money baseball

Chapter 276 6 Leaving

Chapter 276 6 Leaving
The system is very happy recently! !

Awesome!He actually met a host who was really a professional player!

The host is relieved~ Ah Tong will always be with you! !

Rush into the world! !

And Shen Yao, who no longer had any worries about the system, was indeed relieved, at least he no longer had to strain to pull people to play.

But no matter what, those who don't play golf are the same, and those who should go to school still have to go back to school.

Ji Jia hugged the children, grabbed Yuri, Bobby and Alex and went back to the Holy Stone; the players from all schools who participated in the activity also went back~ The baseball center became quiet again.

But Gumo's players are having a hard time. Who doesn't want to be a starter?They all want to! !But suddenly a bunch of starting positions were vacated, but few of them dared to step up and carry them.

What is the level of Gu Mo's former starters?
Yuan Sang, Protector, Coach, Little Boss... Really golden infield! !
How dare they go up now, even if they go up~ What will happen to the next game?They really can't handle it.

It's not easy for Gu Mo's reputation to soar in the past six months. If it's because of them... I can't even think about it! !
"Don't be afraid, don't you really think that the past six months have been practiced in vain?"

"There is still half a year left, follow the menu, what's the problem?" Shen Yao said with a smile: "They are all very talented children, what can't support them? Try it and you will know."

"Besides, everyone is in the baseball center. You can easily see any statistics you want to see. How is your practice? Isn't it clear just by looking at the statistics?"

"I see that everyone has made great progress."

Abe himself has enough confidence in himself. He basically checks his own data changes every once in a while, and he is very clear about his progress. Therefore, he did not feel that he had been a starter for a long time and left first base. will be the problem.

But what he finds odd is why they he's retiring.

Thinking about it this way, I asked, "Aren't you going to play?"

Are you going to make a lot of money?
Unlike Shen Yao and the others, Abe and the others have the most sincere enthusiasm for baseball.So I really don’t understand the other party’s choice.

"Of course not." The system is part of the reason, and they also need to open up a wider market and get familiar with the United States, which is somewhat different from the original world, so it is impossible to stay in these places all the time.

And we also have to consider the identity of this world. If you want to study together in university, you still need more operations. After all, except for Coach and Alex, everyone’s identity needs to pass and take the normal way to study. Quite troublesome.

In the final analysis, the system is still a bit rookie.

As for playing, it's impossible not to play, especially for Coach.It's hard to be a serious pitcher~
But after half a year of testing, it has been proved that these timetravelers, although their bodies are not wrong to become younger, they will still wear out, which means that they will still be injured.Therefore, it is obviously inappropriate to focus on the game of looking at the level.Even if they are patient, it is still not suitable to do things like wasting their bodies for nothing.

"We have to think about studying. After all, we still have to go the path of high school + college + draft, so we have to start thinking about it now."

Abe was surprised~ Of course he listened to the previous courses, and he paid attention to many relevant suggestions. After all, he will also consider related matters in the future. Although he is in the first grade now, according to the plan, he will basically implement it in the second grade.

But... Little Boss and the others are only in the first grade, isn't it too early to think about these things now? "Well, it's too late when you're two or three years old, right?"

According to what Xi Chuan from the Holy Stone said before, reading in the fourth grade can basically be done reasonably.

Shen Yao shook his head, it was too slow!
It's important that they get on the set route early.One is to focus more attention earlier, and the other is that the earlier the time, the healthier the body will be able to spend a few more years on duty in the future.

Of course, more importantly, they also want to know how much so-called praise is reasonable, and does the lottery include any magical aspects?

This is not only a matter for him alone, but also closely related to many time travelers.

Why are you wearing family members?It's amazing, isn't it?
"Then..." Huajing on the side asked hesitantly, "Will you ignore Gu Mo's side from now on?"

Shen Yao laughed: "What are you talking about? How is it possible~ Don't think about it, Gu Mo will always be there, and the baseball center will always be there."

