legendary basketball guard

Chapter 79 Crazy Phoenix. (seeking first order)

Chapter 79 Crazy Phoenix. (seeking first order)
"Slow down, keep calm." Augustine kept thinking, the rhythm was very slow, basically every attack had to be played until the last five seconds before making a shot, the Bobcats were very patient in passing the ball, Lin Xiao Active running with Derrick Brown, moving Richardson and Dudley constantly.

Lin Xiao turned around and left Richard Jefferson behind in an instant. At the same time, Dior's pick-and-roll stepped forward, and DJ Augustine lightly tossed the ball.Just when Channing Frye was about to grab the ball, a figure flew out from his perspective, Lin Xiao!

"Bang!" A space dunk.

Lin Xiao didn't dare to look back at all. The Bobcats retreated very quickly. When Lin Xiao fell, the Suns' fast break also reached the Bobcats' backcourt.
Hearing the shout behind him, Lin Xiao quickly turned his head. The players of the Suns had already started to run continuously. After Richardson got the ball, Lin Xiao was still one step away. Lin Xiao wanted to step forward to defend, just now Moving forward for half a step, Richardson actually made a shot. This is too unreasonable. Lin Xiao didn't stop, and ran to the front court, and made a three-pointer...hit!

"...wow!!! Richardson took the crowd by surprise with this unreasonable shot.

"It's a beautiful three-pointer." Shoot when you have the opportunity, and shoot when you want.There must be absolutely no hesitation.

In the counterattack, Lin Xiao made a screen for Derek Brown, which was misplaced. Derek Brown had no advantage in facing Richardson. He turned to Lin Xiao in the bottom corner. Strike the iron!Mohammed's offensive rebound forced Amundsen to score the ball.

"Beautiful jumping hook! Such a ball is very difficult." The commentator also said.Lin Xiao's only feeling on the field is that he is fast, and the rhythm is extremely fast. No matter how much Augustine wants to suppress the rhythm and slow down the game, he will always unconsciously follow the sun and run wildly all over the field.

When Muhammad picked up the rebound again, Lin Xiao also stood still on the outside. After receiving the pass, he misplaced and directly ate Dragic alone. He played back singles and made a fadeaway jumper in one go. The basketball hit the basket steadily. .The Suns requested a timeout, Amundson was off, Lopez was on, the Bobcats were replaced with the main lineup, and Nash and Stoudemire were still on the bench for the Suns.

"It's a lot of consumption!" Lin Xiao and others played for 5 minutes on the court, just like playing a whole quarter of a normal game. "It's so fast, he's taller than me in weight and height, running back and forth all the time!" Derek Brown echoed.

"It's not too fast, the rhythm has come down." Boris Dio also said aside, this guy would rather study how to drink coffee more mellow and drink red wine more romantic than stay for more practice.But he is a cheerful guy, and he is also a member of that crazy sun.

"The rhythm is already very good!" Larry Brown said after hearing their chat. "Raymond and DJ are doing a great job, but Steve may be different on the court. The white guy on the court is not doing very well." Larry Brown's words are very pertinent. Draghi at this time Chi hadn't grown up yet.But it's not bad for a second-round pick, and the growth rate is also very fast.

"Look at how they fight." Boris Dior said after taking a sip of Gatorade.

"The current Suns, although the perimeter defense is much stronger, but the interior defense is still as poor as ever." As soon as Boris Dior finished speaking, Stoudemire dunked.

"Don't believe me, watch the game." Boris Dior felt a little embarrassed, but fortunately, Raymond Felton's second pass was passed to Gerald Wallace, and with the help of Stephen Jackson's cover, he went straight to the basket , reached the inside and easily scored two points.There is almost no defense, but Gerald Wallace, who has just landed, has to start running back again. The Suns' fast break is too fast.

"Perfect-crossover! Perfect frontal change!" Lin Xiao couldn't help exclaiming off the court.Just now Dragic pulled the ball sideways, and then pulled back quickly. Raymond Felton watched the second-round pick pass by like a pile.

Dragic has passed the center line, and there seems to be no defender in front of him. Stephen Jackson didn't let go of Richard Jefferson and stepped forward to make up the defense. Dragic's chasing three-pointer scored!The three-pointer hit the basket steadily, and everyone present unconsciously gave Dragic a high look.

The Suns' offense was so fast that even the Bobcats, whose mobility was above average in the league, were overwhelmed and made defensive mistakes repeatedly.The Suns are going to use fast, extremely fast, to wipe out the Bobcats' good defense.Even if you have five single-defense pioneers, there is no way, and the Suns are completely different from previous seasons.A dead ball, after the official timeout, Steve Nash came on again.

Nash's speed and ability to combine man and ball make him the most terrifying fast break promoter in the league.The speed at which Nash advances with the ball determines the speed of the Suns' offense.As soon as Nash came on the field, he assisted Stoudemire and turned around to score a two-plus-one. Tyrus Thomas was still too young.Facing the best face-up power forward in the league, he still has a lot to learn.

The most intuitive comparison is with Jason Kidd, another rhythm master in the league.If the control ability of the two is similar, but Kidd has slowed down since his knee injury, but Kidd is different from Nash in that he has more control over the game than Steve Nash. The ability to send the basketball to the person who can score the most at the most correct time, or even do it yourself.It's like Nash can adapt himself to changing his style of play, while Kidd can adapt to almost any system as he goes along.

The Suns started to attack, and the Bobcats didn't dare to neglect any more. They returned to the defense and blocked the Suns' advance route. The game rhythm finally eased a little.The Suns have a high pick-and-roll, and the classic Nash and Stoudemire pick-and-roll starters.As soon as Stoudemire broke down and went down the inside, the defensive Tyrus Thomas immediately followed up and returned to the basket to circle around to prevent Nash's pass assists.Everyone knew the Suns would do this, but no one could defend against it.The pick-and-roll of Nash and Stoudemire is definitely the most terrifying two-man weapon after the pick-and-roll of Stockton and Malone.

Nash, who is already 35 years old, can still play for a few more years if he continues to play like this. After Nash loses his core position, how much he will struggle.Therefore, after the speed slowed down, this player, who has been compared with Kidd for a lifetime, began to transform.It's also interesting to say that Kidd, who has always been a sloppy shooter, began to learn how to shoot after Nash at the end of his career.And Nash, at the end of his career, is also ready to try to learn from Kidd and improve his ability to control the game.

With an unbelievable overall view, control the rhythm, control the team, control everything, and make your own contribution.So, pass the ball...!
"... Whoosh!!!"

Nash dribbled to his right hand, and the moment his right hand took the ball in mid-air, he suddenly swung it horizontally.Jason Dudley in the corner!Oops!
(End of this chapter)

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