Country doctor

Chapter 22 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 22 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 22 Meeting in a narrow road

"Corrector, someone found Zhu Zhenghai's body in the wild!"

Zhu Zhenghai is dead!
"According to investigation, he took a highly poisonous substance, and before that, he also burned his house to pieces."

Su Xin was startled, she didn't expect Zhu Zhenghai to die just after he was suspended for investigation, it was obvious that he committed suicide in fear of crime.

However, what Su Xin couldn't figure out was, "Zhu Zhenghai is just a small officer, no matter how corrupt he is, it won't be too serious, right? How could he seek death immediately? As an officer, would he be so fragile?"

"Go, go and see the scene!" She immediately decided.

At this time, in the vast mountains, Chen Feng took Dahua to a very far-reaching place.

Only in extremely far-reaching places, where no one patronizes, will there be rare and rare medicinal materials!

"Hey, Chike, Dahua, come here and take a look. What is this orchid-like grass?"

"I don't know, it's Dendrobium! It's blooming right now. It's powerful, nourishing yin and nourishing the stomach. Nowadays, people in the city have too much entertainment, and they need to eat it when they have a weak stomach. Take a little bit of water to sober up, ah, big flower, What do you want to do! Don't defecate anywhere, don't you want to come here next time?"

Dahua wagged her tail, as if telling Chen Feng, "I'm making a mark."

Chen Feng took the dendrobium, and suddenly remembered, if he had brought a big flower last time, could he find the place where he obtained the inheritance of the Underworld Emperor again?

To be honest, that experience was too mysterious, and he wanted to go there to see it, but he couldn't find the place for a long time.

Chen Feng continued to walk in with Da Hua, when suddenly there was a roar, like the sound of some beast, Da Hua's legs trembled in fright, and he dared not move forward.

"Hmph, I praised you just now, why did you get discouraged so quickly?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here! I'll cover you!"

Chen Feng is someone who can run after wolves, what can scare him, let alone it is daytime, and he still has a hoe in his hand.

Chen Feng patted Da Hua's head, and continued to walk in. Sure enough, the further in, the greater the result.

"Wow, it's developed! I finally found a good thing that can be sold at a high price!"

"Dahua, come here, let me teach you how to recognize, this kind of root is Polygonum multiflorum, because its roots are entangled in the outside, it is also called Yejiao vine, but the real good things are still hidden deep in the ground, understand? "

Chen Feng began to work seriously while talking.

Although he had dug up a lot before, if he wanted to sell it at a good price in the county town, he would be able to wrestle with Boss Hou and bid for the land of the medical center.

The Polygonum multiflorum that Chen Feng found now is!

According to Chen Feng's preliminary estimate, this Polygonum multiflorum can be sold for one or two thousand!
However, when Chen Feng was concentrating on digging, he didn't notice that behind him, Dahua suddenly lay down, his front paws kept grabbing the ground, and the panic in his eyes reached the extreme.

Finally, it turned around and ran away in a very dishonest manner.

"Hey, you're not trustworthy! Where are you going, Dahua! Come back quickly!"

While calling out, Chen Feng felt a chill in his back, which was very abnormal, and turned around involuntarily.

Turning around, he was terrified!
Behind him, without turning around, appeared a giant beast with colorful twisted flowers. Its eyes were as big as ping pong balls, and there was a fierce cold light flashing out, which made people shiver!

Leopard, leopard!

The whole body of the Leopard is full of treasures. If it can be taken down, it will be developed.

But does Chen Feng dare?
Not at all, it's too scary.

Even if Chen Feng has the ability to compete with wolves, but if he wants to compete with leopards, he is still far behind!
In this barren mountain and wild forest, it is its home field!
Leopards are as fast as lightning, agile and ruthless, and extremely powerful. Tigers can't even think about being their opponents!
What now?
Chen Feng didn't dare to escape, he couldn't escape at all!The more it escapes, the more it eats. As for Dahua, it can't be counted on.

Fortunately, Chen Feng held the hoe in his hand and did not move. The leopard seemed to be jealous of the weapon in his hand and did not move. After a stalemate like this for about a minute and a half, the leopard chose to back down. Flash, gone.

Later, Chen Feng looked at the place where the leopard was originally, but there was no sign of it at all.

Chen Feng patted his chest, and quickly put the half-meter-high Polygonum multiflorum into the medicine basket, then whistled, retrieved the big flower, and was about to sneak away and go home.

But he was a little unwilling. After all, even if this Polygonum multiflorum could be sold for 2000 yuan, Chen Feng always felt that something was missing if he wanted to securely secure the land of the medical center.

After all, the normal price of that piece of land is three or four thousand, and Boss Hou is bound to get it, and the price has to go up. If there is no six or seven thousand, Chen Feng has no idea!

"Should we continue? If we continue, what if we meet that leopard again?"

"Not to continue?"

Chen Feng hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to continue to venture in!
"Hmph, Leopard, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Joke, I'm Chen Feng, I'm not afraid of anything!"

Chen Feng and Dahua continued to walk in, and finally reached a cliff. Even if they wanted to go forward, they had no choice but to climb over it!

But just when Chen Feng sighed and had to turn around and leave, a ray of light shone into his eyes.

With his sixth sense, this must be a good thing!
The last time this happened, it was Chen Feng who encountered pure natural pearls in the pool.

Chen Feng stopped immediately, and looked for the place where the light was shining, and he really found it. There was a natural Ganoderma lucidum near a big tree stump at the bottom of a cliff!
"Developed, this is the real king of medicinal materials, the first of the top ten precious medicinal materials! Don't even try to compare with ginseng!"

The reason why Ganoderma lucidum is less famous than ginseng is that the important reason is that Ganoderma lucidum is extinct, and there are very few real pure natural Ganoderma lucidums!

At this time, Chen Feng was even more delighted to see that this Ganoderma lucidum was not too big or too small, about the size of a palm, and although its color was not extremely purple or red, it had already reached a quite aged blue.

This Ganoderma lucidum has six colors, purple, red, blue, yellow, white, and black. The most common one is black, but it will turn white, yellow, blue, and even red and purple after a certain age.

"Kung fu pays off! God treats me well!"

"With this, I want to see how Boss Hou will fight with me!"

Chen Feng was so proud that he was about to go forward to take down the ganoderma, but suddenly the big flower squeaked, and he was even more frightened than last time. Chen Feng saw it when he turned his head, and the leopard just sprang out from nowhere. Coming towards me!

"Mom, it looks like I won't be able to get this Ganoderma lucidum if we don't fight it out?"

Thinking in his heart, Chen Feng had tightened his grip on the hoe, and he decided to fight this leopard to the end.

Although he has no chance of winning at all, in order to get this Ganoderma lucidum, he has to fight!
The leopard was getting closer and closer, and the big flower fled away again rather uninterestingly, only Chen Feng and it were left, almost like in the Roman arena, two strong contenders, and they must have a lifetime!
"come on!"

Chen Feng yelled, seeing the leopard approaching about two meters away from him, Chen Feng couldn't sit still, he decided to strike first, he gritted his teeth, raised his hoe tightly, and used almost He wanted to crush the wooden pole with all his strength, and threw it at the leopard
Nothing can stop Chen Feng from getting what he wants!
Not even you, a leopard!

(End of this chapter)

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