Pirate Fantasy Moonlight

Chapter 121 Crazy

Chapter 121 Crazy
"Be prepared to accept the pain." Link looked at Gray who was wrapped in a cocoon, said in a low voice, looked at Alan in the corner, got up and left the underground fortress under the Yata ruins.

Next, he has more important things to do.

Before Link came to the original exit, the wooden stakes that blocked the exit instantly drilled back into the soil, and a long passage appeared in front of Link.

Along the stairs, Link walked to the entrance of the cave without saying a word, and looked at Sirox who was lying on the side snoring and sleeping soundly, a long-lost smile appeared on his expressionless face.

"Punch!" Link yelled at Sirox who was sleeping.

So Sirox, who was snoring and soundly asleep, suddenly stood up, opened his giant eye, and looked around.

Suddenly seeing Link coming out of the cave, Sirox looked very happy, squinted his eyes and jumped, and quickly came to Link's side.

"Hehe, you did a great job." Link sat on Sirox's shoulder, smiled and patted his head and said.

Hearing Link's praise, Sirox looked very happy, squinted his eyes, and said with a silly smile: "Hey, Sirox is great, Lord Link praised Sirox."

Looking at the simple and honest Sirox, Link smiled, smiling very sincerely, and he also re-transformed into the appearance of the human Link wearing the green hat before.

"Let's go, let's go to that place." Link sat on Sirox's broad shoulders, patted Sirox's big head and said.

Hearing what Link said, Sirox nodded his big head, turned around, with Link on his shoulders, and quickly walked in the opposite direction of the forest.

After Link left, the originally open passage of the crypt shook again, and the wooden stake that had been retracted into the soil was drilled out of the soil again, blocking the only way to leave the underground fortress. exit.

And not long after, the cocoon-like cage that Ben Link had bound up with vines suddenly emitted a burst of blue light, and the huge cocoon began to tremble rapidly.


The huge Yata ruins are already overcrowded at this time. The greedy people are no longer the team members who were fighting against the dryad just outside the ruins. For the treasure in the ruins, the team members did not hesitate to kill each other and fight.

And with the success of attacking the Yata ruins this time, a large number of people poured into the Yata ruins. After the death of the Yata tree people, the last piece of pure land was about to be lost under the intrusion of this group of humans. His appearance became dilapidated.

The members of the treasure hunting team are constantly exploring, fighting and destroying this piece of pure land.

They are searching everywhere, they want to squeeze out every trace of value in this land, and then when it is useless, in their greedy hands, set a fire and completely destroy it.

They don't take pity on everything here. In their eyes, or in other words, for them, only their own money and interests are the greatest.If they could make a lot of money by completely destroying the last piece of pure land of the Yata tree people, why would they not do it?

Presumably these are normal things in their minds, and those who do something contrary to them will be called fools by them.

"Look, big eyes, there is no mercy and justice in this world. The smell is everywhere, and there is no fresh air to keep us alive. The corners of human mouths are ugly, and their hearts are black. Corruption will always be their main driving force, they are demons... Driven by greed, a never-tiring demon." Link stood on the fortress of the Yata ruins on the ground, watching the human beings destroy everything before him The ruins of Yata, Link's last piece of pure land, was already in a state of madness in his heart, and he patted Sirox next to him, his heart was bleeding.

Sirox could see that Link was extremely sad at the moment, and he himself showed a very depressed look.

Link looked at his chest, lowered his head and whispered softly: "If our Yata tree people don't have this heart, how good would it be?"

"Lord Link, don't be sad, Sirox will always be with Master Link." Sirox said to Link when he saw Link was very sad.

"Ha ha."

Link smiled, looked at Sirox with one big eye squinted, nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for your big eye."

Seeing Link laughing again, Sirox smiled too, touched the back of his head and said, "Lord Link, you laughed, Sirox wants to make Master Link happy."

"Okay, then after today, I will laugh every day and live happily." Link said to Sirox with a smile.

"Yeah." Sirox looked at Link and nodded heavily.

Link looked at Sirox with a smile, then turned his head to look at the ruins of Yata, and said in a low voice: "Let's live happily from now on. Anyway, now, the millennium's enmity should be paid back by you humans. After today, let everything end..."


In the underground fortress of the ruins of Yata, the vines that wrapped Gray like silkworm cocoons were neatly cut off after a burst of golden light, followed by a burst of cyan fire, completely sparking the vines that bound Gray. .

Gray walked out of the vine cocoon, looked around, and found that Link was no longer here.So he quickly searched for Alan's whereabouts by relying on the light of the blue flame.

He found Alan from a corner. At this time, he was the same as Gray at the beginning, wrapped in circles of vines like a cocoon.

Gray looked at the vine cocoon wrapping Allen in front of him, and a blue flame burst out from his hand. Under Gray's control, the cocoon-like vine was quickly burned to nothing by Gray's blue flame.The unconscious Allen inside was revealed.

Gray called him, and found that he still had no signs of waking up, but he was still bleeding a little from his ears and orifices, but thanks to Gray's inspection, he was rescued in time, nothing serious but just passed out. Just didn't wake up.

"No, I have to stop that Yata tree man who called Link crazy. Can't let his plan succeed."

So Gray decided that since Alan's life is not in danger for the time being, he plans to keep him in this place, which is considered a safer place compared to the outside.

And he left here first, found the Yata tree man named Link, and then stopped him, don't let his plan be completed, when the explosives exploded, it would be too late.

(End of this chapter)

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