money baseball

Chapter 75 29 Chris' Arrangement

Chapter 75 29 Chris' Arrangement
"What do you mean?" Chris didn't quite understand: "Why did you disappear?"

Animal did not answer him first, but only asked: "How old is that man?"

"16, I heard that I should be in the second grade, but when I come here to study, I will start from the first grade."

"That's great."

Chris clicked his tongue and repeated, "What the hell do you mean?"

Animar felt that some eager sons were cute, but he didn't tease him anymore, he just said: "This is a common problem in the stadium, especially from the player's perspective. Sometimes the balls are confused when the colors on the top are mixed. Together, it’s hard to judge. He hasn’t played in the arena at his age, so I said he’s great.” Chris lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking~ After a long while, he said: “He and the other players on their team One was on a team that seemed to be guided by a retired major league player."

Animar laughed: "You too, I taught you when you were a child, and you were taught by active major league players at that time."

Speaking of this, Chris was a little speechless: "Some people can't fight well, but they are very good at teaching. Some people can barely fight well, but they really can't teach others."

Animar: ... I understand, this is connoting myself!
But the old father is obviously used to it, and he is still cheerful. He rubbed the soil on the ground and said, "It's been a long time since I played on this kind of dirt court."

Although he retired and changed careers, baseball has always been very popular in Ridao, and he occasionally goes out to play with his colleagues.So I am no stranger to local hardware.Naturally, one would be pleasantly surprised if such a venue came suddenly.

"Which venue do you use for Qingdao?"

"This way."

While the two were talking, they arrived at the venue used by Qingdao before: "Black soil?"

"Well, it means to let the team become familiar with the black soil field as soon as possible, and the outfield of the field and the foul area behind home plate are completely replicated."

"Great." Animar was also very surprised. Even the major leagues would not do such a 1:1 copy.It's not that it can't be done, but it's not necessary.The first is that each stadium has its own characteristics, and most of the fans are proud of their home team.The second is that players at the major league level will find ways to adapt.People adapt to the court, not the court to adapt to people.

"Great hand~"

"Well, so the future will be related here."

Animaar thought for a while and asked: "Are you so confident about going to Koshien this year?"

"I don't know." Chris didn't say anything uncertain: "This year...there are new pitchers joining, how far the team can go is directly related to their performance."

Huh?Animar was very surprised. He knew that his son had always been very demanding, whether it was the same for others or himself. Now that he said this, it can be said that he was already boasting: "Amazing?"

Chris thought for a while: "At present, I can only say that I am very talented. One has a good ball speed and a good strike, and the other is very special~ the body is soft, and if I really want to say it, it is a bit like..."

"It's a bit like an outfielder who hasn't pitched professionally yet." Shen Yao answered, greeted Chris' father with a smile, and took the two to the physical therapy room, intending to get straight to the point.

Animar was also very surprised, this little boss really didn't look like a child under the age of 16 at all.He is tall and strong, and to put it bluntly, he trains very well.

He stepped forward and squeezed his muscles: "Oh, he's stronger than Chris!"

He has paid great attention to his son's diet and training since he was a child.

"Good practice, and Chris is also good." He still understands the truth that it is better to praise his son than to praise Lao Tzu.

Sure enough, Animar couldn't be happier: "If he listened to me and came to do rehabilitation earlier, he would have recovered a long time ago, and he must be stronger than now."

Chris was speechless, what does this have to do with being stronger or weaker now?
However, Shen Yao cooperated very well: "Of course, isn't there an old saying? Sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood. If he recovers early, maybe he can officially play now."

Chris: Za!Heart!
"Here, unlike general physiotherapy rooms, this facility here is dedicated to rehabilitation."

This low rise 1 story building... has level ground outside.Chris is a little strange, he didn't come here yesterday: "Is there any difference from yesterday's physiotherapy room?"

"Of course, there is a popular service over there. After the game, the players can handle it by themselves. At most, they can go to the northerners to come over for a massage. In other words, as long as they rent the venue, players belonging to the team can use it."

"It's different here. You can't use it unless you buy it separately." Shen Yao introduced with great interest, pointing to a long table next to the door, which is full of bottles and cans: "These You can use them casually, the outermost ones are all sunscreen products, spray, liquid, cream, and smeared ~ it depends on your preference, the index is on the high side, you have to choose the ones inside if you want to be refreshing."

These things that few players pay attention to, Chris and his son, are still very important to both of them.After all, we have been outdoors for a long time. In recent years, there have been more and more skin cancer patients, and proper protection is indeed needed.

"In addition, you can browse around the ten indoor halls of the rehabilitation equipment here, but you have to follow the menu for details. This kind of thing is too much, and it is the best choice to do it step by step."

Of course Chris himself has no objection. Some processes that do not require the use of equipment can be completed at the school. If you have special needs, you can come over and observe the team here. This can be regarded as completing your work on the team. In fact, it does not delay .

Animar looked very carefully here, even the pool: "He will also use the rebound wall?"

"Of course, it's normal for fielders to practice pitching. And catchers, there should be no shortage of shots. The number of shots is moderate, so there is no problem. Actually, rehabilitation is very important for Chris now. He said that he will go back to the United States to study in college. It would be better for him to go back after Hagar is over this year, and he can still study in high school for a year in a healthy state, and with the data collected, there will be more room for him to choose a university.”

When it comes to Animar, there is something to say: "I think so too. I originally thought that he could go back to high school and go back to study. It is also possible to enter the draft directly after graduation, but he is very interested in Jiashien and wants to study. University, so the arrangement will naturally be changed."

"Well, so our task is to complete his rehabilitation process before Jiashien, at the latest. The general arrangement is like this. By the way~" Speaking of this, Shen Yao asked Chris: "What kind of ball will you play?"

Qing Gong and others who had just been tortured by Shen Yuan happened to pass by, they looked at each other and immediately walked lightly to the door!

Look what they heard? !Is the little boss crazy? !He's asking what kind of pitch does a pitcher know?
(End of this chapter)

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