Chapter 9
On September 9st, the training tour started early in the morning, and a team with mixed results was established.

"My name is Kong Wei, and I will be your coach in the future, because we only have 11 players, and we must first protect ourselves on the field in the future."

"So now we have to practice the first basic skill, Zama, Zama can make people consolidate their roots, and in the future when they fight with others, they can stand on Mount Tai." On the court, Kong Wei was facing the opponent. The players who were straddling their horses taught seriously, and saw 11 players lined up in three rows, with Wei Long, Li Bao, and Zheng Wei in the front row, and eight troublemakers in the back two rows.

"Today Zama is 5 minutes, and then 2 minutes will be added every day until 60 minutes."

"If you want to become an excellent player, you must work hard..." Coach Kong continued to teach back and forth. The eight troublemakers off the court were already ready to move and began to feel a little restless. Wasn't the one standing behind Li Bao The other person is Zhang Yike. He couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw Li Bao's posture on the horse. The flesh of those two big buttocks was about to burst out of the sportswear. Now, the two fat buttocks began to twist gently.


No, when the coach was turning around, a black shadow suddenly rushed towards him. Before he could react, he was knocked down heavily by the black shadow. When he saw the huge body pressing on him clearly... Li Bao.

Immediately, the eight troublemakers burst out laughing.Only Zheng Wei and Wei Long were still stalking their horses in a serious manner.

"I...I...not me..." Li Baoke was terrified and struggled for a long time before rolling off the coach.

This made the coach so angry that his veins were exposed, and he swept his eyes fiercely at the troublemakers. Of course he understood what was going on, and what was even worse was that the troublemakers laughed arrogantly as if nothing had happened.

"Who... stood up?" The coach stood up and said angrily.

I saw Zhang Yike bravely stood up, but she didn't show any expression of fear of regret.

" run ten laps for me." The coach shouted angrily and sternly, pointing at the track.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yike rushed to the runway obediently.

Only then did Li Bao get up, ignoring the mess on his body, he immediately returned to his original position, and scrambled in a dignified manner.The seven troublemakers also took their positions.

The coach looked at the time: "It's 5 minutes, everyone take a break and drink some water."

There was a box of mineral water next to it, and the players took their own. Some stood with their hips on their hips, some sat on the ground and drank water, but their eyes were all looking at one... Zhang Yike.

He only ran two laps, and he seemed to run quite easily.

"Next, we will conduct the second training, speed running. On the field, if you have speed, you will have more opportunities." After a short break, the coach is teaching the second training.

This training is hard for the coach.I saw an elastic rope tied to the coach, and then he tied the other end to a player, and he wanted to lead them to run quickly one by one.

As a result, leading Zheng Wei used [-]% of the speed, and the others had to use [-]% to [-]% of the speed. Only Li Bao could use [-]% of the speed. In the beginning, there were still many players who could not keep up and fell down.

After training one after another like this, with several reincarnations in a row, the feeling of tiredness of the coach is almost taken off.I had to sit on the grass panting for a while to rest.I feel embarrassed, and I can't blame him, he doesn't have the qualified physical fitness of the coach.

"Coach, drink some water!" Xiaowei brought a bottle of mineral water to the coach who could no longer run.

The coach took it unceremoniously and drank it all in one gulp.

At this time, no one knew how many laps Zhang Yike had run?I saw him continue to run strongly and strenuously.

The other seven mischievous bugs played vigorously, those who played races, and those who played wrestling.

When Zhang Yike ran past them, she was out of breath and nearly exhausted.This was seen by Zheng Wei, and he hurriedly took a bottle of water and chased after him.

"Come drink some water to replenish your strength." With Zheng Wei's current physical strength, he quickly caught up and handed over the water bottle.

Zhang Yike gave Zheng Wei a look, he didn't intend to accept other people's assistance.

"Drink some water and replenish your energy, otherwise you will be exhausted and faint, and you will make a fool of yourself." Zheng Wei nodded kindly.

Zhang Yike tugged at him again, this time he didn't refuse, took the water bottle without saying a word and started drinking while running.

This scene was watched by everyone, Wei Long followed, followed by seven troublemakers, and Li Bao, who looked at the front and at the coach, didn't know what to do.The result is still...

"Wait for me...wait for me..." Li Bao chose to follow.The students in front turned to look at Li Bao in unison.

Zhang Yike suddenly slowed down, he led everyone together, catering to Li Bao's rhythm.

The coach nodded, as if he saw a cohesive force, and also seemed to see the longed-for future.

(End of this chapter)

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