Pirate Fantasy Moonlight

Chapter 163 End (Link Chapter)

End of Chapter 163 (Link Chapter)
Brothers, go together, kill them all, take out the heart of a thousand years, and leave no one behind! "

Following the man's order, the group of humans with green eyes all rushed in with bloody scimitars in their hands, killing the children of the Yata tree people indiscriminately.for a moment. , blood spattered in the underground fortress, and the screams never stopped.

All the children were killed by humans with a single knife, their chests were bloodied, and their bloody hearts glowed with green light...

The scene was very brutal and bloody...

Link relied on his own strength to protect Zelda and Little Sirox all the time, but he was just a child after all, and he was the opponent of this group of humans.Soon in the entire fortress, all the people were killed, including those old Yata tree people who were doing sacrifices.

At this moment, the seal is about to be completed, and all the runes on the stone tablet have almost been chanted.

At this moment, only Link, Zelda, and little Sheroux were left in the entire underground fortress.

The blood on the ground almost gathered into a small pond, which is enough to show the ferocity of that group of humans!

At this time, Link was besieged by the humans on the left and right in the underground fortress, and his body was already covered with scars, but he kept gritting his teeth and persisted, protecting Zelda and Little Sirox behind him.

At this time, Link and Zelda were pressed hard, kept retreating, and finally surrounded by human beings, surrounded by the central stone tablet.

At this moment, Link couldn't hold on any longer, clutching the wound on his shoulder, his consciousness was very blurred. At this moment, he was already tottering, his consciousness was blurred, and he was on the verge of fainting.

But he knew that he couldn't faint, he had to persevere, behind him, there was the family he wanted to protect.He couldn't just fall down like this, he had to persevere, he promised Zelda, he said that he would protect her forever, and would not let him get hurt in the slightest.So he had to persevere, he couldn't fall down in this kind of place.He had to stay awake, he said he wanted to protect Zelda, and since he said that, he must not break his promise.

At this time, the blue stone tablet used for sealing suddenly emitted a burst of light. It seemed that the sealing ceremony was finally successful.It's just that at this time, it seems a little bit too much.

Seeing the bluestone slab behind Link suddenly light up, a deceitful human decided not to hesitate anymore, looked around and nodded.In order to avoid unnecessary complications, they decided to quickly kill the last two Yata trees in this world.

So they nodded to each other, and rushed up with a big knife in their hands.

Link wanted to stop them, but at this moment he was exhausted, he was on the verge of collapse, and there was nothing he could do. Even his consciousness was about to disappear, and he was on the verge of fainting at this time.

At this moment, a figure rushed up and stood in front of Link!

At this moment Link suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking at the figure rushing out in front of him, he felt so familiar.

He wanted to raise his head and look at the thin figure in front of him. Link raised his head drowsily, and suddenly saw Zelda with his back to the group of humans, looking at him with a smile.

At this time, Link's consciousness was already exhausted. He saw Zelda rushing to him suddenly. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Zelda stuff the little Siroccos in Lin Ke's arms. In Ke's arms, he looked at Link with a smile.

At this moment, suddenly, a burst of blood flashed, and a sharp machete pierced Link's chest, and the blood immediately splashed, and floated on Link's face.

At this time, Link was already unconscious, and he was able to stand here only by virtue of perseverance.She looked up and saw Zelda with tears in her eyes and blood flowing out of her mouth. At this time, she was still smiling, looking at Link who was about to faint.

Link looked at Zelda, and saw her lips moved, and tears were already streaming from her eyes, as if she was talking to Link.

It's just that at this moment, Link's consciousness has finally fallen into a deep sleep, so he can still hear this.

"Promise me, take it, and live a good life with little Siroccos." Zelda burst into tears, as she was happy when she saw Link for the first time, smiling brightly, gently touching her bloody hand Supporting Link's body: "See you later!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed Link back violently, and Link couldn't hold on any longer. He fell back all of a sudden, and fell into the light of that bluestone slab, and was instantly caught by that piece of bluestone. Swallowed by the light emitted by the bluestone slab.

Just before Link was finally swallowed by the light, before his consciousness finally fell asleep, he looked at Zelda who was pierced by many sharp knives at the same time, still crying, smiling and looking at the last one who was completely swallowed by the light Link.

The light completely swallowed Link. In the golden light, Link seemed to see his long-lost father and mother.

Link stood in the golden light, looking at her father, mother, and Niuniu who were waving to her in the distance.Huzi...all those familiar people from before appeared before his eyes again...

"I really want to eat your grilled fish again!" Link finally cried out again, and the tears quietly fell from his stubborn cheeks for so many years: "Don't worry, Zelda, I, Link, swear, I will protect you forever, I will always protect you behind you, and I will never let you get hurt again..."

The light disappeared again, and everything returned to calm. In the underground fortress, the smiling Zelda exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, laughed, looked at the blue slate, and said with a smile: "Thank you Lin Ke, goodbye Link..."

"Thank you, Link, thank you for appearing by my side when my world was gloomy, and it was you who stayed by my side when my life lost its color, constantly adorning it like a rainbow. My world has brought endless colors to my world. It is you who have brought endless hope to my life..."

"So, see you later... Link, see you later, if we are destined to meet again in the future!"

The world has turned into darkness, and everything in this space has become chaotic. Amid the chaos, a figure quietly appeared in this space. Looking closely, it is the body of Allen who was comatose in the underground fortress thousands of years later. figure.

Alan has always been in a coma, and in a coma, Alan's mental state has experienced Link's life, and he accompanied Link through the life before being sealed like an audience, just like Link , experienced all the pain in his life...

(Link's chapter is over... I was a little rushed at the end. After all, I don't have much time. I'm thinking of finishing this book with rubbish grades to a certain extent quickly, and then start again.)
(End of this chapter)

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