Chapter 115 Old Liu
"Do you know anything about his past or family?" Yi Yi wanted to learn more about Lao Liu's character and experience from his colleagues.

"Who knows about his past, anyway, he was recruited because he knew a little about computers, and the captain saw that he was talented."

"Know computers?"

"Maybe, we don't use computers much, and I don't know if it's true or not. How educated is a person who can sneak into being a security guard." The young security guard didn't care.

If Lao Liu knew about computers, then Yi Yi felt that it was more likely that Lao Liu had tampered with the surveillance.

"What about his family, does he have a daughter?"

"Daughter?" The young security guard rubbed his head, "No way, he has always been a bachelor. Some old employees even used this to tease him. He doesn't even have a wife at such an old age. Is that something he can't do?"


"It is said that he was married before. When his wife died of illness, he stopped looking for her. I have never heard about whether he has a daughter."

"That's uncertainty." Yi Yi found that the young security guard didn't know much about Lao Liu's experience and family.

However, I still found out that Lao Liu may know computers.Yi Yi always felt that he had missed something, but the top priority was to find Lao Liu, as long as he met him, everything would be clear.


"What are we doing here!"

"Don't everyone say that Liu Xuan's ghost killed Wang Shufen? Let's bring some incense and candles to worship her, so she won't come looking for us!"

"This matter was obviously started by Wang Shufen, why should we be so worried!"

Holding joss sticks and candles in their hands, the three girls slipped into the teaching building quietly.The three of them didn't dare to take the elevator, so they crept up the stairs, always feeling that the stairs under their feet were endless.

"I always feel like this teaching building is so evil. Let's go back!"

"No, some students in our class have already noticed this incident and started talking about us behind our backs. We are here not only to prove our innocence, but also to take some photos to prove that we are not afraid of the shadow!"

"But we've already..."

"To shut up!"

The three women whispered.

The leading woman is very courageous. If her boyfriend didn't start to doubt her, she wouldn't want to bring her girlfriends to such a ghostly place.But she believes that there are no ghosts in the world, even in the teaching building where someone died just now...

"Where's Wang Shufen's boyfriend? Wasn't he the biggest beneficiary back then?"

"After learning about Wang Shufen's death, he ran away a long time ago. He was not a member of the school. After the sale, Liu Xuan took the money and left. Instead, he wanted to scare us here!"

Finally walked up to the top floor, some blood stains have been cleaned up, but there are still some black blood stains near the toilet and classroom door.

"I... let's go back, I'm so scared!"

"Let's finish burning the incense and go!"

The street lamps outside gave a little light to the corridor, but the classroom was pitch-black. No matter how courageous the three of them were, they began to panic.

"Should we go in?" A girl asked, Liu Xuan died four years ago and Wang Shufen yesterday.

"No... we won't go in, we'll burn it at the door, Xiaomei, take two photos, and leave after you take them!"

"Okay!" A girl took out her mobile phone, pointed at the dark toilet, pressed the shutter, and the flash illuminated the surroundings for a moment.

"Okay, let's go."


After finishing their work, the three of them walked up the stairs without looking back.

"Who closed the door!" The three of them suddenly discovered that the door of the stairway safety passage next to them was closed.

"It's you, Xiaomei, you are the last one!"

"No, how dare I..."

"Wait, look!" The girl who took the photo was looking at the photos in the album.The toilet was illuminated by the flash for a moment, and a female corpse was hanging in the middle of the toilet.


The three of them yelled and yanked hard on the closed stair door, but they couldn't open it no matter what.

"Who locked the door, hurry up! Elevator!" The leading girl thought quickly, the stairs were blocked, but the elevator was still usable.

The three desperately ran to the elevator, pressed the elevator button, and watched the sign on the elevator ascend from the third floor.

"What is the third floor? Why does the elevator stop on the third floor?"

"It seems to be a computer room..."

It stands to reason that no one has used the elevator in the past two days, or the police used it and stopped it on the seventh or first floor. In any case, it would not be on the third floor.

A sense of fear surged to the back of my head: there are other people in the teaching building!

The three girls immediately moved away from the elevator and hid in the nearest classroom.This seems to be the classroom where Wang Shufen was killed, but the three of them didn't notice it, but focused on the elevator.

"Ding~" The elevator door was opened, the dim light in the elevator illuminated the corridor, and there was no one in the elevator.

"Phew~ Maybe someone went to the third floor to pick up something or pushed it to the third floor. We should have thought too much!" The girl in the lead breathed a sigh of relief, and the cold sweat on her body had already wet her back.

"Well, since there is no one, let's take the elevator down!"

"it is good!"

"What are you looking for?" A man's voice sounded from behind, deep and hoarse, which made the three girls feel fear in their hearts immediately after it disappeared.

"Ah!" The flashlight of the mobile phone in the girl's hand turned on, illuminating the face of the man behind him: a middle-aged man in his 60s wearing a school security uniform, holding a red fire axe in his hand.

"You... who are you, what are you doing with the ax..." The three retreated into the corridor, the elevator door was closed, and the mobile phone in the girl's hand lit up half of the corridor.

"Who do you say I am?"

"You are a school security guard, you... what are you doing with an ax..."

"Heaven reincarnation, karma, the debts owed by some people must be paid back!" The security guard raised the fire ax and slashed at one person.

"Ah, don't!" Fortunately, a person on the side grabbed her in time, and the ax slammed into the desks and chairs behind.

"Boom!" The loud voice caused everyone to shake their mobile phones and drop them to the ground.

"Run!" The three of them took the opportunity to escape from the classroom, ignoring the mobile phone, and ran towards the dark corridor.

"Hmph~haha~hahaha..." The security guard laughed loudly, pulled out his ax calmly, and followed the three of them leisurely.

Not many people would pass by the teaching building that was sealed off at night, and even the security guards would not dare to come if there was a murder case.

"Where are we going?" the girl named Xiaomei asked.

"Elevator, the elevator can go down!" At the critical moment, his brain had a lot of inspiration. Just now he saw the elevator coming up from below, which meant that he could also take the elevator down.

"I'm not chasing you, go press the elevator!" Xiaomei kept tapping the elevator button, the elevator stopped on this floor, and the elevator door opened slowly.

"Come on, go in!"

"Wait, there seems to be someone inside!" The elevator door opened, and the lights in the elevator turned green at some point, and a woman in red was hanging in the elevator...

(End of this chapter)

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