explosive dribbler

Chapter 36 Gliding Dunk

Chapter 36 Gliding Dunk
When Parker came to the frontcourt, An Xiaonan stood firmly in front of him, thinking about Parker's attack choice this time like lightning.

Parker passed the ball again, and it was clear that the Spurs were going to have a tactic.

But the Magic's defense seemed very successful this time, and the Spurs didn't have a good scoring opportunity.So with five seconds left in the offensive clock, Ginobili, the Spurs' nerve knife, forced a three-pointer.

"Dang!" The ball had a high arc and bounced inside the basket. Biyombo took off the rebound and handed the ball to An Xiaonan, and the Magic launched a defensive counterattack.

The Spurs have returned to defense in place, which is the steady style of a mature system team.An Xiaonan came to the frontcourt, similarly, passed the ball.

Parker said, "Where's your momentum?"

"Come later."

An Xiaonan suddenly stepped forward with his left foot, then turned around and ran towards the inside lane.Parker followed closely behind, An Xiaonan rushed to the inside, and Biyombo suddenly blocked Parker's body.

Parker secretly thought it was bad, and could only count on their young center Luo Wenji to block An Xiaonan.

"Hey!" Augustine naturally noticed that An Xiaonan's position was excellent, and a high-speed ground pass was directly passed to An Xiaonan's hands.An Xiaonan received the ball, and Luo Wenji had already posted it.

An Xiaonan braked. Today he is wearing Owen 3 with strong grip.Then he leaned over and changed direction, slipping directly under Luo Wenji's armpit.

"Oh my god, this speed." Leonard on the sidelines couldn't help exclaiming when he saw An Xiaonan's breakthrough.

From catching the ball to the next second, An Xiaonan was already behind Luo Wenji, and made a quick shot. Luo Wenji reached out to block the shot, but it was still a beat slower.

The ball hits the backboard, bounces off, and falls into the hoop.

An Xiaonan scored!

"Let me wait." On the magic bench, Gordon leaned back on the chair relaxedly. He had great expectations for An Xiaonan's play, but he was anxious because he didn't score in two rounds.Now that he has finally played out his scoring ability, Gordon is also relieved.

12:20, with 2 minute and 57 seconds left.

"Tony, don't be soft!" Popovich shouted from the sidelines.

An Xiaonan was stunned, Popovich was instructing Parker to deal with me with all his might?
Am I worthy of Popovich's attention?

An Xiaonan was puzzled.

Parker used the pick-and-roll to accelerate his breakthrough towards the three-point line.But this was nothing to An Xiaonan, he took a step back and bypassed Luo Wenji, and came in front of Parker under Parker's surprised gaze.

flaw!An Xiaonan was overjoyed. At this moment, Parker started to dribble the ball. The ball just dropped from his hands, and it was the most likely time for the ball to be intercepted.

Without hesitation, An Xiaonan stretched out his hand like lightning, blocking the ball's path ahead of time.

not good!Parker turned pale with fright. He never thought that Luo Wenji's pick and roll would be like air in front of An Xiaonan.

"Crack!" An Xiaonan directly slapped the ball out, and then exerted force with his back foot, making a lunge, and ran towards the basketball rolling in the frontcourt.

How could the old Spurs catch up with An Xiaonan's speed?An Xiaonan dare not say anything else, but speed is definitely his most confident ability. If there is anyone in the league whose speed can make him feel ashamed, only John Wall is active.

In just over a second, An Xiaonan had already crossed the half-court line, and amidst the audience's exclamation, he slightly bent down to lower the ball.The speed did not decrease at all, but there was a tendency to accelerate.The person closest to An Xiaonan behind him had just run across the half court when An Xiaonan stepped into the three-point line.

An Xiaonan dribbled the ball one step, stepped one step inside the free throw line with his left foot, and jumped up directly on the spring.

Almost in an instant, An Xiaonan had left the ground and reached the highest point, his head was almost parallel to the basket, his right hand stretched high with the ball, his left hand naturally drooped, and his legs naturally bent back slightly.

As if breaking away from the gravity of the earth, An Xiaonan actually glides in the air, glides a distance of one meter before starting to land.

This ability to stay in the air stunned everyone in the audience.Gordon was even more infatuated. In terms of ability to stay in the air, he himself dared not say that he was better than An Xiaonan.If anyone in active service is lighter than him, and who is stronger in the air than him, only Zach Laven.

With the basket in front of him, An Xiaonan suddenly exerted his strength and slammed the ball into the basket with his right hand. A perfect fast-break free throw line gliding dunk with one step, and this was the end.

It's hard to imagine that this is a player from the streets!Popovich's eyes lit up, and he wasn't bothered by the opponent's score.Instead, his eyes lit up like seeing a baby.

A player who was born in street basketball has professional-level judgment and intuition, as well as the skillful ball skills of a street basketball player.Unexpectedly, An Xiaonan was such a genius.

And such a genius is the league's undrafted pick.

Why didn't I discover his existence earlier.Popovich smiled wryly.

But I have to admit that if Popovich discovered him earlier, he might not necessarily like him.After all, An Xiaonan's overall style of play is still biased towards individual heroism, which is contrary to Popovich's team basketball theory.

But Popovich still sees infinite potential in him.He also knew why Yaohu would fall in love with such a shocking undrafted pick.

At 14:20, the Spurs players were not discouraged by An Xiaonan's fast break dunk.This is the quality of professional players, no matter what kind of situation they encounter, they can execute tactics calmly.

The ball was sent out again quickly, and An Xiaonan also secretly admired the Spurs' mental quality is too strong.Had to speed up the pace of returning to defense and ran back to the backcourt.

For some reason, An Xiaonan felt a little tired after only playing for 2 minutes.He now understands why the team played so poorly in the opening stage.

Back-to-back away games, even preseason games, are not that easy!The physical and mental consumption is enormous.

It seems that the game will be played later!An Xiaonan thought secretly.

"Swipe!" The Spurs once again used teamwork to patiently exhaust 24 seconds of attack time, and made a steady mid-range hit with 2 seconds left.

It really is the Spurs!An Xiaonan thought in his heart that if he was facing other teams, such a dunk would probably set off a frenzy of offense.But the Spurs are still as flat as water, calm.A simple attack time runs out, using his patience to extinguish the spark brought by An Xiaonan.

At 14:22, there are 2 minutes and 22 seconds left in the first quarter.

An Xiaonan knew that if he kept scoring by himself, he would definitely not be able to effectively close the score.

(End of this chapter)

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