Chapter 129 Black Chain
The two slid down the dirt slope, and after a few breaths, the two fell into an open space.

"Master, how do you know there is an exit here?"

"Guess!" Yiyi noticed that the concave stone seemed to be able to move when he was picking up the dragon egg.When I opened it, there was a hole inside.In addition, Yi Yi didn't see the previous passageway outside the cave, so Yiyi concluded that this is the passageway to continue moving forward.

Yi Yi patted the dust off his body, and then began to look around.

"Castle?" What Yi Yi saw was the place where Lin Yi and the Great Elder had walked before. "It doesn't look like there are good people living in this place!"

Yi Yi felt that the castle looked like the Wolf Castle where Big Big Wolf lived, so the owner of the castle must not be a good person.

But Yi Yi is still going to go in and take a look, no matter how you look inside, it looks like a place with treasures.

"There seems to be a formation here!" As an intermediate formation mage, Yi Yi quickly discovered that this place, including the surrounding area of ​​the castle, was covered by a huge formation.

Yiyi came to the back wall, put his hands on the wall, closed his eyes and felt the formation.

"It's a very advanced formation, but it still hasn't reached the level of an Earth Immortal!" Yi Yi's formation is below the level of an Earth Immortal, but above Mahayana.This shows that the person who arranged this formation is a strong man in the Mahayana period.

"Sleeping formation: Can't fly; killing formation!" Yi Yi judged the function of the formation. It is a combination of trapping formation and killing formation. !

"All right!"

Mirror Demon: "???"

"Okay, now this formation is useless to us, it can't hurt us, and it can't stop flying. Let's go to the castle in front!" Yi Yi turned around and came to the stone pillar, leaving behind the monster in the mirror with a look of astonishment. .

"It looks so dangerous!" Yi Yi looked at the large and small stone pillars.

"Well, why don't we just fly there!" The monster in the mirror suddenly changed into a bone pterosaur, half of the left bone wing was broken, but it didn't affect the monster in the mirror to fly.

"Okay!" Yi Yi jumped onto the back of the monster in the mirror, grabbing a not-so-thick rib.

"It's done!" The demon in the mirror spread its wings and flew up.

"Wow~ Is this what it feels like to be a dragon knight!" Yiyi flew up into the sky staggeringly, and Yiyi fell in love with this feeling all of a sudden.

"If you look better, I will definitely ride you out every day in the future!"

The demon in the mirror "..."


"This is it!" The Great Elder and Lin Yi came to the top floor of the palace. Here is a closed circular chamber with only one exit. There are such weird patterns on the floor.

All the lines are connected to a round platform in the middle, on which there is a black law code locked by several thick chains.

"Why use such a thick chain to lock a book?" Lin Yi was full of curiosity.

"There may be a terrible demon in this book, we don't touch it if we can!" The Great Elder ordered, thinking about the surrounding environment.

There are lifelike colored paintings on the surrounding walls.

"It seems to tell... a story?"

In the picture, a man is wearing a black cloak, holding an open yellow pages book in his hand, with red light blooming inside, a giant dragon covered in bones is prostrate on the ground not far away, and there is a row of armored, armed men in front of him. The army holding the giant sword knelt down on one knee to the man in the cloak.In the distance, there was a mass of human heads, as if they were bowing down to this mysterious person holding the law code.

The second picture is that the cloaked man is surrounded by a group of people, all around and in the sky, there are some practitioners in bright clothes, and the cloaked man is being besieged.

The third picture shows the corpses lying on the ground. Looking at their clothes, it can be identified that they are the group of powerful practitioners who besieged the cloaked man just now.It's just that only one or two of the people who looked fierce and radiant just now can barely support their bodies.And the man in the cloak holding the Codex seems to have suffered a lot of injuries, but compared to the others, it can be said that he is in very good condition.

Next, the two people behind the cloaked man presented two bronze coffins, with several black chains protruding from them, locking up the cloaked man and the code in his hands.The one who still had the strength chopped the cloaked man in half, and was taken in by the bronze coffin.And those two people finally died of vomiting blood because of the backlash of the bronze coffin.

In the last scene, the bone dragon and the armored army carried away the coffin and walked towards a huge black castle...

After reading the murals on the surrounding walls, both the Great Elder and Lin Yi had a general understanding of this place.

This place was originally the lair of the cloaked man in the painting, and the armored puppet he met before was the guard legion created by it. As for the huge bone dragon, the two of them have not seen it yet, but when they think of a certain place here, it may be lurking at any time and has been lurking in ancient times. The bone dragon that was left behind made the two of them feel scared for a while.

"The black law code is the treasure in the hands of the mysterious man. If we get it, we can also command thousands of troops. At that time, the five major sects, monsters and demons will not be worth mentioning!" Lin Yi stared at the table. Looking at the law code locked by chains, I couldn't help but want to pick up the code book.

"Its owner was besieged and died, do you want to be like him too?" The elder's words wanted to pour cold water on Lin Yi, and Lin Yi also stopped his steps.

Lin Yi turned his head to look at the elder.

And the Great Elder walked up to the code, "Disciple, if something happens in a while, you should leave here first!"

As he spoke, the Great Elder stretched out his hand to the code of law that was wrapped in chains.

Just as the Great Elder's hand reached for the chain, the chain moved, loosened the code, and rushed towards the Great Elder's hand.

"Be careful!" Lin Yi shouted after seeing the chains attacking the elder.

The Great Elder was naturally looking at the law code all the time, and when the chain was moved, the Great Elder immediately withdrew his hand and stepped back.

But the chains were relentless, surrounded by a black aura, suddenly straightened and rushed directly to the Great Elder.

"Damn it!" The Great Elder didn't expect that the chain would give up the code, and he came straight towards him, and hurriedly pinched out a formula to fight.

However, the Great Elder's tactic hit the chain like a rock and sank into the sea, and it had no effect at all, but the aura of the chain became stronger.Soon the chains came around the Great Elder and surrounded him.

The Great Elder took out his weapon and slashed at the chain.

Not only could the sword fail to cut through the black chain, it didn't even leave a trace.

"Don't..." Before the Great Elder finished speaking, the chains were wrapped around the Great Elder's body. The Great Elder's hair instantly became snow-white, and the skin on his body was also aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. Wrinkles, spots, and teeth in the Great Elder's mouth Started to fall off.

"This is... absorbing Master's vitality!" Lin Yi was shocked and frightened at the side, but he saw the code next to him, which was no longer protected by chains.

Lin Yi rushed towards the code...

(End of this chapter)

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