Chapter 74
Time goes back to yesterday afternoon.

Ferguson is in his office, reviewing the results of the team physical test report he just received.The data of some of them has declined significantly, while others have remained at a very high level, which reflects whether a player has maintained some basic life training in his holiday life, but these are not particularly important, because according to Conventionally, Ferguson will spend about half a month helping the team adjust their state.

The plan for this trip to Asia is that Manchester United will fly from Manchester to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, where they will have about 10 days of training before starting their first game on the 18th. The opponent is a Malaysian star Team.On the 20th, there will be a game against the Malaysian star team. After the game, I will fly to Seoul. On the 24th, I will play against Seoul FC. After the match, I will fly to Hangzhou, China. On the 26th, I will have a game against Hangzhou Greentown. Will fly back to Manchester for a more than ten-day preparation plan. On August 8th, Manchester United will usher in a Community Shield match against Chelsea.

Next to Ferguson, all the members of the coaching staff are there. After Ferguson reads a report by one person, he will pass it on to the physical coaches.

"Li's physical fitness is improving very quickly." Ferguson looked at Li Xiaoming's body report and said.

"Well, his muscular strength and explosive power have reached the standards of Premier League players, and this improvement has not affected his sensitivity and his excellent skills, but in terms of physical fitness, I think there is still a gap between him and a real professional player." Tadvik said with a smile.

"Yes, but I think what he needs now is how to display his technical advantages and creativity on the court. He needs a lot of game experience." Meulensteen added, but from his smiling You can see on his face that he is very satisfied with this kid.

"What do you think of his physical training plan?"

"I think it still needs to be maintained, but the strength training can be reduced, and the flexibility response and endurance training can be increased."

"Well, then I'll leave him to you, Tony."

The next day, it was Rooney who sent Li Xiaoming to Carrington.

Li Xiaoming just dragged a small training box, which only contained a computer and some happy clothes.Because the club will prepare jerseys, Li Xiaoming was a little surprised when he saw Rooney's huge pile of luggage.He could even see two red gloves hanging from the trolley case.

"Wayne, you are here to play football, not football, and there are no boxers in Malaysia, only Thailand."

Rooney sneered at Li Xiaoming's words: "The old guy's training camp, apart from training, you can only play video games, table tennis, and billiards in the hotel. You will hardly have any entertainment. So if you don't think about it yourself method, then the training camp will be miserable during this period. It will be the same as that of the Puritans. So the men just want to fight. There was no winner last time, but this time we have to compete."

Many fans and media gathered at the gate of Carrington, but Rooney did not stop, but drove into the Carrington base quickly, because it was not long before the assembly, and Manchester United would be fined for being late.

The team took the Manchester United team bus to Manchester Airport.Li Xiaoming sat pale in the bus without saying a word.

"I hope you didn't have any regrets during the holiday, and you all relaxed yourself. This way you will have the strength to support the next training." Klopp said while scanning the audience, observing the expressions of each player. All received in their own eyes.

Wearing a simple training suit, Ferguson stood in the bus, held the handle and said to the players in the bus: "I have already got the physical test report of each of you yesterday. What I want to say is that I am very concerned about some players It's good to be in physical condition, you are like in the middle of the season, your body is ready at any time. But there are also many people who have a serious decline in physical fitness, but it doesn't matter, Mr. Stadwick will find it for you Top form."

After finishing speaking, the fitness coach Stadwick stood up, leaned on the back of the chair, turned around and said to the players: "I am very happy to spend seven days with you. I will be responsible for you Everyone develops a different physical training plan and supervises you to complete it. But some players already know me very well, we have worked together very well before, and I am sure I will have good memories for him.”

After hearing Stadwick's words, the players in the car looked back at Li Xiaoming who was sitting in the back of the car with a pale face.

Nani joked: "Oh, you scared our Chinese boys until they turned pale."

Li Xiaoming's cheeks twitched, he glanced at Nani, rolled his eyes and said, "I'm motion sick and I don't want to talk to you. I want to be quiet?"

"Who is Jingjing? Is it your new girlfriend?" Rooney also joined in the fun and asked.


It was already noon when the Manchester United team arrived at the training ground in Kuala Lumpur, and they stayed in the most luxurious hotel in Kuala Lumpur, and their training base was the training base of the Malaysian Selangor Club.

Li Xiaoming, who was motion sick and airsick, was allocated a room with Rio Ferdinand. The tall and strong Englishman carried Li Xiaoming's luggage and dragged Li Xiaoming's tired body back to the room.After sleeping in the room for a while, Li Xiaoming woke up from a semi-conscious state. He thanked Ferdinand who had been taking care of him, and ran to the bathroom to take a hot bath. Wash away the exhaustion from the exhaustion of boats and cars.

When the club gathered for dinner at night, Li Xiaoming was laughed at by his teammates.

His roommate Ferdinand sat next to Li Xiaoming with a lot of food in his hands. He patted Li Xiaoming's head: "Hey, boy. Why are you so tired?" Before Li Xiaoming could explain.

Ferdinand then shook his head, and said darkly, "Tsk tsk, this is not acceptable, young man. You are in such a state, I am afraid that you will faint on the bed when you climax."

There was a burst of laughter all around.Li Xiaoming rolled his eyes at everyone, and then gorged on the nutritious food in front of him. Because of dizziness, he couldn't even eat a little, and now he was very hungry.

But the next day, all the team members couldn't laugh anymore.

The coaching staff arranged a lot of physical training for the players, and each player had to wear a special tight-fitting t-shirt during the physical training. There were some electrodes inside the t-shirt, which were attached to the body and could Monitor the player's heart rate and pulse changes, and upload them to the physical fitness of the physical fitness coaching staff through the wireless network.In this way, the physical data of each Dortmund player in the physical training stage can be easily archived and managed, so that the coaches can grasp the player's situation in real time.

