Chapter 9
Chapter 9
It's Zhao Danian.Behind him, there was a large group of people.

He had several bandages wrapped around his face, yet he dared to come!
"When did my family owe you money?"

Lin Guizhi looked at Zhao Danian and was very angry.

No matter how poor the family is, they would never borrow from someone like Zhao Danian!
"You don't owe Zhao Danian any money, but you owe me money. It just so happens that I owe Zhao Danian money, so I gave the money to him."

With a male duck voice, a thin and long man in his 50s and [-]s came out from behind, shouting with his pointed cheeks raised.

This man was surnamed Hou, and he was a factory owner. Lin Guizhi had been working there before he became ill.

"Lin Guizhi, you got sick and were taken to the clinic for treatment. I paid for all the medical expenses in advance. Don't you admit it!"

Boss Hou rolled his eyes and stared with evil light, his expression was extremely fierce.

"Well, Boss Hou, didn't you agree that you would use your salary to offset medical expenses?"

Lin Guizhi frowned, there was such a thing, but she worked there for five or six months, but she didn't get a penny!
"What is the offset? How much can you get from your salary? Do you know, I spent 7000 yuan on your medical expenses. After excluding your salary, you still owe me 5000 yuan!"

After Boss Hou finished speaking, Zhao Danian also straightened his back and said threateningly insolently.

"Arrears and repayment, it's natural, get the money quickly, 5000 yuan! If you can't get the money, I'll demolish the beams of your house!"

5000 yuan!
"Zhao Danian, for the sake of the folks in the village, please do me a favor. Please allow some time for this money. When his father comes back for the New Year at the end of the year, can I pay you back?"

Lin Guizhi begged bitterly.

How could she figure it out? She has been in bed for a long time, and her family has been wiped out long ago.

Zhao Danian became even more energetic, grabbed Lin Guizhi, raised his fist at the same time, and threatened viciously, "Whether you have the money or not, you must pay it back! What kind of country folks, I recognize money but not people!"

He's not here to ask for a debt, he's here to make trouble. He wants to make the Chen family look bad and never be able to hold their heads high in He'ao Village!
But suddenly his hand was held by someone, and he couldn't move no matter what.

Chen Feng.

When he saw Chen Feng, his heart trembled, his legs were trembling, and the injuries on his body were not healed yet.

But relying on the support of someone behind him, he just took the courage of a bear's heart and pretended to be extra arrogant, "Chen Feng, what do you mean? You want to refuse to pay back the debt, do you still want to take action?"

It was obvious that he was here to cause trouble, but a villain came to complain first!

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said coldly, "Isn't it just 5000 yuan? I'll pay it back!"

Zhao Danian was pinched by Chen Feng, his face was extremely embarrassed.

But at this time, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he sneered bitterly, "Oh, you have such a big tone! That's 5000 yuan! Can you still afford it? I guess you can't even get 200 yuan, so why boast about it?" Can Haikou repay this money? If you can afford it, my surname is not Zhou!"

He knew that the Chen family had no money at all.

Chen Jiaqiong's jingle, and Chen Feng, guarding the medical center can't make much money a day, let alone rich!
Chen Feng glared at him, if it wasn't for something on his mind, he wouldn't bother to entangle him, otherwise he would have done it earlier and beat him to such an extent that he couldn't take care of himself.

Chen Feng took out his mobile phone, clicked Borrow, borrowed 5000 yuan, and returned the money to Zhao Danian!

At the same time, he shouted angrily, "Get out!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Zhao Danian rolled his eyeballs in shock, he was speechless, and immediately became sluggish.

Zhao Danian never expected that Chen Feng was really rich, and he really paid it off!

"Okay, I'm leaving now."

"I'm sorry, I really don't know if you can return it."

Seeing that Chen Feng paid back the money, Zhao Danian's attitude changed drastically, and he had to take this group of people away in despair.

But there is one person who can't go!
"Boss Hou, you stay!"

Chen Feng still wanted to chat with Boss Hou.

Although Chen Feng paid back the money, he didn't know how worthless the money was!

