Chapter 32
Chapter 32
Zhao Ernian has so much money, how can Chen Feng fight with him!
But Chen Feng wanted to fight him, so he nodded and agreed to bid!

"Want to bid, where's your money?"

"If you want to bid, you have to take out the money! You don't want to play empty-handed white wolf tricks in front of me, do you?"

Zhao Ernian had already settled for Chen Feng, he arrogantly played with his piles of red notes, and didn't take Chen Feng seriously at all.

"Chen Feng, you also know that there must be rules for bidding. If you don't have money to bid, it's like playing hooligans to make trouble!"

"Well, Chen Feng, if you say you have money, who will believe it? You have to show the money!"

"Or you don't have to take it out, but you have to hand over 5000 yuan first as a deposit!"

Su Changgui's buttocks were obviously crooked. He was completely on Zhao Ernian's side, embarrassing Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at Su Changgui and became angry.

Thinking about it before, Zhao Danian provoked Chen Feng into an accident, and it was actually Su Changgui who was behind him. Now that Zhao Danian, Boss Hou, and Zhu Chaiguan have all fallen, Su Changgui recruited this Zhao Ernian again to deal with him.

Speaking of the most hateful person in He'ao Village, he is Su Changgui!

But now is not the time to deal with him, the most important thing for Chen Feng is to get money, first take pictures of the medical center land!

"Hmph, you look down on others! Why do you think I, Chen Feng, have no money?"

"Just wait, I'll go back and get the money!"

Chen Feng said bitterly, turned and left.

However, after leaving the village committee, he did not go home. Instead, he came to the intersection in front of the village, looked forward, and murmured: "I just let them go back empty-handed, and now I call them back, they will come back." Won't you be annoyed and unwilling to come back again?"

It turns out that Chen Feng didn't know that if he wanted to take a photo of that land, he must first have money.

Therefore, Chen Feng sent a message to Ye Zitong, asking them to come back and wild Ganoderma lucidum could be traded!

As a result, soon, Chen Feng didn't even wait for 3 minutes, the village was dusty, it was they who came back!
"Chen Feng, what's the matter with you, what trick are you trying to play again, are you playing us?"

The three got out of the car again, Jiang Yuyun's expression was not good, and he scolded extremely angrily.

Chen Feng ignored her, just walked up to the old man, bowed to him and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't say what I said, and I have my own reasons, which made you bumpy and tiring like this."

What Chen Feng said was very sincere, which made the old man very satisfied, and the unhappiness of going and rushing back naturally disappeared.

On the contrary, he looked at Ye Zitong and Chen Feng for a while, with a smile on his face, but he didn't say much.

The three returned to Chen Feng's house again, and when they sat down, Chen Feng took out his wild Ganoderma lucidum.

"Old man, I need money urgently. I don't say anything else. I picked this wild ganoderma in the mountains yesterday. Now I'm selling it to you at this price!"

As he spoke, Chen Feng raised his hand.

Chen Feng meant fifty thousand.

In fact, Chen Feng knew that this wild Ganoderma lucidum was already purple, and its value was far more than [-], and even [-] would not be an exaggeration.

But on the one hand, he was eager to make a deal, and on the other hand, the other party came from afar, and he felt very sorry for letting them go back and forth, so naturally he kept the price extremely low!
However, in the eyes of the old man, his slap is not like that.

From the moment Chen Feng took out the wild Ganoderma lucidum, his eyes swelled and he was stunned!
He is not an ordinary person, he is the head of a prominent family that is well-known in Jiangnan Province. He has seen a lot in his life. This is the first time he has seen wild Ganoderma lucidum in such a beautiful and natural color. The key is, it is still purple!

Mom, this is once in a thousand years!
His hands trembled a little, holding this purple wild ganoderma, he was a little crazy!
A rare treasure.

"Young man, tell me, how much is your price?"

The old man's voice trembled and he was a little trembling.

He had to ask clearly the meaning of Chen Feng's slap.

When he thought about it, did Chen Feng want 50 or 500 million?
50 is low, and 500 million is slightly higher.

"fifty thousand."

Chen Feng's answer shocked the old man. He couldn't help but raise his brows and said in disbelief: "Are you kidding?"

It is obviously a supreme treasure worth several million, and it can even be sold for 700 million at the auction. He only needs [-]?

"Of course I'm not joking."

Chen Feng gave the wild Ganoderma lucidum to the old man and urged: "It's yours now! It's time to give me the money!"

The old man was stunned for a moment. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he suppressed it and actually took out [-] yuan and gave it to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took the money and said to them, "I'm sorry, excuse me!"

Then he ran away like flying.

He has to rush to participate in the auction.

In the village committee, when Chen Feng took out 5 yuan, Su Changgui and Zhao Ernian's eyes popped out and they were dumbfounded.

They never thought that Chen Feng would have money, and it was as much as [-]!

Then Zhao Ernian was quite ostentatious just now, but now he immediately froze.

Although there were hundreds of thousands of dollars in his canvas bag, if he was really asked to bid with Chen Feng, he would win the land.

Although he could spend some money to take this land to disgust Chen Feng and take revenge, but the money was too much, he would say, has his head been caught by the door panel!
What's the use of that piece of land for him!
Naturally, he hastily accompanied Chen Feng to call the price twice, raised the place to 5000 yuan, and then he retreated.

In the end, Chen Feng won the land for 5000 yuan.

In this regard, Zhao Ernian secretly thought: "This stupid Erlangzi spent 5000 yuan on a piece of abandoned land. He is really stupid!"

He comforted himself with this.

Chen Feng signed the land lease contract.

Although he spent 5000 yuan all at once, he was reluctant to part with it.This is a huge sum of money in his mind. If he uses this money to improve his life, his family's life will be improved too much.

However, in this way, he not only saved the medical center, but also had a six or seven acres of land that he could use for cultivation and planting. He also found a new direction for development. He was quite satisfied.

In this way, he returned home with the contract.

On the way, he once stopped Zhao Ernian and asked him about his father.

As a result, Zhao Ernian hated him, so how could he tell him that the two broke up unhappy.

But not long after Chen Feng arrived home, dust rose again from He'ao Village.

someone is coming.

This time, it was still Ye Zitong, Jiang Yuyun and the others.

Chen Feng was also taken aback when he saw them going back and forth again. He was a little panicked, and went up to the old man and said, "Don't you want to return the goods? This deal has already been made, and you can't go back on it!"

The reason for this is because Chen Feng has already spent the money. If the old man wants to go back on his word, then he won't have the 5 yuan refund.

"No." The old man shook his head, dispelling his worries.

"Why is that?" Chen Feng became even more puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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