Revive Liverpool

Chapter 72 Interview with Gerald

Chapter 72 Interview with Gerald

After a 5-9 win over Magpies Newcastle United, Liverpool's next round of the Premier League is not due until May [-].

So a group of special people came to Liverpool's Melwood training base-journalists from China.

The reason why these Chinese journalists will come to China is because of "Premier League Zero Distance".

Since mid-April, it has been fully sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank, co-organized by Emirates and VisitBritain.

Tencent Sports, Xinying Sports, and Shanghai Five-Star Sports jointly created a large-scale visit to the Premier League-"Premier League Zero Distance" began to enter the on-site interview link.

Of course, the "Premier League Zero Distance" in this time and space must also be inseparable from the influence of the traveler Li Nan.

Since "Premier League Zero Distance" is also sponsored by Liverpool's chest sponsor, Standard Chartered Bank.

Therefore, the interview of "Premier League Zero Distance" has some inclinations for Liverpool under the strong request of the Liverpool club.

In addition, the current chairman of Liverpool is a Chinese, which makes the news media who come to interview Liverpool more inclined.

In addition, as the chairman of the team, Li Nan attaches great importance to media interviews from China.

It is hoped that through such opportunities of interviews with local Chinese media, more Chinese football fans will be attracted to Liverpool and more fans will be brought to Liverpool.

Moreover, Li Nan also provided some help in the program planning of the entire "Premier League Zero Distance".

For example, when communicating with some Premier League giants about the interview plan, those who have communicated with Li Nan can make the interview smoother and make both sides of the interview more comfortable when interviewing with other Premier League giants.

In addition, Li Nan also provided various preparations for the interview team who came to Liverpool for interviews.

And as the chairman of Liverpool, Li Nan also personally led these journalists from China to watch Liverpool's museum and dressing room.

After leading these reporters to visit Anfield, Li Nan invited them to have dinner together at Liverpool's official restaurant.

Liverpool's official restaurant is located on the second floor of the Anfield Stadium. It is definitely a top enjoyment for fans to come to the restaurant after shopping in the store or visiting the Liverpool Museum.

It is also very enjoyable for these journalists from China.

Of course, after visiting Anfield with the reporters, Li Nan helped the reporters communicate with the Liverpool players.

It is a very rare opportunity for reporters from China to interview the captain and deputy of Liverpool.

Of course, "Premier League Zero Distance" not only interviewed captain Gerrard and team deputy Carragher at the Melwood base, but also interviewed many Liverpool members with the help of Li Nan.

The following is the transcript of the interview with the reporter from China and Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard:
The interviewed reporter asked: "Hello, Stephen, you have a lot of fans in China, do you have anything to say to them?"

Gerrard said: "Yes, our friendly match with Guangzhou Rizhiquan has finally been reached, and in the end we have also confirmed a friendly match with Shanghai Dongya.

I am looking forward to the trip to China in July. I hope we can meet each other. Many players have already started discussing this trip to China. "

The reporter asked: "Can you ask the Liverpool fans in China and your Chinese fans?"

Gerald said: "Do I need to speak Chinese?"

The reporter asked: "No, English is fine."

Gerrard said: "Hello Chinese fans, I would like to say hello to you on behalf of Liverpool and my teammates: We are looking forward to our trip to China and looking forward to meeting you as soon as possible!"

The reporter asked: "It has been a long time since Liverpool won the Premier League title. In order to win the title again at Anfield, which positions do you think the club needs to strengthen next season?"

Gerrard said: "The decision is in the hands of Pochettino and Comolli.

Maybe some other high-level team, but it's not for me to decide.

My duty is to play the ball well and stay healthy. I am sure that next season I will fight for the title for the team, not just the Premier League title.

In recent months, the situation of the team has been relatively optimistic. We have been making progress. I believe that next season we will attack the championship. "

The reporter asked: "Are you confident that Liverpool can win the championship next season?"

Gerrard said: "We're going to fight for the title, but it's hard for me now to say when we'll win it.

Because saying that would put a lot of pressure on the team and I don't want my words to put pressure on the club.

I can only say to Liverpool fans: Liverpool will definitely come back!

We're on the right track, we've brought in some really good players.

We're starting to emerge from the quagmire, and that's how I understand it, we're not far from success. "

The reporter asked: "During the winter transfer period, Liverpool introduced many young players, plus the young players trained by Liverpool's youth training.

Many young players are now making their debuts this season.

As the captain, what experience can you share with them to make these new Reds grow rapidly? "

Gerrard said: "As captain I have a huge responsibility to help newcomers and that makes me happy and proud.

The best thing is that the manager has enough guts and audacity to get them on the field to show the fans what they can do, and the fresh blood makes the team even stronger. "

The reporter asked: "Can you comment on your partner Meirelles?"

Gerrard said: "Meireles is a good player, he has just landed in the Premier League, he has a good pass, he scored a lot of beautiful goals, he can lead the team forward.

I believe he will get better and better and he will have a great future at the club. "

The reporter asked: "Your teammates changed a lot last season. Do you have any different views on this?"

Gerrard said: "I think the loss of a lot of good players is the most important factor.

Then there are times when players are in good form and bad form, and your team has different players joining and leaving.

When faced with a heavy schedule, the team suffers from injuries and adaptation problems of new players.

So as far as I am still a coach, last season can only be said to be a less successful season. "

The reporter asked: "Can you talk to us about your opinion on the new chairman of the team, Li Nan?"

Gerrard said: "I think he's a good chairman, he really loves Liverpool.

He is really like Inter Milan's Moratti, he loves Liverpool like Moratti loves Inter Milan.

He is fully qualified to be the chairman of the team, and I also believe that the team can be revived under his leadership. "

(End of this chapter)

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