Chapter 186

Where should I find such a large place?
"Let's search for it separately. It may take more than half a year to search such a large place bit by bit!" Ouyang Zixuan suggested that the Nascent Soul Stage is not yet able to fly in the sky, and you have to rely on yourself to find what Bai Yun said. Find it a little bit.

"Separate? Alright. Let's go in three directions, two on each side, whoever is lucky enough to find the treasure will get it!" Mo Xuan suggested.

"No need!" Tian Qing said, "Go there!"

Tian Qing pointed to a towering mountain in the middle.

"How do you know? Don't lead us astray!"

"There is a very strong atmosphere of the formation inside, and it is very dangerous. Those who dare not go can stay here!" Yi Yi kindly reminded.

"Why don't you go, maybe it's even more dangerous here!"


"Am... am I dead?" Xiao Yu felt a huge pain in her head, and her whole body had no strength.

When I opened my eyes, the strong sunlight made my eyes hurt.

"Where is this? I...I'm still alive!" Xiao Yu's eyes adjusted to the light, and she found herself lying in a strange place.

"Are you awake?" A strange beautiful girl walked in. "Master, she is awake!"

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

"My name is Ren Ying. Master asked me to take care of you. Now that you are awake, I will wait and tell Master!"

"I didn't expect Master to really bring you back to life, so hurry up and try some activities to see if you can still use your hands and feet!"

Hearing Ren Ying's words, Xiao Yu struggled to get up, and leaned against the wall to straighten her body.

"This..." Xiao Yu raised her hands in front of her, only to see that Xiao Yu's body and hands were all covered with bandages.

"Well, it looks good, I wrapped this up for you!" Ren Ying said triumphantly, "I didn't expect that your whole body was pierced, and Master could still save you..."

Xiao Yu didn't understand most of what Ren Ying said, but it seemed that Ren Ying's master saved her.

"I remember... I was killed by Mu Linger... I survived!" Xiaoyu tried hard to think about how she was injured, "Wan Muzong! Mu Linger! My brother was killed by her, I have to go back Tell the lord..."

Xiaoyu tried to get off the ground, but her legs weakened and she fell directly to the ground.

"Hey, hey, don't move around, the wound will open!" Ren Ying hugged Xiao Yu back to the bed, "What can be more important than your life, I will help you when you recover from your injury!"


"Stop it, listen to me!" Ren Ying imitated Ling Yun's tone and ordered Xiao Yu, "I guess it will take three to five days for you to recover. During this time, I will take care of you until you recover!"

"take care of me?"


Ren Ying sat beside Xiao Yu's bed, "Does it still hurt here?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"What about here?"

"Ouch~ hiss~ it hurts..."

"Well, it's good, let me see how the wound is healing..." Ren Ying stretched out her malicious hands to Xiaoyu...


"Ling Yun, do we really want to go to the Wanmu Sect?" Shan Mie followed Ling Yun, and now the two of them were not far from the Wanmu Sect.

"Master Shan, why do you look so reluctant? Are you afraid of Mu Ling'er?" Ling Yun showed a sly smile. It seems that there is a story between Shan Mie and Mu Ling'er.

"That's not true, it's just that the distance between the two sects is very close, so there will inevitably be some friction!" Shan Mie explained in a panic, but Ling Yun couldn't tell that Shan Mie had something wrong in his heart.

" don't like Mu Linger, do you?"

"No, how is it possible, I'm her elder brother!" Shan Mie said hastily, for fear that Ling Yun might misunderstand.

"He's your sister? How is it possible, you guys..." Ling Yun looked at Shan Mie. Shan Mie had a hulking back and a lush black beard. Er's stunning appearance is very different.

"She and I are indeed brothers and sisters, just half-brothers and sisters!"

"Wow, there must be a stinky and long gossip in the middle, it's okay, tell me, I'm listening!" Mentioning the gossip about Shan Mie's family, Ling Yun immediately became interested, maybe he can laugh at the wood spirit at that time Son, who made her almost kill herself.

"I forgot how many years ago, the master of the Wanmu Sect and I, the master of the Duanshan Sect, were close friends, but..."


"Shan Qingshui, I'm here again!"

"Oh, Mulin, why are you suddenly free to come to my place? Don't you need to worry about Wanmu Zong's affairs?"

A man in a green robe flew down from the sky, with a handsome face and a personable demeanor, and came to a pavilion in the Broken Mountain Sect.Sitting in the pavilion was a man in a gray short coat.

These two are the current suzerains of Wanmu Sect and Duanshan Sect.

"Do you still remember what I told you last time?" Mu Lin asked.

"Remember, you said that you felt a wave of spiritual energy, and there is a possibility that there is a secret place nearby?" Shan Qingshui poured Mu Lin a cup of tea and motioned him to sit down and talk.

"Yes!" Mulin sat down unceremoniously, holding the teacup and took a sip. "I felt it again last night, and this time I felt a stronger spiritual energy. I guess there may be someone with high-grade or even top-grade spiritual energy. Mysterious Realm!"

"The best spiritual vein?" Shan Qingshui asked. "If there is really the best spiritual vein, then our two sects may be able to cultivate a powerful super sect, and by then it may be able to surpass the five major sects now!"

"Yes! But last night I went to look for the place with the feeling, but I still didn't find it!"

"By the way, the last time was also at night. I felt a little bit of hard work, and you actually kicked the door in. My stone door weighs several hundred kilograms!"

"Hahaha, don't mention the past, am I excited, I can't control my strength for a while, haha..." Mu Lin rubbed his head and laughed dryly.

"That's why I won't tell you where I retreated. If you want to find me, just let someone pass it on slowly!" Shan Qingshui said with a smile, without any intention of blaming Mu Lin.


"I went with you that night, but I didn't find anything, and then you dragged me to drink! After drinking all night, do you know how your sister-in-law scolded me when I went back the next day!"

"Haha, it's a small matter, my sister-in-law is really strict with you... Oh, by the way, my sister-in-law's due date is not far away, maybe when, I'll take your siblings to a wedding banquet!" Mu Lin laughed.

"It's coming soon, it should be within this month!"

"Then I'll congratulate the eldest brother on the success of the young master!" Mu Lin clasped his hands.

"Haha, I will definitely notify my brother in advance when the time comes!" Shan Qingshui smiled happily, in Shan Qingshui's hand it seemed to be wine, Shan Qingshui gulped it down happily.

"However, the monster forest is not very stable recently. It seems that some big monsters are deliberately looking for the weakness of the isolation formation. I think..."

(End of this chapter)

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