Country doctor

Chapter 28 Bad luck

Chapter 28 Bad luck
Chapter 28 Bad luck
When I woke up, I realized it was just a dream.

It's strange, how could I have such a dream? It's Su Xin, not Ye Zitong whom he has a crush on. Even Jiang Yuyun is fine. After all, she has a sexy and hot body, and she is the first beauty Chen Feng has ever had close contact with. .

It turned out to be Su Xin who was as cold as ice.

Thinking of her, Chen Feng shivered and instinctively felt cold.

Chen Feng doesn't like such a woman, so he can't have any feelings for her.

But if it wasn't for feelings, then what was the reason that made her enter her dream, which was still so clear, like a TV movie.

Could it be that he was scared of being beaten, left a great impression, and was thrown into shadow by her shoulder?
Thinking of Su Xin's shoulder fall, Chen Feng thought of another thing, that is how strong is he now?
He has no problem dealing with gangsters like Zhao Danian now, but what about someone taller and more ruthless?
Just like this Su Xin, he clearly knew that this girl was going to throw her on his back, and his purpose was to seize the opportunity to grab her hand and compete with her, but in the end he couldn't avoid it, and he couldn't take advantage of it at all. It's not cheap at all, but I'm thrown to the ground by her shoulder again and again!
It's also evil.

But why was he able to chase the pack of wolves in the deep mountains, and why was that little flower patterned leopard so obedient to him?
Is it true that you are not very strong?
Chen Feng sat up, thought about it carefully, and finally recognized the reality, that is, after passing through the inheritance of the Underworld Emperor's medicine, his physical fitness has improved in all aspects, which is much better than ordinary people, but compared to Su A guy like Xin who has practiced martial arts and is particularly violent is probably far from being an opponent!
And the reason why I was able to drive away the wolves, and even the patterned leopards were afraid of me, is probably another reason, that is, I have the inheritance of the underworld emperor's medicine in me, and I have something that frightens them, which makes these beasts dare not attack. near.

In this way, I have to work hard to become stronger, to fight against people like Su Xin, and not to fall behind.

He thought of the matter in his sleep about the flow of spiritual energy, and finally condensed into spiritual energy, and began to think silently.

Obviously, only when I have more spirit energy can I become stronger.

And if I want to have more spiritual energy, I have to absorb more spiritual energy and let the spiritual energy transform into my own spiritual energy!
But where did the aura come from? This made Chen Feng depressed again.

What he knew was that one was something with aura, such as the natural pearls he had picked up before, and the other was with the help of Su Xin's special physique.

But now, natural pearls are very rare, not easy to find, and they disappear in a flash, and the effect is not too great.

Su Xin's special physique is even harder to find!

Could it be that he went to find Su Xin by himself and clings to her every day?
So what?No way!
When Chen Feng was worrying, he suddenly felt that water droplets were about to flow out from his fingers.

"what is this?"

Soon the message came from his mind.

"Cultivators, absorb spiritual energy, and occasionally a small amount of spiritual liquid will seep out while condensing!"

"This psychic liquid is very good. It is spiritual energy and far superior to spiritual energy. It can be absorbed and then transformed, and it can also be used to give birth to all things!"

Chen Feng understood it carefully and was about to put the spiritual liquid in his mouth to absorb and transform it.

But then I thought about it again, "What is the effect of promoting all things? Do you want to try it out?"

Chen Feng came to the yard, looking for something to try, but he couldn't find anything. Suddenly, his mind flashed and he remembered the blue wild ganoderma.

"I would like to see how strong the growth-promoting effect of this spiritual liquid is. If the effect is strong, will the wild ganoderma be improved and become better?"

Thinking of this, he dripped the spirit liquid that was about to overflow on the wild Ganoderma lucidum.

After Chen Feng finished this, it was already five or six o'clock in Lingli.

He wanted to sleep for a while, but he didn't feel sleepy at all, so he walked out of the room, met his mother Lin Guizhi who also got up, looked up at his son, saw him getting up so early for an unprecedented time, thought that Chen Feng didn't sleep well last night, probably because he was worried about the medicine It was not sold, and there was no money to bid for the land of the medical center.

Lin Guizhi couldn't help comforting him, "Son, forget it, let's not think about that piece of land, we can't compete with others. Just spend some money on the medical center, move it to another place and build it, and then move all the original things there."

In Lin Guizhi's opinion, Chen Feng wouldn't lose much by doing this.

But Chen Feng shook his head and said resolutely, "Mom, I must take this land! As for the money issue, don't worry about it, I have my own way."

It turned out that he got up so early, he decided to take this wild Ganoderma lucidum and go find Ye Zihan!
Ye Zihan told him before that she owed Chen Feng a great favor, and she wanted to repay Chen Feng, but if Chen Feng had any difficulties to find her, she would definitely help.

Now Chen Feng takes this wild Ganoderma lucidum and rushes to her home with her!
She said yesterday that there is someone in her family who wants to buy it and can afford it. If she introduces it in the middle, it will definitely succeed!
He and Ye Zihan rushed over and sold the Ganoderma lucidum and got the money. Even if they couldn't make it back, they would remit the money to Lin Guizhi and let his mother bid on his behalf!
Thinking of this, he quickly washed up and went to the room to get Ganoderma lucidum.

When I took out Ganoderma lucidum, I was immediately shocked!
It turns out that after being nourished by the spiritual liquid, the variety is really better, the color is darker, and the flesh is thicker.

What shocked him the most was that even the color of Ganoderma lucidum had changed, from cyan to red. Although it had not yet reached the most mature and best purple, it was already the best among the wild Ganoderma lucidum!
It really works!

If it grows naturally, it will take decades!
The growth of natural Ganoderma lucidum is extremely slow.It takes about 20 years to turn from black to white, 30 to 40 years to turn from white to green, and [-] to [-] years to turn from green to red. Then just now, after being watered with spiritual liquid, the wild Ganoderma lucidum instantly transformed from green to green. Turn red!
In other words, it has the effect of growing up for more than 30 years at once!
This effect is too good.

Chen Feng ran out happily, and was spotted by Lin Guizhi, who wondered: "Hey, what's wrong with my son, seeing that the land of the medical center can't be kept, how can he still have the heart to laugh! I think he wanted to save the hospital at the beginning. He and himself are desperately trying to see the hospital, now he has been hit by some kind of blow, and he has completely looked away, broken jars, do you not want this medical center?"

Under his mother's doubts, Chen Feng rode a [-] bicycle and rushed to the county town to find Ye Zihan.

When he arrived at the county seat, he tried to call Ye Zihan, but he couldn't get through!
It's no wonder that he didn't contact Ye Zihan in advance. When he came out, it was only five or six o'clock in the morning. He was afraid that it would be too early and disturb her sleep.

It turned out that it was already seven or eight o'clock, and Ye Zihan should have woken up to find the phone, but he made such a fuss!

"It's a bad thing, it's bad luck, even God won't help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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