Chapter 121 Choice
After gathering his disciples and leaving for the border for half a month, Li Mu asked everyone to take a good rest.

Yi Yi felt that he was now at the peak of the Nascent Soul, half a step into the realm of becoming a god, if he encountered an enemy with a high level of fitness, he might still have no good fruit to eat.It is necessary to upgrade a few more levels.

Yiyi left Shangdu with the monster in the mirror. There are many mountains and mountains around, so there must be monsters.


"Finally found it!" In the dark underground cave, two men in black cloaks held torches and stood in front of an ancient bronze gate.

"Elder, what's in here?" A man who sounded like a man in his [-]s and [-]s asked the old man who had just spoken.

"This is the ruins recorded on the last page of the exercises. It should be the inheritance and treasures of ancient powers!" Lifting the caps of their cloaks, the two revealed their faces.It was an old man with gloomy cheeks and a thin figure, and the other was Lin Yi whom Yi Yi met and beat off during the novice trial.

"It's right here, I don't know what's inside." Lin Yi's complexion changed suddenly, and a look of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, "As long as I get the inheritance, I can get rid of my shame! Whether it is Tianyin Sect or Tianyu Sect, both There will be a heavy price to pay! And that young man!"

"You said that the young man you met in the secret realm disrupted everything, and you missed the twin flowers you were supposed to get. You deserve to die!" He learned the law and taught it to his disciples, which violated the rules of the clan.

In the end, he was ruined by Yi Yi in the secret realm. Not only did he not get the treasure to change his talent, but also his skills were leaked out. He was besieged and killed by three lords of the Tianyu Sect and Tianyin Sect. In the end, he had to burn his blood escape.

However, after Lin Yi leaked the matter and informed the Great Elder, he immediately concealed his identity and used the teleportation array to escape to the sphere of influence of the five sect alliances where fish and dragons were mixed together, so as to avoid death.Unexpectedly, he ran into the Great Elder who also fled here soon after.In the next two years, after Lin Yi learned the Dzogchen exercises, he discovered the ancient inheritance recorded in the interlayer on the last page.

"Teacher, your talent is excellent, especially with this "Bloodthirsty Grimoire". In the past two years, you have broken through two realms in a row. Now you are at the pinnacle of foundation building. In the future, your achievements will not be weaker than mine and me. The suzerains of the five great sects have obtained the inheritance today, which will also allow you to quickly break through the foundation building and reach the Nascent Soul!"

"Thank you, Master!" Lin Yi bowed his head in thanks, but a sneer flashed across his face, but the Great Elder didn't notice.

The Great Elder pushed the bronze door, only to find that the bronze door didn't move at all when he pushed the door with the strength of the early stage of fusion.

"What a weird door, even spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate it. If the surrounding stone walls are broken, the cave inside may collapse." The great elder analyzed that the ancient bronze door, buried in the underground cave, still exudes the luster of bronze. .

"Indeed!" Lin Yi pushed the door and felt pushed against the wall. "Perhaps, the pattern on the door is related to the clue to open the door!"

Lin Yi touched the engraved pattern on the gate, and the Great Elder noticed it.


"Master, what kind of pattern is this?"

"This seems to be a totem of a certain tribe!" The Great Elder looked at the totem in the center of the door.

A bronze door that opens and closes left and right, with a large circular groove in the middle, depicting a pair of hideous ghost patterns.

"It looks's the group case on the last page of "The Tome of Blood Devouring"!" Lin Yi took out a yellowed ancient law code, and turned directly to the last page. On it was a picture of a ghost that was exactly the same as that on the door. pattern.

"Let me see!" The Great Elder took over the exercise and carefully studied the patterns on it.

"They are indeed exactly the same. Even the stripes and grooves on them are the same!" The elder looked at the technique in his hand and then looked up at the door.

"Master, look here!" Lin Yi pointed to the lines on the exercise, "The color of the circular picture inside the grimace's mouth is black, but the picture on the door is white. Why?"

"I don't know, but maybe this is the key to opening the door!" The Great Elder walked under the grimace, and reached out to touch the circular picture in the grimace's mouth.

Just as the palm of the great elder touched the picture and text, a sudden change occurred.

"Ah!" The Great Elder suddenly screamed, and quickly withdrew his hand.

"Great Elder! What's wrong?"

"It's okay, the palm of my hand was punctured suddenly!" The elder held his right hand, and the donated blood flowed down his arm and dripped onto the ground to his elbow.

"Great Elder, look!" Lin Yi pointed at the bronze gate.The picture and text in Grimace's mouth absorbed the great elder's blood donation, and slowly flowed through the lines until it filled all the grooves on the gate.

"This should be a blood sacrifice!" the Great Elder analyzed.Using the blood sacrifice of the person who opened the door to get permission to enter, this shows that the owner of the cave does not exclude outsiders from entering.

"Be careful, there may be danger inside!" the Great Elder ordered.

"Yes!" Lin Yi's face was uncertain, and he followed the elder into the bronze gate.

Inside is a bottomless steep step. The steps and surrounding walls are made of bronze.Lin Yi held a torch and followed the elder down the stairs.

After walking for dozens of breaths, the steps under his feet disappeared and turned into a flat ground.The torches illuminated the originally dark corridor, and the lights on the surrounding bronze walls suddenly lit up.

"Let's go, be careful of traps!" Legend has it that where the ancient powers left behind after death, there will be traps to prevent tomb robbers.

The two walked in, wherever they went, the oil lamps on the walls on both sides would suddenly light up, but they didn't want to figure out how the oil lamps lighted up by themselves. Recorded ancient inheritance.

There was no danger along the way until the two stood at a fork.This is a fork of the left and right roads, and the inside is dark and bottomless.There is a thick wall in the middle, and it seems that the two have to make a choice and choose a way to go down.

"Master, should we go separately or together?" Lin Yi looked at the great elder.

"Let's go together, with your current cultivation base, I'm afraid it will be difficult to protect yourself in danger."

"So which side do we choose?"

"Look first!"

The two lingered at the fork in the road.

"Master, look!" Lin Yi squatted at the intersection on the left and pointed at the dust on the ground. "There are footprints here, all heading towards this intersection!"

"Indeed!" The Great Elder walked over and saw that there were indeed some footprints facing inward on the ground, some of which were human beings, and some were of animals and beasts.

"Then it should be this way?"

"No!" Lin Yi shouted, "There are only people going in here, not going out. Others may see these footprints, so they all walked this way. They all stayed inside, so let's go to the right!"

"As expected of my apprentice, he is really thoughtful, so let's go! Just go to the right."

The Great Elder felt that what Lin Yi said made sense, so he decided to take the corridor on the right.

"Look! What's that!"

 Happy birthday to myself! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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