If an abnormal heart rhythm is found during training, the coach will immediately intervene and ask the player to reduce the intensity of exercise until the heart rate returns to normal.

On the one hand, it ensures the training safety of the players, and on the other hand, it also ensures the quality of training.

It's just that Li Xiaoming has been in such high-intensity training for a week. Although he was exhausted during the training, he was still the only two standing on the court, and the other was Korean Park Ji-sung.

Ferdinand, who laughs at himself, is the worst, obviously having a lavish holiday.

So Ferdinand was helped back to the room by Li Xiaoming, and even Li Xiaoming went to the team doctor's room to help Ferdinand call a professional masseuse.

Seeing Ferdinand lying on the bed enjoying the trainer's massage and yelling, Li Xiaoming suddenly felt a little happy in his heart.

"Leo, look at you. Hahaha!" Li Xiaoming sat aside and laughed.

"You kid, don't laugh at me." Ferdinand spread out on the bed. "Sooner or later, I will show you the power of my big Leo."

Li Xiaoming said with a smile: "Leo, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive the next few days. You see, our physical training is from 9:11 to [-]:[-] in the morning, and our training is from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the afternoon. the hottest time."

"Ah, I'm dying." Leo wailed.

Practice twice a day!
This is the arrangement for Manchester United's summer training camp this season.

Two training sessions a day for three consecutive days is equivalent to playing four games in these three days.Such strength is very great.

Ferguson has strict arrangements for the new season.

But when Li Xiaoming laughed at Ferdinand, in Ferguson's room, several assistant coaches were plotting something.

"Tony, no, Li can still stand on the training ground today. According to the usual practice, we should train him down." Meulensteen laughed softly.

Stadwick said helplessly: "This kid trains himself every night. It seems that we underestimated his potential and hard work."

"Then add it to him until he gets down." Ferguson made his final opinion.

So on the second day of training, Li Xiao obviously felt that his training pressure had doubled.Because at the beginning of training, Stadwick tied a small sandbag to Li Xiaoming's calf.

One training is variable speed running. During the running, the speed is changed according to the coach's password.

At the beginning, Li Xiaoming could keep up with the rhythm, but later on, Li Xiaoming's physical energy was exhausted, and it was very difficult to keep up with the coach's instructions.

Under such circumstances, the training ground will be filled with Stadwick's roar: "Speed ​​up, speed up, speed up! Li Xiaoming! Speed ​​up! This is not even jogging training!"

Hearing the coach's shout, Li Xiaoming had no choice but to grit his teeth and speed up.

But in fact, it doesn't matter whether he accelerates or not, because the speed of his accelerated running is not much faster than when he did not accelerate.

So at noon that day, Li Xiaoming was supported by Rooney and Ferdinand back to his room.

"Ah, I'm going to die, doctor, please be gentle, it hurts!"

"Oh! Don't laugh, Leo."

Scenes like this can be seen many times during training every day. The players of Manchester United's first team are discussing in private, whether the coaching staff is too strict with Li Xiaoming.

However, a sentence from Scholes reminded them: "Maybe everyone thinks that the coach is too strict with Li. We all like this cheerful Chinese boy, but if we want to gain a foothold in Manchester United, we rely on our own strength. Not our favourites, or the support of the owners, and I think he understands that himself, so he works on his body in the gym every night. He wears the number seven that Chris left, which is Manchester United's number seven."

Everyone is silent.However, the meaningful and fulfilling days passed quickly, and a week of physical training ended soon.

After a week of physical training, everyone's body has initially recovered to a relatively good state, and there are only three days before the match with the Malaysian star team.

Last season, Manchester United successfully won the championship and reached the final of the European Champions Cup, which means that the Red Devils under Ferguson are at their peak.It's just that the transfer of the strongest ace player in the team, Cristiano Ronaldo, left. In the eyes of outsiders, it somewhat cast a shadow over the future of the team. The team's main attacker left, followed by What has gone is that the conventional tactical system needs to be changed, and we will try our best to cultivate another player who can play the role of destroying the city on the court.

Manchester United's tactics are very advanced, and compared with many English teams, they are more rigid and flexible. While emphasizing running and physical confrontation, they also emphasize ball possession.This is also due to the development trend of world football. In the Champions League final last season, when Manchester United led by Ferguson was beaten by Barcelona, ​​it also made Ferguson fall into deep thought. A ten-year old man, he has naturally seen the problems of an English-style team like Manchester United, that is, the lack of ball-handling ability, and the technical ability is not delicate enough, and it is some ball-handling ability that often takes the initiative in the game strong team.

Therefore, in the first training session, Ferguson kept emphasizing the importance of possession of the ball. In his opinion, as Scholes got older, his running ability gradually declined and he was more suitable to return to the center. Rooney, who has the strongest personal ability in the team, needs to take on more responsibilities. When the team needs to attack, he can form a powerful striker partner with Berbatov. When he needs to organize Being able to come back and assist Scholes with the ball.With the gradual blurring of football positions, it has become mainstream for players to have multiple abilities on the field and be able to adapt to multiple positions.

To be honest, Li Xiaoming is so good with some superstars in the first team, but this day is just his first training session with the first team players.Although everyone usually takes good care of him, it's all out of love, love, and the psychology of treating him as a younger brother. To become their recognized partner, Li Xiaoming clearly knows that he still has to use his own strength to speak.No matter how good your teammates are, it is impossible to support yourself for the rest of your life.

On the training ground, the members of the coaching staff led the whole team to finish warming up. After simple technical training, the whole team began to practice together, but Li Xiaoming made everyone's eyes shine.His technique and passing made the first team stars all admire him.

(End of this chapter)

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