Chapter 145 Mu Linger

"Relationship family?" It's a very unfamiliar word, but Mo Hao roughly understood it. "It's about the same. After all, in this world, a better family is much better than an ordinary family..."

As Ling Yun walked on the road, he felt that the wood-attribute spiritual energy here was particularly abundant.It's a pity that Ling Yun can't absorb it now. Even if he absorbs it, it will turn into black yin energy.


"Selling one Shuimang Demon Pill, fifty spirit stones or wood attribute demon pill in exchange, first come first served!"

"Broken Xuanbing flying knife, ten spirit stones!"

"For a book of yellow-level exercises, fifty spirit stones will be taken away!"


There was the sound of his disciples hawking on the road. If he hadn't heard the extraordinary things they were selling, Ling Yun would have thought he was in a vegetable market on Earth.

"Wow, what kind of exercise do you have, you want to sell a hundred spirit stones?"

"That's right, I don't even have a name, and I can't tell the grade!"

"You are here to cheat money, the spirit grass you sold to me last time, when I took it home, I found that it was just an ordinary grass on the side of the road, and the spirit energy on it must have been created by you to deceive me !"

I saw a few disciples surrounding a stall.The owner of the stall looked sixteen or seventeen years old, and his cultivation was only at the stage of Qi training, so he should be just an outer disciple.

"What's wrong?" Mo Hao walked over, and they all made way for Mo Hao.

"Senior brother!" A male disciple raised his hand and said, "He is selling a book of exercises here, and he actually wants a hundred spiritual stones. It's an exorbitant price!"

"Nonsense, I risked my life to steal this exercise from two monsters in a burrow, why can't I sell it at this price?" the young disciple who set up the stall said angrily, "I didn't force you to You buy it, don't pull it down, don't delay others from buying it!"

"Hmph, you just want to cheat money!" The disciple said and grabbed him by the collar.

"Hey, junior brother, don't be impulsive. It's a big deal and you just don't buy it!" Mo Hao stopped him in the middle.

"Brother, you don't know. Last time, this kid picked up a grass somewhere. I saw that it was full of wood spirit energy, so I bought it home and prepared to absorb it. Unexpectedly, the wood spirit energy disappeared halfway, and it was just a common grass." Ordinary roadside grass, that’s all I have to pay for thirty spirit stones!” said the troublemaker disciple, looking at the stall disciple with an angry look.

"Is there really such a thing?"


"Nonsense, you obviously used my spiritual grass yourself, and then you randomly pulled out a piece of grass on the roadside and came to me to refund the money. If I don't give it to you, you will bring someone to beat me..."

Ling Yun noticed that there was indeed a bruise on his arm.

"Okay, stop arguing, can you lend me this exercise book?" Ling Yun stood up and asked the disciple who set up a stall.

"What? Do you want to buy it?" The stall disciple squinted at Ling Yun.

"You have to let me see it first before you decide whether to buy it or not. You can't just let me buy it. You don't even know if what you bought is worth the price?" Ling Yun asked back with a smile.

"Who are you?" asked the disciple who bought the spirit grass.

"He is my distinguished guest!" Mo Hao interrupted.

"Disrespect, disrespect!"

"That's fine, but you can only read the first two pages!" The young disciple carefully took out a dilapidated black exercise book from his pocket, "Don't break it, and don't let others see it!"

"Why are you so mysterious?" Ling Yun took over the exercise. There should have been words on the cover, but after a long time, the words on it must have been worn off by something.

Ling Yun turned to the first page, only to see a few big black characters: "If you don't live, you will be reborn." After that, there is the art of operation.

"Isn't this a serious exercise? No wonder you have to cover it up!" Ling Yun tried to practice according to the luck formula in it.

"Huh? What is this?" Running the exercises, he felt that the Yin Qi in the world was gathering towards him, and the dead Qi from dead trees and dead animals all entered his Dantian.And it is far faster than absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. This is a quick cult of non-demonic skills.

This exercise is suitable for my current zombie body.

"Yes, how much? I want it!"

"You want it?" Everyone cast curious eyes.

"I... I've priced one hundred low-grade spiritual stones. As long as you can afford it, you can take it!" Looking at Mo Hao at the side, the man setting up the stall asked for the price with some unconfidence.

"One hundred, here it is!" Ling Yun counted out ten middle-grade spirit stones from the storage ring.

One middle-grade spiritual stone is equal to ten low-grade spiritual stones, and ten is exactly one hundred low-grade spiritual stones.

"Okay, the skill is yours!" After receiving the spirit stone, the young man decisively closed the stall.

"Senior, is this skill really worth the price?" Mo Hao asked, a hundred spirit stones is not a small amount, it is enough to buy several bottles of pills.

"For you, it cannot be cultivated at all, so it is worthless! Because it is not for living people to cultivate!"

"Then why did senior still..."

"Take it for research and collection!" Ling Yun gave an ambiguous reason, and Mo Hao didn't ask any further.

Ling Yun is now a zombie, and he can be regarded as a dead person. It is reasonable to say that after being infected with corpse poison, people will become unconscious zombies who only know how to suck human blood, but he accidentally retained consciousness. Ling Yun thinks that this may be related to Since I am Yi Yi's avatar, the corpse poison may not be able to invade the consciousness of the main body in my body.

"Boom~dong~dong~" three bells rang and echoed in Wanmuzong.

"This is the suzerain calling for inner disciples, let's go and have a look!" Mo Hao said, leading Ling Yun to the square outside the master reception hall.


"What sound?" Ren Ying lay comfortably in the warm water, not wanting to move.

"It's still soaking, put on your clothes and leave, this is the master calling for disciples!" A female disciple next to her hurriedly put on her clothes, her white streaks blinding people's eyes.

"Oh, you guys go, I'll wait..." Ren Ying has already brought herself into the role of disciple of Wanmu Sect.

Someone nearby gave Ren Ying a set of clothes. Although it was not a student uniform, the color was also turquoise.

After a while, all the people in the bathhouse left, and Ren Ying suddenly lost the fun.

"By the way! Now that everyone has gone to the square, isn't there no one else?" A disgraceful idea appeared in Ren Ying's mind.

"Just do it! Let's go!" Ren Ying stood up, dried her hair, and picked up the clothes beside her.

It was a green floral dress with a few pink flowers embroidered on it, and the dress had a faint fragrance.


Ling Yun and Mo Hao came to the square, there were already hundreds of people gathered around the square.Noisyly, I don't know what they are discussing.

"Let's stop forward!" Mo Hao led Ling Yun to the front row, very close to the main hall.Ling Yun stood back a little, standing behind the two taller disciples, he didn't like standing in places that were too conspicuous.

Mo Hao looked at the main hall, but didn't notice that Ling Yun had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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