explosive dribbler

Chapter 97 Owen - Creating Fields

Chapter 97 Owen - Creating Fields

It seems that this save was so shocking that even the Celtics fans couldn't help but applaud An Xiaonan's desperate and wonderful save...

The audience's applause seemed to ignite An Xiaonan's fighting spirit. After the start of the second quarter, his shooting percentage dropped, and his touch began to warm up again.

"Swipe!" An Xiaonan raised the knife from outside the three-point line and made a steady hit.

In the following time, An Xiaonan regained the feeling of scoring crazy in the first quarter.Consecutive shooting, constantly creating scoring opportunities.It was precisely because of An Xiaonan's desperate save just now that the morale of all Magic members was boosted.In this way, the Magic's scoring efficiency is much higher.

The Celtics still maintained a stable performance.Irving still didn't seem to be exerting his full strength, but was concentrating on playing.He felt very disturbed by this kind of joke, and he didn't know when Owen would start to explode.

At the end of the half, the Magic 56:54, leading the Celtics by two points.

After returning to the locker room, everyone seemed to be quite satisfied with the result of the half-time game.It was fun talking and laughing.

However, An Xiaonan's face was solemn, and Vogel's expression was the same as his.

Obviously, Irving is not out of form in today's game, but he has not yet used the unlimited fire right.

Both An Xiaonan and Vogel have a strong feeling that Irving will lead the Celtics to a wave of offensive climax in the third or fourth quarter.

At that time, if the Magic fails to withstand this wave of offense, then this game will be more ominous.

But Vogel hasn't figured out a strategy to deal with Irving's offense yet, so now the Magic are in a helpless situation.

Come back from the half game and fight again in another place.Owen brought the ball to An Xiaonan.

An Xiaonan suddenly felt something was wrong, Owen's expression had changed obviously from before...

Is it...

A drop of cold sweat slipped from the corner of An Xiaonan's forehead, and he couldn't help cheering up to face Owen's attack.

Irving still did not take the initiative to attack, but played a wave of tactics, and then passed the ball to Tatum.Tatum received the ball and went inside and caused a foul by Biyombo, standing on the free throw line.

An Xiaonan and Owen stood outside the three-point line, waiting for Tatum's serve.

Owen took a deep breath, An Xiaonan couldn't help looking at Owen.

Irving slowly closed his eyes, and Tatum made a free throw...

When Tatum made the second free throw, Irving suddenly opened his eyes.I only saw a sharp light flashing in Owen's eyes...

An Xiaonan's pupils suddenly shrank, and Owen entered the field!

But what field is this?
Everyone's sign of entering the field is different, but those who enter the field have one thing in common, that is, some notable changes will occur in their pupils.

For example, when An Xiaonan entered the field of concentration, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.And when Owen entered the field, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.But it is not known whether he has entered the field of concentration.

"Ten years."

Owen spoke, and his voice had a little more penetrating power.

An Xiaonan was taken aback.

"The last time the Celtics won a title was ten years ago."

Owen said with a smile.

An Xiaonan's eyes gradually widened.

"Swipe!" Tatum made the second free throw.

At 56:56, the two sides tied.

An Xiaonan brought the ball to the frontcourt, and Owen's defensive courage improved a lot.

An Xiaonan secretly thought in his heart: This is... the field of concentration?
No...it seems a little different...

An Xiaonan passed the ball, he became extremely cautious now.

"Dang!" Speights missed a mid-range shot.

Irving took off the rebound and quickly rushed to the frontcourt.An Xiaonan returned to defense quickly, and came to defend in front of Owen.

Owen's eyes instantly became sharp, as if he could penetrate An Xiaonan in an instant.Take a direct butterfly step, dribble the ball from your right hand to your left hand, and at the same time break through An Xiaonan shortly.

An Xiaonan was taken aback, both deceptiveness and explosiveness had risen to a higher level than before!
An Xiaonan quickly moved sideways to catch up with Owen.But at this moment, Owen suddenly slammed on the brakes, and then his whole body spun half a circle like a top, and then changed direction and broke through to the other side!
An Xiaonan gritted her teeth and forced herself to slam on the brakes to catch up with Owen.

But Owen's movements were not finished yet. The first dribble after turning around was not forward, but backward...

Change direction from behind!

Another change of direction!

damn it!
An Xiaonan roared in his heart, his letting go was about to collapse.

What should come is still coming!
Owen made a breakthrough gesture again, An Xiaonan was immediately deceived!
Shake your shoulders!

Fake action!
When Owen changed direction again, and made a real breakthrough after the false reality, and broke through An Xiaonan, An Xiaonan only felt that his ankle could not bear the impact of his continuous sudden stops...

An Xiaonan's pupils suddenly shrank, and he fell obliquely forward.

"Wow—" The audience burst into an uproar, An Xiaonan was knocked down by Owen! !
Everyone in the Magic stared wide-eyed in surprise. Bi Yongbo's defense was even a beat slower. Irving directly pulled the backhand and made a layup.

This goal, the blow to the Magic is not just as simple as losing two points!

Their morale will plummet as the core An Xiaonan is knocked down.

An Xiaonan's eyes were full of horror, he asked himself that he would never be able to change his dribble to break through as quickly and effectively as Owen...

Is this the true strength of Kyrie Irving!
An Xiaonan thought in horror.

"Dribbling depends on creativity." Owen said lightly.Although he has a poker face on the surface, his heart is already full of excitement like a volcanic eruption.

An Xiaonan was pulled up by Simmons and twisted his ankle. He finally knew what field Owen had entered.

Create fields!
Irving's creative field is not acting on passing, but dribbling!

This is Owen's field of creation...

An Xiaonan's mind quickly flashed through Owen's series of dribble changes...

It is really a creation, adding a bit of creativity and strain to the standard direction-changing breakthrough.Otherwise, An Xiaonan wouldn't be knocked down.

Roland was already jaw-dropping in surprise in the stands, An Xiaonan was shaken down for the first time in his life!

However, shaking An Xiaonan is not the same as shaking James.As the No.1 in the league, James has a very heavy burden of superstars.He will be shaken and will be under unimaginable pressure.

And An Xiaonan, in essence, is just a loser.It wasn't something embarrassing that he was knocked down.

So An Xiaonan wasn't hit too hard, but was more excited.

Irving is the strongest dribbler he has encountered in his short 20-year life... What An Xiaonan dreams of is to have a vigorous one-on-one match with such a dribbler, to have a hearty dribbling competition.

(End of this chapter)

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