Chapter 96
Chapter 96
Liu Yanyan counted on Song Liangcheng to overthrow Chen Feng and trample Chen Feng under his feet.

How could she bear Song Liangcheng's current situation!

"I'm useless? Then what kind of good are you, a junk that no one else wants!"

Of course Song Liangcheng didn't like to hear it, so he broke up with her.

"Who said others didn't want it! I didn't want someone else!"

"I'm still a big girl with yellow flowers!"

Liu Yanyan said with a shy face and no shame.

The two almost got into a fight.


"Do you know what's going on now?"

Lu Benwei came in and stopped them.

"Young Master Song, rest well. This time, you have suffered a great disaster. Isn't there such a saying that after a disaster, there must be great blessings!"

"I already have important evidence in my hand. Not only do I want to step on Chen Feng, but I also want to get rid of the big backers behind Chen Feng, the Zhou family!"

Lu Benwei said with high fighting spirit.

He had just received the backup file sent to him by the reporter. In his mind, the reporter must have done what he said.

The reporter will register soon, the end of the Zhou family and Chen Feng is coming soon!
At this moment, Du Tianheng, Boss Du, came in person.

Lu Benwei hastily greeted him, he thought it was Du Tianheng who came to support him.

When Du Tianheng saw him, he just slapped him.

It turned out that Du Tianheng had already learned that the Zhou family and even the Jiang family did nothing at all!
The real reason is that Chen Feng didn't enter the business at all, Chen Feng has nothing to do!
As for Chen Feng's operation on Song Liangcheng, it was because Chen Feng found out the chief physician. The chief physician took bribes from Lu Benwei and Song Liangcheng wantonly, forged medical records, had no medical ethics, and had a bad reputation. He has been dismissed for investigation!

Chen Feng just took over to treat Song Liangcheng temporarily!

The matter of the chief physician was exposed, so naturally Lu Benwei had already been confessed.

Du Tianheng came here, on the one hand, to visit his son to pick him up from the hospital, and on the other hand, he wanted to abandon Lu Benwei, a pawn!
"Master, Boss Du, what's going on?"

"Didn't I do a good job? Didn't you support me to continue working?"

Lu Benwei begged aggrievedly.


Du Tianheng slapped him again.

"When did I tell you to keep going!"

"I just feel sad for my son, Song Liangcheng! He has suffered such a severe torture! You trash, let you guide Song Liangcheng, what have you done!"

"Get out of here!"

Du Tianheng asked the bodyguards around him to hold Lu Benwei up and throw him out. This meant that he was going to draw a strict line with Lu Benwei.

Lu Benwei called him master and boss, but it was no longer helpful.

Not only that, Du Tianheng gave him a cold look, and threatened him deeply: "I can tell you, when you enter the prison, don't talk nonsense, otherwise, it's not a matter of being in prison!"

He wanted Lu Benwei not to involve him!

If Lu Benwei dared to reveal his affairs, Du Tianheng would use his relationship to make Lu Benwei never come out of the prison again!

Lu Benwei shuddered, he finally felt the cold of being abandoned in winter.

Seeing that Du Tianheng didn't want him anymore, he remembered what the reporter had sent him. He knew what he was holding, and it was likely to become his bargaining chip.

But when he opened the file, it was an image of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, with the text added: "The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn your head and be right!"

Damn, do I still want to be tricked by this reporter?

You know, he and this reporter used to be classmates in elementary school and junior high school, and they have had a good friend relationship for nearly twenty years!
How could he do this!
Lu Benwei hurriedly called the reporter, but the reporter responded, "The number you dialed is a shutdown!"

Lu Benwei felt cold and stuffy.

Not reconciled, he called the account agency, and the reply there shocked him even more.

"The reporter has already asked the newspaper office to leave, and sneaked away from the newspaper office last night, and his whereabouts are unknown!"

This guy actually ran away!

What the hell did he do?
He didn't complete any of the things he was asked to do. Why did he just abandon himself and run away without morality?

This reporter, what has he experienced!
Lu Benwei is going crazy.

Only then did he know why Du Tianheng had abandoned him, because he was already besieged on all sides.

He lost, and he lost badly!

"Am I wrong? Where did I go wrong?"

"It's the huge energy of the Zhou family and the Jiang family. Have they made a cruel move?"

He called both places again, hoping to cling to them for relief and even protection.

As a result, these two places replied to him, "It's inexplicable!"

It turned out that neither of these places was shot.

They didn't even make a move, but he lost so badly?
what happened!
He's going crazy.

But as the siren blew, an officer came to arrest the chief doctor, and he was taken away by the way!
"You stupid bastard, you made me miserable too!"

The chief physician looked at him and cursed.

Lu Benwei arrived at the police station in a daze. Facing the interrogation by the police officer, the first sentence he said was: "I want to know, didn't Chen Feng enter the police station? How did he get out and how did he do it?" To get us out?"

"You tell me this, let me solve my doubts, and I will definitely confess everything about myself."

When the messenger saw him like this, he told him.

Only now did Lu Benwei know that Chen Feng hadn't entered the game at all, he just created such an illusion, and then let Song Liangcheng and himself put it in the bag!

"What a Chen Feng!"

"You're actually worse than me!"

He finally knew that he was not wronged.

Because he thought he was a good at digging pits, but he didn't expect that he jumped into the big pit dug by others!

In the Municipal People's Hospital.

When Song Liangcheng saw Du Tianheng, he cried and complained about the tragic misfortune he had suffered!
After hearing this, Du Tianheng became even more gloomy.

That was his son, the only remaining bloodline!

He actually suffered such a terrible experience.

Before he immediately abandoned Lu Benwei, apart from thinking that Lu Benwei was embarrassing, there was one other thing, that was to make his own bones suffer so much!

"Liangcheng, I want to tell you three things now! Listen carefully!"

"The first thing is, your surname is not Song, but your surname is Du, and you are my son!"

"Second thing, you can no longer stay in the county seat, I will arrange for you to go to the provincial capital!"

"The third thing, don't worry about Chen Feng's affairs. I will make arrangements for this matter. I must avenge you!"

Song Liangcheng was not only shocked and out of order, but also extremely excited. Regardless of the pain in his body, he climbed out of bed, turned over and knelt down, and yelled, "Dad!"

"I am willing to obey your arrangement!"

He knew that his life was about to usher in a new starting point.

Leaving here is something he can't wait for!
After going to the provincial capital, he is Du Tianheng's son. Du Tianheng's net worth is several billion. No matter what he does, he will definitely be able to live in luxury. There is no need to suffer and suffer here!
(End of this chapter)

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