money baseball

Chapter 273 Two Cuts and One Cut

Chapter 273 2 Picking Up, Picking Up

"The first time I came here to teach, it was the little boss who gave the lecture."

"My first time here is Yuansang~"

"I was already a protector when I came~"

"It was Yuri from the Holy Stone who came to the summer camp."

"Today is Alex and Xi Chuan?"

"Then what~ Alex and that Al are a couple, I saw them kiss yesterday."

"(⊙_⊙)?! Really?"

"It's really true!!"

The activity is about to start, the players are sitting in the lecture theater, all sitting very close to each other, gossiping with each other, and it’s a very magical place! !

All low 'oh hoo' non-stop~
"Are they really a couple?"

"Yes, there is no intention to hide it at all."


"And the baby who was said to be my younger brother before, is someone else's child. They all have babies!"


When did Cheng Gong come into contact with this kind of topic, his eyes widened, his face blushed, and he listened with gusto.

Quietly whispered to Bai He: "They are so precocious."

Bai He: "..." Is this the point? !

But his own trump card is indeed stupid and sweet in some respects, he can only nod in cooperation: "Yes, they are so precocious..."

"But that doll is very cute ~ so fat!"

"..." Bai He thought for a while, and there was really no way to deny that being fat was indeed fat.

"Ah, here they come~"

"The relationship between Shengshi and Guma is really good~"


"There are scouts~"


Players are not as sensitive to the media as they are to scouts~ After all, scouts are actually a very important step for them.

"And the media!!"

"Why is the media present on this occasion?!"

I got nervous for no reason~

"Then~" Xi Chuan glanced to the left, Shen Qin signaled that everyone had arrived, he hooked up the headset, and said with a smile: "Then, let's start now."

"You can first understand a few models of future development."

The projection is huge and clear, and Xi Chuan explained it to the children carefully. After all, this is a matter of a lifetime: "The first option is suitable for everyone who is present or not present, but who understands and is interested in baseball. Of course, It doesn't matter if you're not interested."

Everyone who said this pricked up their ears~
It seems like...the issue of professionalism was not mentioned, right? !

Nishikawa went on to say: "Of course, this selection does not include the kind of players who can make it to the front line of professional baseball."

Huh?Everyone was puzzled~ Then why did you tell them.

Xi Chuan clapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Professional baseball is a mature business system. In addition to players, the demand for talents in various departments is also very large. Even~even if we put aside professional baseball, there are also amateurs. Talent Demand."

"Let's start with the small ones, such as... the Gold Coin Baseball Center."

"Let's talk about the ground team first. The maintenance of the field is a very troublesome's not like what you usually do in the team, just scrape the soil or something. In fact, what the field team has to do Things are actually very complicated. Rain cloth, soil, thread~ if possible, even planting should be studied.”

"So, regardless of whether you can play or not, this is actually a direction, right?"

Someone asked: "For family members~ Can those who don't know how to play ball be okay?"

"Of course." Xi Chuan said with a smile: "There is a trial period, and special training will be arranged..."

As the baseball center develops, there will be other locations in the future. Just a few robots, how can they be enough?If we continue in the future, robots will definitely become trainers~recruiting people. This is an urgent and necessary choice.


The players were a little excited, especially those from poor family backgrounds.

After all, the benefits at the baseball center are very good, and they are still responsible for providing working meals.And you can also buy some vegetables, food and some daily necessities at the employee price.

Xi Chuan went on to say: "The second type is for players who are confused about the future."

Bai He asked more carefully: "What does it mean to be confused about the future? Is there an accurate standard?"

"Of course." Xi Chuan said with a smile: "It refers to those who want to play, but don't know if they have the ability to play well. If they can't play well, what should they do in the future? And some of them don't want to play. University students are even more troubled in this regard.”

A large number of players are indeed paying attention to this issue in particular.

Compared with the distant future, they actually think more about whether to go to college or not.If you go to college, even if you can't make further progress in playing basketball in the future, at least you still have a guarantee of academic qualifications.

"Personally, I definitely recommend that you go to college." Nishikawa is actually very insistent on this point. He would never do such a thing to persuade people not to study.Of course, this kind of choice needs to be very cautious, and he generally will not give others opinions casually, after all, it is a major choice related to a lifetime.

"Of course, many people may not make this choice. Then contract protection is very important."

In fact, the players union also has relevant guarantees in the future, but the range is not large, and it will take many years to fully take shape.What they are doing now is to increase the relevant level and advance as much as possible.There is also a template for the follow-up.

"Let's talk about the first point first. It is only for players, so it can be regarded as a pension plan. For professional players, how many years they have played in the profession, the amount of pension is calculated according to their seniority. And it is stratified. For Japanese players According to the first and second armies, the major leagues are divided according to the major and minor leagues. The other professional baseballs are all classified into the minor leagues."

