Chapter 102 Hunting
Seeing Qingti and all the girls approaching her, all the tension in Chu Yao's heart disappeared. She stood up and went to the edge of the pit to see the wild donkeys and tigers that fell into it.

At this time, five wild donkeys were crowded into one corner of the deep pit, trembling with millet, while the tiger was walking around inside the pit, looking for a place to come up.

The tiger didn't panic, maybe it was ferocious in nature, and it had been the king of the mountains for a long time. It didn't know what to be afraid of. Instead, it let out a roar. Looking at Chu Yao, Qingti and others on the top of the pit, it let out a low growl. And jump up.

However, the pit was formed naturally, and it was indeed too deep, and there were steep rocks all around, so the tiger didn't jump very high when it jumped.

However, the ferocity of this wild tiger still startled Chu Yao.

At this time, Sui Ye and Sui Wu also rushed over.

Everyone gathered around the deep ditch to see the wild donkeys and tigers inside, and they were very excited.

Sui Ye said: "It turns out that hunting can still be done like this. This is much easier than using people to surround us."

In the past, when he took people out to hunt, he would rely on his strength to surround the beasts. After forcing the beasts to a desperate situation, he would then surround them and stab them to death with spears.

The biggest trouble with hunting is that people can't always run away from wild animals, and it takes enough people to surround them.

Even a few hundred people would not be able to surround a grassland as big as today.

Everyone gathered around the pit, the wild donkeys inside were still crowded in one corner and trembling with fear, while the tiger in the pit seemed to disdain the people above it. After trying twice but failing to charge up, it simply gave up. climbed up.Instead, it bit and chewed the wild donkey that fell into the pit as soon as it ate it.

The wild donkey was bitten by a tiger and fell down. It was injured when it fell into a pit and was bitten to death by the tiger again.

It was also because of the dead donkey that the tiger ignored the other wild donkeys for the time being and let them stay by the pit, since the wild donkeys couldn't jump out of this place anyway.

Sui Ye took his spear and stretched it into the ditch, but it couldn't reach the tiger, but it angered the tiger who was eating.Generally, when there are people or other animals next to the carnivores that are eating, they will instinctively feel that the other party is trying to snatch their food, and they will get angry.

Seeing Suiye's outstretched spear, the tiger roared angrily, and looked at the height of the pit, as if he knew he couldn't jump into it.It looked at the crowd again, maybe it was not used to so many people looking at it, it bit the dead donkey on the ground, and tried to find a gentler slope to climb up the pit.

But this deep pit is surrounded by steep walls, and a tiger cannot climb it alone, let alone dragging a donkey.

"What about this tiger? Ma'am." Suiye asked, Chu Yao said that he came to catch a live wild donkey, but unexpectedly, the tiger turned around and fell into the pit. He thought he would also catch the live tiger back.

Chu Yao thought for a moment, there is no animal protection law in this era, and the number of wild animals in the mountains is much greater than the number of people.

"Qingti, shoot it to death with an arrow, otherwise there is no way to go down and catch the wild donkey." Chu Yao said.

A tiger weighs several hundred catties, and the tiger's fur is also of the highest quality. Even though she was out to hunt wild donkeys, she didn't mind being able to hunt a tiger home by the way.

For Chu Yao's safety, Qingti never put down the bow in her hand, and the arrow was always on the bow, but she didn't pull it open.

Hearing what Chu Yao said, she immediately drew her bow fully, and shot out a "swish" arrow, which hit the tiger's forehead.

The tiger was hit by an arrow, screamed wildly, jumped several meters high, then fell into the pit and stopped moving.The wild donkeys nearby were so frightened that they did not dare to move.

After waiting for a while, Suiye saw that the tiger had indeed stopped moving, so he asked someone to put himself and a few others down with a rope.

Several people tied the dead tiger and donkey with ropes first, and the people on the ground pulled them down.Then go to catch live donkeys.

Unexpectedly, without the threat of tigers, these donkeys became bolder and kicked around in the pit. Although they would not run away for a while, they were not easy to catch.

"Patriarch, use this knot to tie the donkey's head. Put the donkey's hooves on the slipknot, and you can catch them." Chu Yao said, throwing down a few knotted ropes.

Last night she said she was going to prepare tools for catching wild donkeys, which were these relatively thick ropes.

Originally, she planned to use the net to catch wild donkeys, but when she discussed it with Sui Ye, she thought it was not easy.Later, Chu Yao proposed the method of using a noose to tie a donkey's head. She had seen people use a noose to tie wild horses in the previous world.Sui Ye felt that this method was feasible, but neither he nor the clansmen had any experience in this field, so they planned to learn slowly after arriving at the scene.

The two of them were even prepared to come back empty-handed for the first time. After all, they had never caught a live donkey before. They didn't expect that after coming here, there was a natural deep ditch that could be used as a trap.

Because Chu Yao and Sui Ye had explained in detail the scene she saw yesterday of how to rope a horse's head, Sui Ye was mentally prepared. He immediately took the rope and threw it at the head of a wild donkey, hitting the wild donkey in the middle. neck.

Sui Ye was originally strong, but after tying the wild donkey's head, the wild donkey had nowhere to escape, so Sui Ye pulled him back, and Sui Ye asked the people who came down to tie the wild donkey's four hooves together with a rope.

After getting rid of the first wild donkey, the following ones were easy to handle, so Ye followed the method of the previous one to trap them and then tied up their four hooves. After a while, all five wild donkeys were tied up with four hooves. fell into the pit.

In order not to hurt these wild donkeys, Chu Yao didn't let someone directly pull them up with a rope.She took out the larger net bag she had prepared last night, spread thick grass inside, and put it down.

The people below put the tied wild donkeys in net bags lined with grass, and then let the people above pull them up with ropes, which can prevent the wild donkeys from colliding with the stones on the pit wall and being injured.

Soon, several donkeys were pulled up, and several people in Suiye also climbed up along the rope. The group of people looked at the dead tiger and several tied donkeys on the ground, and they were very happy.

"The goddess is the lucky star of our clan. Every time we go out with the goddess, we will definitely gain a lot." Suiwu said, and everyone agreed with this sentence.

"Carry your things home first, don't say these words." Chu Yao ordered while feeling secretly proud in her heart. She went back to see if these donkeys could work.

According to the knowledge she acquired in her previous life, it seems that it takes a long time to train a donkey to pull a mill, but she has no experience in training animals before, and no one in the Suiren clan would know how to do this, so she had to do it herself.

There are five live donkeys, one dead donkey, and one dead tiger. It doesn’t look like much, but each one weighs hundreds of kilograms, and it takes several people to lift one.

Fortunately, they brought enough ropes, so they tied up the donkeys again in a hurry, and the group walked back on the way.

(End of this chapter)

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