His mother worked for him, suffered from a whole body of illnesses, and finally fell ill, and she had to pay for everything. Not only did she have to work hard for nothing, but she still owed such a huge debt. How could there be such a reason in the world!

He was holding the medical receipt given to him by Boss Hou, and he could tell at a glance that the treatment did not cost that much. An ultrasound actually cost [-] yuan, not to mention that it was not symptomatic at all, and the disease did not improve at all.

Clearly something is wrong here!
"My mother is sick. Why wasn't she sent to a regular hospital instead of a small clinic like this? Also, my mother got sick while working at your place. Isn't this considered a work-related injury? According to the law, the factory should bear the responsibility. Why should my mother pay all the medical bills?”

The reason why Chen Feng didn't argue with Zhao Danian and let Zhao Danian off easily was because he was thinking about these things. He wanted to argue with Boss Hou!

However, facing these questions from Chen Feng.

Boss Hou raised his sleeves, poked his fingers and shouted, "What's the matter, can you control it? It's my freedom to send me to any clinic! Whether it's a work-related injury or not, I have the final say! As for why I'm so tired, the salary is so low. Low, if you get sick, you have to bear it all! It’s like this in my factory! If you are not convinced, go and sue me!”

He is unreasonable, doesn't speak well, and is extraordinarily rude!

Chen Feng was angry and wanted to rush over, but Lin Guizhi grabbed him.

Lin Guizhi grabbed Chen Feng and whispered, "We can't afford to mess with this Boss Hou. He is a black factory, but there is nothing we can do about it. He is rich, powerful and has a very strong relationship. Too many people have been recruited, and there is nothing we can do about him." , Anyone who went to the top to sue was suppressed!"

It has to be said that Lin Guizhi grabbed Chen Feng, but saved Chen Feng. Otherwise, although Chen Feng could beat up Boss Hou, he would most likely not be able to avoid a prison sentence!
At this time, the man who was covering Boss Hou’s factory was at the home of village chief Su Changgui!

Once Chen Feng dares to do anything to Boss Hou, the other party will rush over immediately and make Chen Feng unable to bear the consequences!
Boss Hou transferred the debt to Zhao Danian, and asked Zhao Danian to come to the door to clamor and persecute him just to make Chen Feng irrational.
Zhao Danian, Boss Su Changguihou, and that person are all on the same line!
"Haha, be afraid of me!"

"Dare to fight with me, you are still very young!"

This person didn't take Chen Feng seriously, shouted even more arrogantly, patted his black leather bag, and swaggered away.

"Ho, is it?"

Chen Feng looked at the man's back with a cold expression on his face.

"Don't think that you can get money by colluding with a small clinic!"

"I'm telling you, you took this ignorant money, be careful it will burn you!"

Making money is of course good, but the premise is that making money is done in a proper way.

If the money comes from the wrong side, the more money you earn, the more you will have a fever, and you will eventually burn yourself!
Chen Feng would never let this matter go like this!
He will settle accounts with Boss Hou and the clinic!

"Son, Mom is so sorry for you!"

Lin Guizhi originally wanted to save some money for Chen Feng and give him a gift to get married, but she didn't earn anything and even gave him 5000 yuan. She felt very guilty.

The family was already poor, and now it is even worse.

Chen Feng was worried that his mother would think about this or that, so he comforted her and said, "Mom, you don't have to worry about things at home. I take care of everything."

This little money is nothing, he has to earn it back immediately!
He went into the room, worked around for a while, and then came out and said, "Mom, I'm going to the county right now. If the market is good, the money can be paid back."

His mother refused to let him go into the mountains, so Chen Feng had to put aside the matter of going to the mountains to collect herbs and sell them. Soon, he thought of another way to make money.

Chen Feng pushed the [-] bicycle and walked out.

"Son, go and come back quickly."

Lin Guizhi looked at her son's back and was very pleased.

She found that Chen Feng had grown up, becoming more and more manly, mature and steady.

"My son is so good, he is filial and good at doing things! It's a pity that Liu Yanyan has no vision and dislikes my family being poor."

"One day she will regret it!"

She sighed sadly.

(End of this chapter)

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