To be honest, Abe was really worried. The equipment in the baseball center is indeed not wrong here, but there are many things that cannot be achieved only by equipment.The way of interpretation in the game and some small details on and off the field can be seen not only by looking at the data, but also by looking at the equipment or even watching the video.

Although he has learned from Gu Mo and is a staunch data sect, he does not think there is anything bad about tradition. At least in some aspects, tradition is irreplaceable.

Data only allows teachers to display, explain, and prove each other more clearly.

Roughly speaking, data is a good helper for proof and identification, but things like experience rely on traditionalism.

Although everyone is about the same age, Abe regards those on the team as teachers in his heart. They have indeed given him a lot of help and guidance from all aspects.

It ranges from the skills of squatting and striking, to the adjustment of diet and rest~
There is even how to wear the protective gear to be the most comfortable...

He couldn't bear it~
"Do you really want to go?"

"Haha~ Although it's nice to be reluctant to part with my little partner, it's still very early. No matter what, it will be around the second half of next year."

ah? !Abe wrinkled his nose, this time he just said goodbye and left!Still so long! !

Shen Yao laughed: Children are really interesting, but unfortunately, as a master of failure in love, he feels that he will never have a baby in this life.

"What are you thinking about?" Shen Yuan asked, seeing his confused look.

"I think I won't have a baby in this life."

Shen Yuan's eyes widened: "What daydream are you doing?! It's as if you had a baby in your previous life~ Didn't you break up in love more than 20 times?"

Speaking of this, Shen Yuan lowered her voice a bit: "Won't every time you break up be related to your baby's affairs?"

Um?Shen Yao didn't respond, and blinked in doubt. .

Shen Yuan: "..." (⊙_⊙)? "I just said it casually, no, it can't be true, right? Have you seen it?"

Shen Yao, who came to his senses, had black lines on his face and drove the person away.What nonsense is this~
It's just that long-distance relationships are difficult to continue.


With the equipment, it is actually not difficult for Shen Yao and others to get good learning opportunities. The problem still lies in choice.

which high school?which university?

Prestigious schools are very important, which means more attention, whether the object is a college scout or a professional scout.

And they also have to consider the players who will follow, so linkage is also very important.What kind of donation is more practical than donating equipment?
"Even though I'm still in the first grade~ I might be on the same level as Chris."

Chris, who didn't go back to school, but stayed to make follow-up adjustments, was just passing by, and looked at him speechlessly: "After all, you don't look like a first grader."

"..." Shen Yao choked, "Actually... I'm still young."

It's tender, but compared to pure Asians, he does look 'older'.

Look at Mitsuhashi on the opposite side, saying that the children in junior high school are very normal.

Even if it is a big guy like Hong, his face is still tender and tender~
By the way~ They will leave by then, what about Hongo?
He had already forgotten about this, but Shen Yuan had just been driven away by him, so let's talk about it later.


As for Shen Yuan, they really went to look for Ben Xiang, and today they are going home together.

In the past six months, the number of cattle in this hometown has increased rapidly. The few cattle that used to be alone are now almost barely described as "herds".

"Why did you remember going back today?" Benxiang felt a little strange, after all, he usually only goes back once a month.His brother didn't even come back, probably because...the separation was too long and he wasn't used to it?

Shen Yuan carried some cold dishes provided by the baseball center, and hummed: "Talk about the future, we can also discuss it first, about the future" What do you think? You didn't ask Xichuan before, I'm worried that you are I'm sorry, so I'll ask you first in private. After all, no matter what you choose, it will take time to arrange."

Hongo paused for a while before asking, "What about you? Are you going to the United States with them?"

Shen Yuan raised her eyebrows, the kid is quite sensitive.

Hongo lowered his eyes, in fact...he felt something was wrong a long time ago.

For example, his brother and the little boss are brothers, and they are also very close to the protection staff~
How to describe it?He feels that his brother is usually a relatively 'indifferent' person. Although the way he speaks and people in the school say he is very flirtatious and frivolous, in fact, he has always kept a distance from others.

