Chapter 150 Compensation
"do you understand?"

"Yeah!" Ren Ying nodded lightly, and then continued to cry, "Master, what's wrong with you, why did you just leave me like this, and you said you would take me to Wudazong to eat delicious food, so just leave like this Already..."

Ling Yun: "When did I say that!"



Mu Ling'er naturally heard the movement outside and flew out of the hall.

"It's you?"

"It is you!"

When the two met, they "hit it off like old friends".

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Surprised, Ren Ying continued to squeeze tears, "big sister, why did you kill my master, we were just invited to sit, why..."

Ling Yun lay watching on the edge, admiring Ren Ying's acting skills.Funny and naughty, Ren Ying is professional.

"Here... let's carry him to the main hall first!"

Mu Ling'er turned around and went back, thinking about how to compensate her.


"Master, let me tell you, I went around their sect's treasure house just now, guess what I stole?" Ren Ying whispered.

"What did you go for?"

"Go and steal their treasure house!"

"No way, your aura will definitely be left in the treasury, what if they find out!"

"No way, at least the old man who went in to find your coffin won't recognize it!" Ren Ying said confidently.

"That's okay, but you have to be careful, Sect Leader in the Fusion Stage. If she finds out, we won't be able to live with it..." How does Ling Yun, who is in the early stages of becoming a god, know whether he will have any special magical powers in the Fusion Stage...


In the head hall, Mu Linger sat on the main seat above, and there were only two elders standing on the two sides below, the others probably didn't know about it yet.The Great Elder Mo Xiu is still choosing a coffin and hasn't come yet.

"What's your name?" Mu Linger asked Ren Ying.

"Ren Ying, he is my master Ling Yun. We traveled all the way from the Qing capital to save the two senior brothers and sisters of the noble clan. As a result... as a result..." Ren Ying sobbed, "I didn't expect this But it killed my master..."

Mu Linger was silent, watching Ren Ying kneeling next to Ling Yun's "corpse", holding Ling Yun's hand, crying and looking at Ling Yun, very sad.

"Do you know the ins and outs of this matter?"

"I don't know. I hope you can help me find the murderer, give her the punishment she deserves, and give my master justice!" Ren Ying looked at Mu Ling'er with burning eyes. Mu Ling'er was stared at unnaturally.

"Then let me tell you the whole story first!"

"Okay!" Ren Ying was also very curious, she wandered around all morning, how did Master make such a big noise, and came up with such an interesting idea.

"After today's meeting, I went to the bathhouse to take a bath as a habit. I saw a pool polluted by people, so I cleaned it up..."

Later, Ling Yun learned that Wanmu Sect mainly practiced wood attribute spells, and the relationship between wood attributes and water attributes complemented each other, so Wanmu Sect had an unwritten tradition: Wanmu Sect was very popular with hot spring baths.

The largest hot springs in Wanmu Sect are not far from the two sides of the main hall. Men from east to west and women from west to east, disciples will go to the bathhouse to relax after a tiring day of practice, and so does the suzerain master.So today Ling Yun, an outsider who doesn't understand the rules, strayed into the women's bathhouse, not only saw all three female disciples, but also saw Mu Linger...

"At first I thought he was some kind of transformed monster, so I shot a bit harder, but he survived intact. In the subsequent battle, I accidentally stabbed him, causing him to attack the heart with poisonous fire, and died tragically on my shoulders. Under the sword!" Mu Linger told Ren Ying the whole thing.

Mu Ling'er has a good heart. After confirming that Ling Yun is a human being, he has tried his best to save Ling Yun.

"It turns out that the master was accidentally killed because he was looking for me. It's my fault. I'm also responsible..." Ren Ying said. Suddenly she felt Ling Yun grabbing her palms twice. This was the secret code the two of them had quietly agreed on before. Ren Ying closed her eyes. Mouth.

Mu Linger shook her head, "In the final analysis, I am the direct murderer who caused your master's death, so I am going to make up for my guilt on you..."

"How embarrassing..." Ren Ying thought that she had just emptied most of her treasury, but Ling Yun grabbed her palm twice again.

"What else in this world can make up for my master's life..." Ren Ying immediately changed her words, Ling Yun nodded in satisfaction, this is what a qualified apprentice should say.

"What do you want, just ask, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you!"

"Is this true?"

"Seriously, even if you want me to accept you as a personal disciple now, I will agree without hesitation!" Mu Linger thought to herself, Ren Ying would definitely do this, after all, following a kid in the early stage of transformation, how could it be better? With a suzerain who is about to become a first-class sect, the gap between the two is self-evident.

"I don't need to be a teacher. I just hope that the suzerain can give me some spirit stones, prepare a secondary coffin, and send me and my master's dead leaves back to the roots!" Ren Ying said, what is in Wanmuzong's treasure house, she is very clear , now only the things in the suzerain and elder rings are missing.

"That's it..." Mu Linger thought for a while, but she didn't expect that Ren Ying would reject her invitation to accept her as an apprentice. I have already asked someone to prepare it, and it should be delivered soon!"

A familiar-looking man ran in from outside, and after a closer look, it was Mo Hao.

"Sect Master!" Mo Hao panted heavily.

"what's up?"

"That..." Mo Hao looked around, there were quite a few at the door.

"Come and talk!"

"Yes!" Mo Hao walked over and whispered a few words beside Mu Linger, only to see Mu Linger's brows gradually wrinkled.

"Let's go down first!" The sect's treasury was stolen. If other disciples find out, then Wan Muzong's face will be lost. Mu Linger will investigate this matter later, and the most urgent task is to solve the matter of Ling Yun and Ren Ying .

"This is [-] top-grade spirit stones, plus a middle-grade earth-grade heart armor and a top-grade earth-grade sword. Take it as my apology to you."

"Sect Master!" Mo Xiu walked in.

"Hmm! Are you ready?"

"Okay!" Mo Xiu took out a red coffin from the storage ring. It turned out to be a coffin made of Millennium Dragon Sandalwood.

Dragon sandalwood is a rare elixir tree. If it is used to store elixir, not only will it not leak the aura of the elixir, but it will also enhance the aura of the elixir and store treasures.

A small piece of dragon sandalwood in Qingdu City can nourish the soul, gather aura, and promote cultivation. This whole coffin made of dragon sandalwood is itself a treasure. Isn't it the place to store Ling Yun's body? It can last for thousands of years.

This is a great gift...

(End of this chapter)

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