Country doctor

Chapter 304 Give A Gift

Chapter 304 send a gift

Chapter 349 send a gift

When Song Shiqiu heard this voice, his whole body immediately collapsed as if he had seen a ghost!

In the hospital before, he dared to yell at Chen Feng, wanting to kill Chen Feng, it was because he didn't know how powerful Chen Feng was!

Later on, he saw Chen Feng's might and strength. Whether it was playing with Chen Mu or He Jian, it was like playing.

In order to get rid of Chen Mu, Chen Feng confronted Chen Mu's professional killer who spent 300 million a month, but the professional killer was played by him and collapsed, willing to become Chen Feng's running dog and obediently confessed to Chen Mu.

Not to mention, he also heard that Han Sidong, the No. [-] wealthy and young devil king of the Han family in Kyoto, was raped by him, so he obediently gave up his marriage with Chen Niannian.

That's Han Sidong!
Today's Han Sidong heard that after being punished that time, his whole person has changed drastically, he is no longer arrogant and presumptuous, and has become a gentle sheep!

He, Chen Feng, did all of this!
Damn it, why didn't God open his eyes and let him meet Chen Feng directly, this is a demon!

He immediately went limp, fell down, rolled and scrambled, and angrily rushed towards the earrings in red, his cousin.

"Damn you, you killed me!"


He punched the red earring hard.

He was really powerful, he was the real culprit for beating his cousin, with one punch, half of the face with the red earrings seemed to be cut off, the whole cheek was tilted, and at the same time, blood spurted out together with the fallen teeth!
"What's the matter? Is the boss's cousin crazy? Why did he suddenly put down that guy and start beating the boss!"

"If this continues, the boss will not be beaten to death!"

Although they were very worried about the boss, they watched his cousin beat him up in silence, and none of them came forward.

This made Chen Niannian see clearly again.

The so-called classmate friendship is so fragile, but they seem to be very close, they have been playing together, and they are the boss with red earrings together, they seem so reliable, so indestructible!

Bang bang.

In order to vent the anger in his heart, Song Shiqiu kept kicking and hitting his cousin, Red Clothes Earrings, and finally kicked him into the lake again before he gave in.

But after kicking, he suddenly cried!
He is repenting, regretting himself, why he listened to his cousin and came here.

If he doesn't come, he can still live well. Chen Mu is finished and He Jian is finished, but he can still live well.

In the end, why did he come? He was crying when he saw Chen Feng's smile just now, and his heart seemed to be plucked out of his heart.

At this moment, Chen Feng raised his hand towards him and told him to come over.

He dared not listen.

When he obediently walked in front of Chen Feng, Chen Feng stood up slowly, with the same smile on his face, as if he had seen a good friend for many years, and seemed to have picked up a treasure, he was happy and smiling.

Everyone didn't understand what he meant, even Chen Niannian was very curious, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Of course, Chen Feng was fine, but Song Shiqiu was not good.

Because Chen Feng raised his fist and said to him: "Aren't you good at fighting? Didn't you say you want to fight me? Didn't you say you wanted to kill me?"

"Die! Do it!"

"Why were you so arrogant before, why were you so fierce in front of others!"

"Come on, do it!"

Song Shiqiu didn't dare to do anything, he was in a state of collapse, he just wanted to atone for his sin by beating his cousin in red with earrings, but he actually wanted to show it to Chen Feng, which meant that he was wrong, he didn't He should show off his might to Chen Feng. He didn't know it was Chen Feng, so he begged Chen Feng to hold him high and let him go!
However, Chen Feng smiled and was happy, like hooking a big fish, how could he give up and throw it away so easily?


Since Song Shiqiu didn't do anything, Chen Feng had to do it himself.

As soon as Chen Feng punched down, he hit the big drum like an iron rod. The boom made by others, he made the vibration of two hard things.

The sound was loud and emerald, as if bones and flesh had been smashed to pieces.

It was clearly hitting Song Shiqiu.

But there was a thud in everyone's heart, as if hitting them.

They had never seen such a fierce and fierce blow, it was obviously a fist, it was obviously a fleshy skin, but it was like an extremely hard metal device!
This time, these students all understood.

It turned out that the reason why the cousin with the red earrings suddenly let go of his hand and rushed madly at his cousin, the red earrings, and beat him up. , not to be arrogant, but to be abused!
And the level of this abuse is definitely the top level of 99!
Miserable, so miserable!

"It turns out that the other party has been holding back. It's not because they're afraid of us, but because they're afraid that they won't be able to bear it for a while, and they will punch them all and kill them all!"

Some people figured it out even more.

They were a group of people who had never been beaten. If they were hit by Chen Feng, they would never survive again.

That 1.8-meter-long guy has always rushed to the front, and now he must be lying, lying at the end, trembling!

Only then did he understand that Chen Feng endured it several times because he thought they were too weak and he was afraid that he would kill them if he got angry.

The so-called, the stronger the stronger, the more they will let the opponent go, because in their eyes, the opponent is too weak, they are so strong and kill the weak, there is no sense of accomplishment, just like an elephant encountering an ant blocking the way, Will the elephant take care of it?
No, what effect can the little ants have on it?


Here, Chen Feng beat Song Shiqiu hard.

Song Shiqiu was a powerful figure in the eyes of everyone, but he was nothing in Chen Feng's eyes.

But Chen Feng had other intentions in not letting Song Shiqiu go.

"Okay, now it's time to tell the truth."

"I know, where the Chen family's assets have been transferred by Chen Mu, those rat warehouses know where they are!"

"Be honest and obedient, hand over all these mouse warehouses to Mr. Chen, then everything will be fine, and I won't pursue it too much. This is over."

It turned out that Chen Feng wanted to leave the capital. Although he didn't have any affection for Mr. Chen, he thought that the Chen family was the Chen family after all, and could be regarded as his family. His father, Chen Chen, was here, and Chen Niannian was also a part of it.

So even if he extremely hated the Chen family as a mess, and was indifferent or even disgusted with the Chen family, he would give him a last gift.

This gift was made by Chen Mu who secretly emptied the Chen family and transferred the high-quality assets of the Chen family to their mouse warehouse. Because of this, the Chen family was in dire straits, full of holes, and a mess!
If all these mouse warehouses can be dug out, although the Chen family cannot be brought to its peak immediately, at least the Chen family can survive the cold winter with no worries!

Then the follow-up production improvement will be handed over to Chen Xianhua, Chen Chen and others to take care of it.

"Ah, I say!"

"I'll say it all!"

In fact, Song Shiqiu had the mentality that he would not be able to kill him before.

Where these assets have been transferred, and which mouse warehouses are there, only Chen Mu, He Jian and the three of them know. Now that Chen Mu and He Jian have suffered, the only one left is him.

If he makes good use of it, then all the money and assets will be his!
Although he can't rival a country because of his wealth, his worth alone can be compared to a wealthy upper class. How blind do you think he will be, and he is willing to tell the things about it?
As long as he is safe and sound, he can escape this turmoil.

He will live a good life, a good life for a billionaire.

But at this moment, everything was broken and messed up, so he hated his cousin with earrings in red like that, because his cousin lost everything about him!

But now, he didn't dare to speak up and not speak out.

He knew that the more he didn't say anything, the more sad the blow would be. He had seen that professional killer had to succumb, and he thought that it was impossible for him to endure more than a professional killer. They all vomited out.

It wasn't that Chen Feng wanted these properties, but he recorded Song Shiqiu's words and sent them to Lin Xianhua and Lin Chen, telling them to quickly collect these properties and save the Chen family.

(End of this chapter)

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