body, and at Chu Yao's fair skin, and smiled embarrassedly, not ashamed to hug her.

In the barbaric era, the greatest courtesy for honored guests and friends traveling far was to hug each other.

And because people at this time have no clothes, and the things wrapped around them cannot cover the whole body, so when hugged like this, there will be a phenomenon of flesh touching flesh, which means that each other was defenseless before, which is probably Later, the origin of the idiom "meeting each other naked".

Chu Yao was embarrassed when she saw the Qingyu patriarch, and she knew that although the Suiren clan had won the Qingyu clan in the battle with the Qingyu clan, as the most populous clan in this area, the Qingyu clan's strength is still there .Having the quasi-ally of the Qingyu clan here will only bring more benefits to the development of the Suiren clan.

At that moment, she smiled calmly, and took the initiative to go forward and hug the Qingyu patriarch, performing the highest courtesy at this time.

Suiye grinned, not jealous. In the barbaric era, there was no defense between men and women in later generations, and Suiye was full of confidence in her own charm, knowing that Chu Yao was hugging Qingyu patriarch in front of her. there is nothing.

As for Chu Yao, it was because she knew that the status of women in the barbaric era was not high, and men rarely treated women on an equal footing with themselves, not to mention that the patriarch Qingyu was the leader of the clan, and the other party wanted to hug him , itself expresses the highest respect.

Moreover, even if she gave Patriarch Qingyu a small hug, what she was thinking about was still Suiye's peerless beauty and fit body.

After some chatter between the two parties, the patriarch Qingyu took out two pendants carved from white and transparent stones and handed them to Sui Ye and Chu Yao respectively: "Patriarch Sui Ye, Goddess, this kind of stone is produced in our clan. Be careful, not respect."

Suiye is a man, and he has no interest in small gadgets like pendants, but the patriarch Qingyu was kind, and he thanked him and accepted it.

(End of this chapter)

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