Chapter 139 The Villagers
"What do you want to do?" Yi Yi saw Gu Long's little move, "You don't want to eat people, do you?"

"Isn't it possible?" Gu Long turned his head and asked, "Aren't all monsters cannibals?"


"You don't care about me! Why?"

"The massacre you're causing now will only mess up His Majesty's plan. Do you want to be blamed by the Mozun?" Yi Yi had no choice but to use Lin Yi to suppress her.

"Okay." Gu Long pouted, "Just eat one..."

"Not even one, if I find out that you cannibalize, I'll run back overnight and complain to Mozun!"

"Still complaining! How grown-up..." Gu Long turned her head away, ignoring Yi Yi.

The two walked out of the woods. In front of them were a few acres of farmland full of crops. There were scarecrows wrapped in cloth strips inserted in each field, which looked like someone standing in the farmland from a distance.

"Walk along the ridges when passing by, don't trample on other people's crops!" Yiyi said to Gulong.


The two walked through the farmland, and some villagers on the side of the road noticed the two.

"Hey, where did you two come from!" shouted a middle-aged man with a bent back, which seemed to be caused by long-term labor in the fields.

"We got lost in the forest. We saw a village, so we came here to ask for directions. It was getting late and we wanted to stay overnight!" Yi Yi replied, suddenly remembering that when he first came to this world, he landed in Qingdu City for the first time. A village far away.

"Oh... then come over here!"

The two walked through the farmland. Yiyi noticed that the crops in the farmland were luxuriant, but there were also a lot of weeds.

Outsiders came to the village, and villagers of all ages, men, women, and children all came to join in the fun.But everyone seemed not very happy when a stranger came to the village, but very vigilant.

"There are very few outsiders in the village, and everyone is a little scared. Where are you going?" An old man came out, and everyone gave way to him. It seemed that his seniority was not low.

"you are?"

"Ah, I am the mayor of this village, just call me Lao Nie!"

"Oh, Village Chief Nie, the two of us lost our way in the forest, and we finally found this place. It's getting late, can you let us stay here for a night?" She is willing, but Yiyi explained to her that there is a curfew in the city at night, so Gulong is willing to give up.


"Can't you?"

"All right, all of you, come with me!" The village head asked everyone to give way, and the village head walked in front.

Passing by the farmer who called to stop the two of them just now, Yiyi paid attention to his hand.

After being glanced at by Yi, the man inadvertently turned his hand away.

Yiyi greeted with a smile, and walked over to Gulong.

"If you want to spend the night, you can sleep here, and if you want something to eat, just ask us for it. We have no shortage of food here!" The village chief is surprisingly generous, which is much better than that old woman Yi Yiyi met at the beginning.

"Oh, what's there?"

"There is wine, rice, and meat. I'll get them for you!" The village head ordered a young man next to him to get them, and then he went out and closed the door gently.

"I didn't expect you humans to be so generous, but we just ate, why do we need someone else to take it?" Gu Long asked after the person left. She was lying on a grass bed beside her, and sat up when she felt that the bed was too hard.

"I think there's something wrong with the people in this village!" Yi Yi expressed his curiosity.


"When we came to the village, almost everyone came to look at us. Their eyes were wary, and...a bit lusty!" Yiyi could feel their emotions. When all the villagers looked at the two of them just now, they were filled with excitement. A hint of desire and greed emerged.

"What do you mean?"

"What's more, when I saw the hunchbacked man just now, I noticed that his hands were tender and white. He didn't look like a farmer or hunter who worked all year round."

"You mean, there is a problem with the villagers? And the whole village?" Gu Long said disdainfully, "So what, in my opinion, it's just an ant that was crushed to death!"


"Guest, the food has been delivered, please use it slowly!" The young man next to the village head brought over the food, including rice, meat and a jug of wine.

"Thank you!" After speaking, the young man opened the door and went out. Before leaving, he couldn't help casting a glance at the two of them outside the door.

"Interesting!" After the confirmation person walked away, Yi Yi stood up and came to the table, picking up the meat on the plate with chopsticks.

"What kind of meat is this?" Yi Yi was about to pick up a piece and put it in his mouth.

"Human flesh!" Gu Long's voice came suddenly from behind.I have strange fire, and I am not afraid of being poisonous.

"Human flesh?" Yi Yi hurriedly put down his chopsticks in fright. "No wonder I, as a top chef, can't recognize what kind of food it is. It turns out to be human flesh..."

"I didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, human beings would start eating their own companions!" Gu Long laughed, her pretty face full of sarcasm.

"Impossible! Although humans often fight among themselves, they can't do cannibalism! So, it's only the villagers who have problems!" Yi Yi didn't expect that he would encounter some troubles when he returned to the human world.

"Let's wait tonight, they will definitely do something!" After saying that, Yiyi lay on the bed.

"Get down!" Gu Long looked at Yi Yi with a cold face.

"Huh?" Yi Yi was lying on the other side of the straw bed at this moment. "There is only one bed here. We don't need to take off our clothes, so we can just sleep for one night..."

"Get lost!" Gu Long kicked Yi Yi to the ground.


Yi Yi and Gu Long didn't touch any of the food and drink, they found an opportunity to put away the plate and the wine and food in the jug, and returned the plate to the young man.

The lights were turned off in the middle of the night, Gu Long slept soundly on the bed, while Yi Yi could only lie down on the square table next to him and take a nap.But Yi has been paying attention to the outside situation all the time, he is not as big-hearted as Gu Long.

At night, it started to rain lightly outside.The raindrops hit the thatched hut, making a "soosoosuo" sound.

"Here we come!" Yi Yi shouted in his heart.

Yi Yi was afraid that others would notice his spiritual knowledge, so he didn't dare to release his spiritual knowledge, but Yi Yi was always vigilant, and his ears were always paying attention to any unusual sounds that might be outside.

Finally, in the middle of the night, Yiyi heard the sound of water splashing outside.

"Squeak~" The wooden door was pushed open softly, and two people walked in.Yi Yi, who was lying on the table, was motionless, waiting for the next move of the two of them.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the faces of the two of them.It was the young man from the village head's family and the hunchbacked villager he met at first.It's just that at this moment, not only is the hunchbacked villager not hunchbacked, but he is also holding a mercury-colored machete in his hand.

The young man from the village head's family pushed Yi Yi, and Yi Yi's body swayed, but he didn't seem to wake up.

"Little Ma, you put too much air powder! How can we eat him now?" the hunchbacked man complained.

"It's a big deal to wait until the effect of the medicine wears off before taking it, and tie him up first!"

(End of this chapter)

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