Chapter 170 Rescue Ren Ying

"Are you kidding me? Apart from the bones and muscles on his body, where does he put the keys?"

"I have a ring on my hand!" Shan Mie shouted, seeing Ye Bing dying in front of his eyes, he had completely believed in Ling Yun at this moment.

"Really!" Yi Yi found a white bone ring between the knuckles of Ye Chuan's two fingers, and it was barely noticeable that it was a storage ring even on his hand.

"Well, I'll look for it..." Ling Yun opened the storage ring, "I'll go!"

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I found the key you mentioned!" Ling Yun took out a black black iron key, and helped Shan Mie unlock the iron chain shackles on his hands, feet and back.

"Thank you!" After being released, Shan Mie immediately sat down cross-legged to meditate and perform exercises to recover his true energy.

"How long will it take you to get back to your peak form?"

"The spiritual energy in my body has been drained, and my cultivation has dropped to the peak of god transformation. It will take at least three days to fully recover to the fifth level of integration, but I am ready to seek revenge on Shan Ye after recovering a little!"

"Wait, what are you talking about, you are at the fifth level of body fusion?" Ling Yun asked in surprise, he remembered that Mu Ling'er, the master of Wanmu sect, was also at the fourth level of body fusion, and Shan Ye was at the second level of body integration.

"That's right!" Shan Mie nodded, "I can't wait to kill that white-eyed wolf!" Shan Mie's eyes were full of anger.

"That's right, come on, I still have to find someone, so I'll see you later!" Ling Yun grabbed Ye Chuan's body, then turned and left the cell, and followed his breath to find Ren Ying.


Ling Yun opened his storage ring, and there lay Ye Chuan's ugly corpse, a lot of Lingshi Xuanbing, and some human skins were thrown away by Ling Yun in disgust.

Coming to the corridor outside again, no one in the cells on both sides dared to make a sound.

"Why are you locked up here?" Ling Yun asked loudly.

"'re not a skinner?"


"Then he..."

"already dead!"

"Dead!" All the people who were locked up suddenly became excited, stood up and clawed at the iron bars of the cage.

"Help me, I am willing to follow you forever after I go out!"

"Me too, I am willing to be your slave..."

"I can give you a lot of spirit stones..."


Everyone begged Ling Yun to let him go out.

"Why are you locked up here?" Ling Yun asked, there are estimated to be hundreds of people here, what is Duanshanzong doing to arrest these people.

"I am the envoy of Yinxuan Kingdom..."

"I am a disciple of the Broken Mountain Sect..."

"I am a disciple of Wanmu Sect..."

"I am the elder of the Broken Mountain Sect..."

"I am the messenger of Mocheng..."

Seeing several people reporting themselves to their families one after another, Ling Yun was taken aback.

There are not only disciples of Wanmu Sect and Duanshan Sect, but also elders of Duanshan Sect, envoys from Yinxuan Kingdom and other cities.

"Why are you locked up here?"

"do not know……"

Ling Yun didn't ask why, they were basically attacked and kidnapped here.After being tortured on weekdays, many companions have become the rations of the monsters here.

"If it was just eating people, I shouldn't have caught you so coincidentally. Maybe Shanye is doing something big!" Ling Yun guessed.

"I'll let you out first!" Yi Yi grabbed a key and opened the cell door for one of them.

The prisoners here only had their hands and feet chained, and their bodies were not pierced, so they still had some strength and vitality.

"You rescued them all, I still have something to do, excuse me!" After speaking, Ling Yun ignored their gratitude and walked to the end of the dark corridor.

There was the staircase leading downstairs. As Ling Yun walked down, he estimated that this should be the second floor of the stone dungeon.

"It's on this floor!" Ling Yun felt that Ren Ying's breath was obviously approaching.

"There are a lot more guards on this floor!" In the dark dungeon, there were two guards at every entrance and exit, and a ten-man patrol would pass by from time to time.

Such a loud movement upstairs did not disturb the people below. It seems that the sound insulation effect of this cell is really good.

"They are all foundation-building elixirs, so I won't be polite!" Ling Yun raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Star picker!"


Before a guard could react, he was sucked by Ling Yun.The people around quickly became vigilant, and found that only Ling Yun was standing there, holding a golden core in his hand to guard.

"I'm really hungry!" Ling Yun looked at the captured guard and bit him on the neck.

I saw that the blood in the guard's body was sucked dry within ten breaths, and his body gradually shriveled in a form visible to the naked eye, until he became a few inches small.

"Demon... Demon Race!"

"No, I am not!"

Ling Yun used the Shadowless Step to come to another person, bit his shoulder, and greedily sucked his blood.

"Ah... help me..."

This time the man wasn't sucked dry, but just stayed where he was, tears starting to turn bloody.

"Let me try to raise a zombie!"

Ling Yun let go of his mouth, licking two bloody long teeth.Ling Yun sucked up half of his blood, and then sent back half of the blood together with the corpse poison, so that he could be poisoned with the corpse poison and cultivated into the next generation of zombies.

"Roar~" The zombie spit out a cloud of Yin Qi, and opened his mouth, revealing two black fangs, looking at his companion fiercely.

"Hey, what's wrong with you... ah!"

The zombie slowly walked towards his original companion, and suddenly jumped on it, grabbed one of them by the neck and began to bite.

Unconscious zombies cannot control corpse poison. If they are bitten by the second-generation zombies, they all become unconscious ordinary zombies. Apart from sucking blood and obeying the orders of the previous generation, they can't even use kung fu weapons.

Seeing the bitten person suddenly and frantically biting others, all the guards were frightened and fled in all directions.

"I can't be idle either!" There are so many people here, and the blood of all of them can help Ling Yun improve his cultivation. Ling Yun grabbed another patrolman and sucked him dry.

"Where is Lord Ye Zhi? Without Lord Ye Zhi, we can't deal with him at all!"

"Master Ye Bing has also gone upstairs, and I am afraid that something unexpected has happened by now!"

"Then I can only invite the suzerain!"

There are people who stay rational in the panic.They couldn't find Ye Wei, the warden of the prison, so they sent people directly to look for Shan Ye.


After a while, the guards and patrols died, and those who turned into zombies became zombies.The zombies lost their target for a while, and they all stopped in place, waiting for Ling Yun's instructions.

Ling Yun didn't care about them, and directly pushed open a door, which was the place where Ren Ying's breath was the strongest.

"Ren Ying?"


I saw that Ren Ying's hands and feet were tied and fell in the air. Ren Ying kept trying to cut off the rope on her hands with her nails.Ren Ying was extremely surprised when she saw Ling Yun coming in.

Ren Ying had heard the commotion outside, but she was afraid that Ye Bing would come back, so she didn't dare to say anything, she didn't expect that it was Ling Yun who came to save her.

(End of this chapter)

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