Pirate Fantasy Moonlight

Chapter 154 Fu God (Lin Kezhang)

Chapter 154 Fu Shen (Link)

If this is the case, let you experience the power of God well... feel death well! "The Yata guardian beast looked at the huge giant and shook his head, and said lightly.

"Just blow it up, you dead dog!" The huge giant was still unafraid, looking at the Yata guardian beast, blushing and yelling at it.

Facing the insult of the huge giant, Yata's guardian beast still shook his head calmly.

Suddenly, the guardian animal of Yata jumped up from the ground, emitting a golden light from its whole body, illuminating the entire night sky.Green thousand-year hearts continuously floated out of his body, appearing in the sky.

The green thousand-year-old hearts are like stars, surrounding the Yata guardian beast, hanging in the sky, illuminated by the golden light shot from him, and the reflections are constantly changing Rotating, the reflection is on the entire island.

"Accept the wrath of God." The guardian beast of Yata floated in the air, looking at the huge giants standing in the pit, and said viciously.

"Hmph, earth dog, I have tolerated you for a long time, so why don't you put onions in my pig's nose here. Come here and kill me if you have the guts."

Suddenly, the golden light that was floating in the sky and shining all over his body was gathering in his mouth, so a small golden energy ball was formed in his mouth, which was slowly getting bigger.

"I thought you had some tricks, and this trick again?" The huge giant stood in the pit, looked at the Yata guardian beast in the sky, shook his head mockingly, and said with a big smile: " You just wait to die, dirt dog."

The huge giant clan laughed at the Yata guardian beast in the sky, while staring at his every move. As long as the Yata guardian beast made a move, he was ready to dodge at any time, and was ready to deal with him to the end.

The golden energy ball in the mouth of Yata's guardian beast continued to condense, and a huge energy ball was condensed in the huge mouth by him like this.

Looking at the energy balls that the guardian beast of Yata finally condensed, even the giant who was very arrogant just now was a little weak. Looking at the terrifying energy in his mouth, cold sweat broke out behind his back.

"You intend to pin all your hopes on this blow. Are you not afraid of failure? I'm afraid this is all your strength. After this blow, you may never get up again." Facing Ya He didn't dare to take the amazing energy ball in the mouth of the tower guardian beast lightly. If the Yata guardian beast took advantage of the loophole and he was hit by the energy ball in his mouth, he would be crippled if he didn't want to die.


Yata's guardian beast didn't pay attention to the huge giant race, but after a loud cry, the golden energy ball in its mouth instantly increased, and the energy in it increased several times at once, and then disappeared without a trace. In case of a sign, it spurted out from the mouth all of a sudden, and shot at the giant in the huge pit.

"You want to blow up the island?"

The huge giant race had already guessed the action of the guardian beast of Yata. When the guardian beast of Yata spurted out the energy ball in its mouth, he left quickly, trying to avoid the blow of the guardian beast of Yata. .

But he is obviously still too immature, and the sophistication of Yata's guardian beast is beyond his comparison.Even if he successfully judged the movement of the Yata guardian beast, and successfully avoided the Yata guardian beast's attack.

But he was still too young, even though he managed to avoid the center of the golden energy ball.But he still underestimated the power of that golden energy ball.Although he reacted very quickly, the energy of the golden energy ball was too great, and the affected area was quite large. Although the huge giant reacted quickly, it escaped the golden energy. In the central area of ​​the ball, he still couldn't escape the affected area of ​​the huge energy ball. Although his reaction was very quick, he was still affected by the terrifying golden force.

But it wasn't just that that really surprised the gigantic giant.Just after the Yata guardian beast floating in the sky shot out the golden energy ball in its mouth.The many green thousand-year-old tree hearts that were originally floating around him quickly flowed, and they flew collectively to the huge pit, a hillside in the distance.

"I'll leave it to you, kid!" The Yata guardian beast floating in the air said with a silent smile as he looked at Link on the hillside.

It turned out that the Yata guardian beast had discovered Link's existence a long time ago, so with the help of the power of the Millennium Tree Heart, he achieved heart-to-heart communication with the Millennium Heart in Link's chest.

So after a conversation with Link, the guardian beast of Yata decided to bluff the huge giant first, and then inject all the last power in the heart of the millennium into Link, let Link come Finish the final blow.

He gambled again, but he had to gamble, because he knew that even if he didn't gamble, if he continued like this, he still couldn't solve the problem. He knew that this wouldn't solve the problem.

Even if he didn't take this risk, he knew that with all his strength left, he couldn't defeat the huge giant in the pit, so instead of sitting around like this, he might as well take a gamble and still have the possibility of winning.

And this method was proposed by Link on his own initiative. At that time, when the guardian beast of Yata was about to come into contact with Link, Link asked him if there was anything he could do to help.Of course, at the very beginning, the Yata guardian beast completely looked down on Link, who was as big as a sesame seed in his eyes.Immediately he was hungry and told him to run quickly, don't sacrifice innocently.

But later, Yata's guardian beast really discovered Link's extraordinaryness, coupled with Link's persuasion and his current situation, there is indeed no particularly good way. If you continue to work hard, wait until the energy is exhausted. Sometimes, only failure awaits him.So the Yata guardian beast also came up with this method, giving its own power to Link, and letting Link complete the final blow.

And the huge giant who has been on the battlefield is because he put all his energy on the huge Yata guardian beast, and he didn't have the blessing of the Millennium Heart, so he didn't have it for a while. Spot that tiny Link who's been hiding in a corner.

The main thing is that he never expected that in the life-and-death battle between him and the Yata guardian beast, someone would have the courage to hide behind them and observe silently. More importantly, This person's strength is still so insignificant, he is like an ant in his eyes, or a guy he can crush to death with one hand, this is completely unexpected to him.

(End of this chapter)

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