Chapter 99
Chapter 99
The girl is naturally Fang Chuchu.

She pressed the information address provided by Aunt Yang, and saw Chen Feng from a distance, and judged that he was the person she wanted to go on a blind date with.

She walked towards Chen Feng.

Because Chen Feng had been busy, although he knew someone was approaching, he didn't care.

When Fang Chuchu approached, that is, three or four meters away, Chen Feng stood up and looked at her.

He asked with a smile, "Are you looking for me?"

Fang Chuchu looked at him in surprise, and nodded charmingly with her big beautiful eyes.

She thought that Chen Feng also recognized her, but she didn't know that Chen Feng didn't know anything about the blind date.

And Fang Chuchu had already recognized him, they had met before!

Fang Chuchu also had a great liking for him.

Because Fang Chuchu is a novice salesperson in the 4S store in the county!

It was because of Chen Feng's advice to ask her to come and serve that she sold a million-level luxury car in one fell swoop, with an immediate commission of 5000 yuan. The old man dared to ignore her and bully her like a novice!
She is very grateful to Chen Feng.

In the end, she didn't expect that the person she came on a blind date was actually him!

Only then did she remember why her father was uncharacteristically so irritable, because Chen Feng was really one in a million!

Because Chen Feng bought such a good car at that time, she started to pay attention to him.

This understanding is even more remarkable. It turned out that Chen Feng actually opened an orchard, and recently started a medicine field, which is really amazing!

"Are you looking for me?"

Chen Feng was still in the dark.

The first time he saw Fang Chuchu, he had an inexplicable affection for Fang Chuchu. A flash in his mind seemed to see him somewhere, but he didn't remember it for a while.

Fang Chuchu was startled, she was worried that she had found the wrong one.

She was extremely worried, "If my blind date is not Chen Feng, it will be a disaster!"

She tentatively asked Chen Feng: "Do you know Aunt Yang? She is a distant relative of my family. I am her cousin. My name is Fang Chuchu."

She introduced Chen Feng generously.

Chen Feng also shook hands with her very politely, nodded and replied: "I know Aunt Yang, she is a very nice person and has a very good relationship with my family, I even recognize her as my godmother!"

Only then did Fang Chuchu calm down, raised her head confidently, and said with a sweet smile, "You really don't remember me?"

At that moment, although this beautiful girl did not have the powerful aura of a big star, she had an indescribable beauty, soft and radiant, connected with the beautiful mountain scenery of this green land, as beautiful as one A landscape painting in which sub-scenes blend together.

"Oh, I remembered!"

"You are the salesperson responsible for receiving me!"

Only then did Chen Feng remember.

It turned out that after he bought the car, he ran into Song Liangcheng, who was arrogant and wanted to pretend to be aggressive outside. In order to punish him, Chen Feng forcibly exchanged his 100 million car for his 200 million Range Rover extended version.

Now his car is a Range Rover, so he selectively erased the memory of the original car, so naturally he would not think of this very gentle and pleasant novice salesman who made him very comfortable and long.

However, the two know each other.

Chen Feng still didn't know why she came here.

"I still don't know why you came to see me?"

After all, he only had such a brief meeting with her. Although he had a good impression of her, it was like in a crowd of thousands of people, the two of them just passed by. I won't remember anyone.

What's more, she lives in He'ao village, where did she find him?

"Ah, I'm from Dafang Village, and I happened to come to Aunt Yang's house. I heard her talking about you, saying that you are so capable. Not only did you plant fruit trees, but you also planted medicinal herbs. I couldn't help but come and have a look out of curiosity!"

Fang Chuchu quickly thought of an excuse and didn't say that she was actually here to meet for a blind date.

"Oh, so-so, it's just the beginning."

Chen Feng smiled, without thinking too much, and said modestly and joyfully.

"Wow, you planted all these herbs by yourself?"

Fang Chuchu looked at the medicine field in front of Chen Feng.

Because there are sixty or seventy acres, it is as big as a dozen football fields. Looking around, it is lush and green, which is simply too spectacular and shocking.

But this Dendrobium candidum is a medicinal material, but it is also a kind of flower, which belongs to the orchid family!
Its leaves are green and flat like a Cymbidium, and its flowers are fresh green, with a fresh and charming fragrance.

Fang Chuchu is also a person who loves beauty, so she was naturally amazed, and began to appreciate and appreciate it carefully.

On the side, Chen Feng was quite casual with her, and he was very happy to talk to her and introduce her the knowledge of the Dendrobium candidum herb.

Fang Chuchu also grew up in the countryside since childhood, and got along very well with Chen Feng. Hearing Chen Feng's words, she was very happy and almost intoxicated. Although she was beautiful, she was not squeamish, and immediately helped Chen Feng imitate him and started working.

For Chen Feng, he is really lonely and boring here alone, but now there is another beautiful woman beside him, who is also a beautiful woman whom he gets along well with, chatting and working at the same time, it is the most comfortable.

For Fang Chuchu, where to work here is simply to relax and cultivate his sentiments.

Both of them were naturally in a good mood, talking and laughing.

They were very happy, and naturally they didn't notice that Aunt Yang pulled Lin Guizhi and Chen Haidong over in the distance.

The three of them clapped their hands together, their faces were overjoyed, and they couldn't wait to shout, "It's done!"

Because I was afraid of alarming the two of them, I didn't say it directly.

One afternoon, about two or three hours, in normal times, with so much work done, Chen Feng must want to take a break, and it would be too late to do the unfinished work tomorrow, or leave these chores to his parents.

But this time he didn't feel the passage of time at all. Things went smoothly and he enjoyed it very much. If it wasn't for the sunset, he didn't want to stop.

"Ah, Fang Chuchu, thank you so much!"

"You've been busy with me for so long!"

It was late, Chen Feng had to let Fang Chuchu go back.

It's not good if it's dark.

"Where? Doing this is the best experience I've ever had. I like it so much! If white-collar workers in the city come to do this, they will all pay you!"

Fang Chuchu said with a smile.

The two waved goodbye.

Back home, Chen Feng picked up three big bowls of white rice in one go.

And when he was eating, he always smiled and looked very happy.

But, in front of him, who kept smirking, looking at the face-faced parents, their hearts laughed even more crazy!
When Chen Feng returned to the room, he continued with his own business.

Lin Guizhi put down the bowl, and hurried to Aunt Yang's house to announce the good news.

She can't thank Aunt Yang enough!

"It's really great, it's a match made in heaven! The two couples are connected, and they get along very well. It seems that I have to trouble you to make two more trips, but ask the woman what she means. If there is no accident, we will be able to After finalizing the marriage, we can agree on the date of the wedding!"

From Lin Guizhi's point of view, she and Chen Haidong are very satisfied with Chu Chu, and Chen Feng is also very satisfied with Chu Chu!

If there is no problem with Fang Chuchu, then everything will go well, and a happy event can be held!
(End of this chapter)

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