champion my dream

Chapter 36 CCTV Interview (1)

Chapter 36 CCTV Interview (1)

The new champions, the Xingmeng team accepted an exclusive interview with CCTV with an aura of incomparable glory.

"Everyone invites the new champions of the national youth group...the Xingdream team...with warm applause." The host's thick and clear voice kicked off the prelude.

"Everyone is optimistic. This team is our legendary dark horse, and it may also be our hope for the future of Chinese football. Please, please."

Amid the warm applause from the audience, Kong Wei and Uncle Da led the team slowly onto the stage.

The children never dreamed that they could enter such a big stage of CCTV.Suddenly I felt excited and a little shy.Only Wei Long, who has received countless music trophies, seems more natural.

"Look, everyone, they are all dragons and phoenixes...but there is one very special." The host didn't expect a fat man (Li Bao) to enter the stage at the end, so he immediately changed his mouth.This is the true nature of the host's cleverness.

"Hello champions! Welcome! Welcome!"

"Hello! Hello host!" Kong Wei and the others also greeted the host politely!

"Come... come, please sit down, please, ah! Strange, are there any of you who haven't come yet? Isn't there 23 players in a football team?"

"It's all here, all here, we only have 12 players." Coach Kong Wei explained.

"First of all, congratulations on winning the national championship. Let's introduce ourselves to the fans first."

It started with Coach Kong and Uncle Da, and then the children introduced themselves one by one.

"One thing I really don't understand. Is your football school trying to save money, or because you really can't select talents, so you only sent 12 players to participate in the competition. Come, Coach Kong, come and explain to everyone." The host's interviews are habitually tricky.

"No, to tell you the truth, because our football school only has 12 players." Coach Kong replied frankly.

"My God... My God... It's incredible that you can win the national championship with only 12 players." The host exclaimed in a surprised tone. "I also want to ask, when did you form this team."

"February 9 this year."

"What? Did you hear me wrong?"

"That's right, it's September 9 this year." Coach Kong Wei repeated.

"Today is December 12th, so you have been formed for less than 25 months."


"Let's take a look at the Star Dream team's record in this national championship before making an evaluation."


"What a frightening number this is. It turned out to be created by a team that has been formed for less than four months. It can really be described as miraculous."

"Two of these games are worthy of everyone's praise. They are the match against the defending champion Shandong team. Although I don't know much about what happened on the field, from the score point of view, you beat your opponent 4-1 and 3-1. This is It also proves how strong the Star Dream Team is."

There was warm applause at the scene.

"Now I really want to know how you have created a miracle in just over three months. I believe fans must also want to know, Coach Kong, can you share this glory with us."

"Yes, but it's a long story. Please forgive me if there is any bad expression."

Then Coach Kong Wei told everything that happened in detail.

"My God...your story can be made into an inspirational movie, it will definitely be a hit." There was another wave of warm applause under the fans of the host.

"We also asked the principal of the Star Dream Team to talk about the feeling of winning the championship, please."

"I... I... I'm sorry, I... I'm so excited."

"Take your time, principal, don't get excited." The host Yuanchang comforted.

"Uncle Da, take your time and relax." Kong Wei gently patted the principal on the back to help him relax.

"It has been ten years since I founded the Xingmeng Football School. From more than 1000 students at the peak to 12 students now, it is sad to say. But I am very pleased. Today I would like to thank them for helping me complete my dream. Dream, I feel that God is so attached to me, when I was at my worst, I met the most respectful person in my life, Coach Kong, thank you, thank you very much." Uncle Da wiped away the tears of excitement Inexhaustible.

"It's really touching, very touching. Without that accident, the Xingdream Football School might close its doors forever, and Coach Kong's book (Football Book) might never be published. It's so touching." There was moved applause.

(End of this chapter)

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