Easy to talk, but not too intimate.

Even for family members~
But he's not like those guys.

In the beginning, it was the little boss alone, and it can be said that the relationship between playing and growing up was better in the past.

But then the protector and Coach came, and they were also very good~ and the feeling was completely different from the feeling when getting along with the small boss, with some whole-hearted trust.

Then those people from the Holy Stone...

He's close to them, so it's obvious~

Now~ do you still want to go to such a far place together?

"Don't you want to go?" Shen Yuan asked with a smile: "Don't you want to face stronger hitters?"

Of course he wanted to~ but Hongo frowned, he wanted to go, but he didn't know whether he should go or not.Can he fit in with those people?
"Will the family agree?" Shen Yuan didn't wait for the other party's answer, but asked another question: "You are the eldest son in the family, will they want you to go out?"

Hongo looked at him strangely, eldest son?He wanted to say that Shen Yuan was the eldest son, but he swallowed the words anyway.

On the one hand, there are too many strange things, on the other hand... for the family, maybe he is the eldest son in the real sense.

"Perhaps I won't agree."

Maybe, but the answer is almost yes.

Not only do they hope that he can stay in the country, they even hope that he can stay in the local area.Playing ball is one thing. In the future, sooner or later, even if it is not him, it can be his children who will inherit the family farm.

The United States...that's too far away.

In the previous summer camps, the family didn’t agree with it. If it wasn’t for the reassurances from Kotaro and Maria, he wouldn’t be able to go at all.

"I, may not be able to go."

"You can go if you want~ Is there anything you can't do?" Shen Yuan shook the bag in his hand with a smile: "Didn't this come to your door to be a lobbyist?"

Huh?Is his brother that caring? "Didn't you say before that you wanted me to be the team's main starter in the future?"

Isn't this the meaning of letting him stay?Why did you say to let him go together now?
"That's right, you still have a chance for another year? And what's the rush, you still have to be the first to go there, or do you want to stay in the bullpen?"

Hongo was startled: "No."

He doesn't like the bullpen!Trapped in that place, watching the game stupidly... I emphasize again: "Don't."

Shen Yuanle was happy, and thought the kid was quite cute.


But on Tiger Taro's side, he was a little bit battered.

Shen Yao and his party discussed the follow-up issues with the two of them. They stayed in Gumo for less than a year at most, and the follow-up would be a big trouble for them.

"Recruitment took off for one year and then returned to the original point?" Tiger Taro scratched his hair anxiously: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Maria is not worried: "The children are making rapid progress. Besides, won't the field and equipment at the baseball center be used by us for free? What we need to do now is to learn what we need to learn well, and then bring new players It’s also easier to carry. As for other things, it’s useless for you to think about it.”

Torataro has absolutely no confidence in bringing up new people, and he can't handle the tricks of the little bosses. After all, their age is there. The children learn by playing and having fun, and they can talk about what they have and what they don't have when they stick together. It comes naturally. I just listened to it.If you put on someone who is younger, the effect will of course be different.

And he knows very well how much he is capable of. How can he point out the good and bad things about others just by looking at him from the sidelines?He really couldn't do this: "If I want to leave... our starter..."

"There will be people, some people will leave, some people will add, isn't this a normal thing?" Maria said while taking notes: "Mihashi is growing very fast, there are still new people to add, and there is Tokuji... Hey ?”

Having said that, Maria paused for a moment: "Does Dukuji want to go too?"

Kotaro and Maria looked at each other in dismay!No one knows! !

The two of them lowered their heads at the same time and looked at the list handed over by Shen Yao...

No, no Tokuji? !
None stayed, none left... What does this mean?
"Are you going to ask?"

Torataro refused directly: "You go!"

He didn't want to discuss these issues with Du Jiudi. Every time he communicated with each other, he felt like facing his parents, which was really embarrassing.

Maria: ...

In fact, she didn't want to go at all.

(End of this chapter)

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