Chapter 112
Yi Yi recounted what he had learned from his senior, which made their scalps tingle.

"I seem to have heard about the case four years ago, when a freshman female college student died tragically in the girls' bathroom. She seemed to be a single-parent family, and her father was a computer professor at a certain university."

"and after?"

"The police said that the female classmate may have been subjected to school violence, and the wounds on her body were all caused by her classmates. After her death, the police also investigated those classmates and found that her death had nothing to do with them."

"That's strange. If he's not a classmate, he should be someone from outside. How did he escape the investigation of the police?" This matter successfully aroused Yi Yi's curiosity.

"Yiduo, you go home first, I'll go up and have a look!"

"No, brother, I'm scared!" Iduo heard Yiyi say that he wanted to go up. Wouldn't it mean that he would have to go home alone? This was someone who had just died.

"That's right, you're not that...then you and the two of them go to the dessert shop next to the cafeteria for a while, and I'll come as soon as I go!" Yi Yi handed Yi Duo 200 yuan and asked her to buy something to eat.

"OK then!"

"Yi Yi, you want to go up?" Mu Ziwan was surprised, didn't most people avoid it?
"Yeah, I'm going to see if I can find some clues. If I can find the murderer, I can put my classmates at ease so that they won't be in panic all day long."

"Alright then!" Mu Ziwan knew that Yi Yi was not an ordinary person, "Be careful!"

"it is good!"

Yi Yi walked around to a window on the side door. The window on the first floor was locked, but the window on the second floor was open. Yi Yi jumped onto the outdoor air conditioner unit on the first and a half floors and jumped into the second floor.

It was already very late, and no one was studying in the teaching building. Except for the police on the seventh and first floors, the lights on the middle floors were all turned off.

If the police saw him suddenly appearing in the teaching building, they would inevitably attract attention, so Yi Yi spent one mission point in exchange for a police system, put on a hat, and added the disguise skill, Yi Yi became an inconspicuous little policeman.

Walking up to the seventh floor, you can only see a trail of blood in front of the toilet next to the stairs connecting the toilet with the nearest study room.

There were quite a few policemen in this building, and Yiyi was wearing a police uniform, so he didn't attract everyone's attention.

Yi tiptoed into the toilet and saw that several policemen had taken down the girl's body and placed it on a stretcher on the ground. It seemed that they had collected the evidence and were preparing to transport the body away.

There are two obvious strangle marks on the girl's neck, one is the mark of hanging, and the other should be left by the murderer when he committed the crime.The girl had obvious bruises on her face, arms and legs.Yi Yi memorized the characteristics of the corpse, and then walked towards the classroom along the blood trail.

There were only two police officers inside the classroom taking photos.

"Which department are you from?" A policeman who was taking pictures saw Yi Yi walk in.

"Criminal investigator." Yiyi tried to report one at random, and felt relieved seeing that he had no other reaction.

"The deceased's name is Wang Shufang, 23 years old, senior. This should be the first scene of the crime, look here!" The policeman who took the photo obviously thought Yi Yi was from the criminal investigation team and began to analyze Yi Yi.

The policeman pointed to a small pool of blood on the ground, surrounded by overturned tables and chairs.

"The deceased is here. The head was violently attacked by a blunt instrument, and he fell to the ground bleeding. The deceased had a strong resistance before death. The surrounding tables and chairs should be traces left by the deceased fighting the murderer!"

Yiyi squatted down and carefully looked at the blood stains on the ground. The blood stains had solidified, and there were a few bloody long strands of hair mixed with them.

"It's strange, there is only a small amount of blood here, but there is so much blood in the corridor!"

"This is only the first scene where the murderer appeared, and the girl actually died at the door. She was stabbed to death with a knife from the back, and then dragged into the toilet and hung up."

"Why did the murderer drag him into the toilet and hang him up after killing someone? Everyone is dead, so why bother?"

"I don't know, has something to do with the case four years ago!" The policeman who took the photo put down his camera and recalled the case four years ago.

"four years ago?"

"That's right, it was also on this floor that time, and I also got the certificate."

"Then can you tell me about the case four years ago? I heard that a girl died in the bathroom on this floor!" Yi Yi asked.

"Yes! Four years ago, I had just joined the job not long ago, and the first case I took over was so scary. It was also a girl who was hanged in the toilet. She had many knife wounds and bruises on her body, and the case was quickly dismissed. It was defined as a homicide, but it happened that it rained that day, and lightning caused a power outage in the building, and the monitoring was paralyzed, so no trace of the murderer was photographed."

"What's the result?"

"Let's let it go, it has been kept in the archives as an unsolved case."

Yi nodded, knowing about the same as the students outside, "What about her family members, did they respond?"

"Of course there is. Who doesn't feel sorry for the sudden loss of a daughter raised so hard by someone's family. In the first few days, his father often came to the police station and school to ask us about the investigation of the case and the clues of the investigation, but the clues were broken. Not much progress."

"and after?"

"I don't know when it started. Her father stopped coming and quit his job as a school professor. It is said that he devoted himself to finding the truth about his daughter's death. However, there was no trace of him. Even when we finalized the case, he was Never appeared."

"It's as if the world has evaporated?"

The policeman nodded.

Yiyi touched his chin, feeling that the trace of the girl's father was a clue.

"Someone said that a female ghost appeared in this building, what's the matter?"

"How is this possible? What the hell is going on in this world? Some students also called the police, and the police also came, but nothing was found. It was just a hallucination that the students were afraid of when they knew that people had died in this building." The policeman said. recalled.

Yi nodded, normal people would not think that there are ghosts in this world.

"Did the murderer leave fingerprints on the murder weapon or anything?"

"This is a classroom after all, there are still many fingerprints on the desks and chairs, but even if there are, there is no guarantee that it must be the murderer's."

"Go and investigate the surveillance cameras on other floors to see if any suspicious persons have entered or exited the teaching building." Yi Yi remembered that there were a pair of surveillance cameras installed at the stairs and corridors.

"I'll go to other places to see. You can see what else needs to be collected at the scene." After speaking, Yiyi hurried out. If the rightful owner comes back and finds out that he is a fake, it will be difficult to explain.

The monitoring room is on the top of the hill behind the cafeteria, not far from here. It is an independent two-story building, and the school security guards usually live in it.

For the convenience of going in, Yi Yi didn't change out of his police uniform, and walked in smoothly.

There are also a few police officers calling for surveillance.

The police didn't notice Yi Yi, and while questioning the school security, they called other surveillance cameras.

(End of this chapter)

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