legendary basketball guard

Chapter 30 Metamorphosis

Chapter 30 Metamorphosis
Major post bars, major sports forums.

"Lin Xiaoxue risked Paul, it's really enjoyable."

"The upstairs is just a coincidence. Paul never thought that there would be someone to defend."

"Why didn't you say that you almost blocked Kidd's ball in the air?"

"Are you comparing Kidd with Paul? I¥%...¥..."

"You, @#¥@#¥"

There are also those who jumped into the building, "But don't say it, this Lin Xiao is really tough in defense, there are not many small moves, just a word."

"Cut, it's not the background yet, I was dunked and shaken."

"Only those who defend seriously will be shaken, okay? You will be shaken like a stake when you stand there?"

Lin Xiao's performance has already won the trust of his teammates and the coaching staff. There may be some open and secret fights for playing time, but in the face of national interests, everything is vain.With such a good lineup, there are four NBA-level players in a team, and Lin Xiao is a quasi-NBA player. If you can't make it to the quarterfinals, then there must be something wrong.

On August 8th, at 12:16, China vs. Spain started on time.

The Spanish men's basketball team beat Greece in the first game, which shows its strength.However, the men's basketball team did not fall into a disadvantage after the game started.After the start of the game, Liu Wei took the lead in breaking through and scoring a layup after going through trials.Although Spain subsequently scored consecutively to lead 5-2.But the UAE then cut to the bottom line and completed a layup. Liu Wei also made a three-pointer from the outside, and the men's basketball team tied the score at 7.And Yao Ming also showed his power afterwards, facing Gasol's defense, he suddenly turned around and dunked with both hands, and the men's basketball team took a 9-7 lead again.

The two teams then launched a tug-of-war, although Fernandez scored a three-pointer from the outside and then succeeded in stealing a fast break to help Spain widen the gap by 17-11.But Zhu Fangyu and Yao Ming teamed up to narrow the gap.Although Spain is the world championship champion, the men's basketball team did perform at a very high level after the start today. After the first quarter, they were only 18 points behind 20-2.

But the unexpected was yet to come. Lin Xiao turned around to catch the ball and scored a three-pointer at the beginning of the second quarter. The men's basketball team led 21-20.However, under the intense "encirclement and suppression" in Spain, the offense of the men's basketball team became less smooth. Fortunately, Chen Jianghua handed the ball to Lin Xiao, who has stronger ball control and organizational skills, and the opponent's offense was also not smooth for a while. Lin Xiao can send a more exciting pass, but there is no way for his teammates to feel bad.At the critical moment, Yonas decisively replaced Yao Ming, and Yao Ming decisively made an inside attack and scored four points in a row.

The Spanish men's basketball team then had to request a timeout and focused on the inside, but Yao Ming scored consecutively to offset Gasol's inside power, and the men's basketball team still guarded the 4-point advantage.Then, after Da Zhi made two free throws, Lin Xiao hit a three-pointer from the bottom corner again, and the men's basketball team expanded the advantage to 9 points!At this time, the audience was already boiling, and the Spanish men's basketball team was at a loss. They missed consecutive offenses and made more mistakes. At halftime, the men's basketball team led by 11 points at most!After Fernandez missed a layup before halftime, the men's basketball team quickly counterattacked. After Liu Wei made a layup, the halftime score was fixed at 46-37.In order to chase the ball, the old Spanish captain Jimenez also paid a painful price for landing on the back of his head and was forced to return to the locker room for treatment.

After another battle, Zhu Fangyu hit another three-pointer from the outside, and the men's basketball team led 49-37.The Spanish men's basketball team became more and more impatient, and Rodriguez was a little overwhelmed on both ends of the offense and defense, which caused the Spanish men's basketball team's offense to stagnate.The crazy offensive of the men's basketball team is still continuing. After Liu Wei made a forced three-pointer from the outside, the men's basketball team has already led 52-37 by as much as 15 points!The Spanish men's basketball team has been completely chaotic, and there have been low-level mistakes such as returning to the line.

Yao Ming then also launched a strong attack. A breakthrough layup caused a foul by Gasol. Unfortunately, he only made one of two free throws, but the men's basketball team still led 53-39 by 14 points.After Spain stabilized their mood, they began to look for Gasol, the most reliable offensive point, and he also caused Yao Ming's foul, which was Dayao's third foul.Yunus then decisively requested a timeout, and after the timeout, the two teams fought fiercely.Seeing that the red-eyed Yao Ming might get his fourth foul, Jonas replaced him with Big Zhi.After Da Zhi came on the court, he also scored consecutively and made great achievements. After three quarters, the men's basketball team led 61-47.

After the start of the final quarter, Spain fought desperately. Although Yao Ming sent a big hat at the beginning, Gasol broke through and completed a dunk immediately, and Muburu also hit a jumper immediately, closing the gap to 10 points.However, Jonas then decisively replaced Zhu Fangyu and Yi Jianlian, and the "three-point rain" was really good, and he made a three-pointer after playing, 64-51.And Yao Ming seemed to be fatigued on the court. After Reyes hit a jumper, Yao Ming first made a mistake in receiving the ball, and then passed the ball without knowing what to do.And Spain has also started to gain momentum. Reyes then hit the middle distance again, and the men's basketball team was forced by the opponent for 24 seconds. After Gasol dunked again in the frontcourt, the men's basketball team only led 64-57 by 7 points!
Then Spain continued to chase the score. Although Liu Wei made a three-pointer from the bottom line to help the men's basketball team lead by 7 points, Spain then completed a "four-point attack".After Navarro made a three-pointer, the score was tied at 70.With 1 minute and 08 seconds left in the game, Da Zhi made a jumper from the bottom corner, and the men's basketball team took a 72-70 lead.Navarro then missed a three-pointer, but unfortunately Liu Wei also failed to hit a breakthrough throw.At the critical moment, Gasol Jr. stepped forward and succeeded Yao Ming in singles, and the two sides tied at 72. At this time, there were only 19.7 seconds left in the game.

Liu Wei made a mistake at a critical moment. Fortunately, Rubio also missed Yao Ming's throw, and the two sides entered overtime.Pau Gasol and Fernandez scored consecutively in overtime, leading Spain 76-73.Although Yao Ming made a supplementary dunk at a critical moment to boost morale, Gasol hit Yao Ming again in a single and by the way, Yao Ming was sent off for his fifth foul. There was still one minute left, when it was thought that the Chinese men's basketball team was over. , Yunus suddenly replaced Lin Xiao in place of Liu Wei, which made everyone very puzzled.Jonas didn't say anything. After Lin Xiao got the ball, he directly shook Rubio away from the opponent. He pulled it up and made a three-pointer, but the goal was missed.

"It's a very unreasonable game."

"But this shot is very firm!"

Rubio wanted to break fast, but after being intercepted by Lin Xiao's pressure, he went directly to the three-point line and made a three-pointer. Rubio staggered and bumped into Lin Xiao suddenly, fouling.

The goal is 3+1, and there are still 13 seconds left in the game. As long as the free throw is made, the Chinese men's basketball team can win the game

"Come on, Lin Xiao, come on, Lin Xiao." The sound of cheers from the audience sounded.

The director and commentator also cheered for Lin Xiao, and a group of basketball fans sitting in front of the TV also worried for Lin Xiao.

Under the tremendous pressure, Lin Xiao took a deep breath and shot the basketball.

 Please recommend, please collect, I have not moved after three days of collection, my heart is so cold.


(End of this chapter)

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