Some media below asked: "What if it hasn't been a full year?"

Xi Chuan explained to him with a smile: "Pay it yourself!"


"It is not considered insurance because it is thrown in from the agent's commission in the contract, which means it has nothing to do with the basic nature of the player."

The reporter who asked the question gave a cold response. Most of the players were still confused. They really need to be much more sensitive. What kind of welfare is this? This is simply a super lottery.

"That is to say, I can also make up for it. Is it only for players who are not senior enough, or is it okay?"

"Of course you can. The higher you pay, the higher the rewards will be, but we don't recommend this. Because there are other funds. You can check the introduction that will be sent out later for details."

"Then we will continue to work on welfare. What we talked about before was the pension, and the other is the follow-up work arrangements. What can players do if they stop playing?"

What to do, this is a point that many players worry about, and it is also the contradiction between whether to go to college or not.After all, players have been playing for half their lives, and once they leave the court...they...

Xi Chuan ignored the comments of the players, and went on to say: "This second guarantee is specifically for this, no matter whether the player is old, retired normally due to physical degradation, or due to other irresistible factors such as injuries And the resulting forced retirement is within the scope of the guarantee. It also includes mental illness, so this part requires a health report. Here I will explain it to you in advance."

The players are embarrassed to ask, but the media has no scruples in this regard: "Can I ask what the relevant guarantees are? New jobs? Or continue to play at a low level?"

"Going to the low-level to continue playing is also a job?" Xi Chuan smiled, and then continued: "It can still be classified as a follow-up living arrangement. Let players still have income after leaving the court, and the new job is development. Promising. Personally, I think this is more important. After all, it doesn’t make much sense to say that there is no possibility of advancement if you just stay in an ordinary position for a long time.”

"Of course, if all of them are over 40 years old when they retire, then this has to be calculated separately."

The players smiled. If it is true that they can play until that age before retiring, it seems that whether they have life security is not so important.

The reporter continued to ask: "What work does it specifically include? Can the players who have been playing on the court be able to adapt?"

The players also nodded. This is indeed a point that needs to be paid attention to. After all, everyone is a scumbag~ and they can understand each other.

"For the new job, we can also score in two aspects." Xi Chuan said in more detail. Anyway, their main task today is to clear up everyone's thinking: "One aspect is on the court, and the other aspect is only on the court. The choice of external brushes must of course be based on one's own conditions."

"Let's start off the court first. After all, the words inside the court are a little easier to understand."

The players nodded in a hurry again!
You're right, of course they know a little bit about the stadium~
"Off the field, of course, you have to start operating from the early stage of your career, or even before you enter the profession. But this thing is actually quite disobedient. Some people are born with a red life. For example, whether the face is liked by the fans is a matter of course. It's important."

Players: "..."

"Just kidding~" Xi Chuan blinked: "The face is indeed very important, but...whether it is red or not, the operation method is very important, and how you hold it is also very important, so don't worry about this issue. But everyone he can go The degree is different, and this is also related to the development of the work of subsequent players after retirement."

"Let's make an analogy. Both players play very well. Let's take him as an example here as Player A and Player B. However, Player A has a more humorous personality and looks good. Player B is serious. The ones who really play basketball don’t usually talk much. Let’s talk about how they will develop in the future?”

Meigong was a little strange, and asked: "Although I know that you are using this example to say that A has higher commercial value than B, but from a practical point of view, players like B will be very popular with fans, because some A lot of the old baseball alleys, they don't like very active players."

"That's right, there are tens of millions of fans, and there are fans who like any type of player." Xi Chuan laughed: "But everyone must remember one thing, it is very, very important."

"what? What?!"

"Whoever controls the wallets of female fans first will be able to increase the commercial value by a large amount. So ~ face is really important?"

Chenggong is going crazy~ Why did the topic come back to his face again? !
"Okay, to be serious, the fan base is just a criterion, let's continue to talk about player A and player B."

"The current setting is that player A is more popular than player B, so let's look at their work after retirement."

"As for Player A, because he is very popular and his qualifications are impressive enough, his choice range is actually wider. Most of the jobs such as football commentary, multimedia commentary, etc. that need to face fans and audiences are competent, and because Being a player, he will have more fan and professional advantages than other staff members."

"You can even appear on some variety shows~ It's not impossible to sell houses or something."

The children below looked confused.Forget about anything else, what the hell is selling a house?

Xi Chuan didn't explain this to them at the moment, but instead talked about the next player B.

"And then there's player B, because it's all off-court work, but player B is less popular than player A. So those jobs that require a lot of exposure are not necessarily necessary."

"You can consider investment, training centers, column programs or regional scouts. It's a very good choice."

The players seemed to understand, but asked again: "What about the ones in the field?"

"In the arena? There are too many in the arena~"

"The Everbright League coaching staff includes first and third base coaches, batting coaches, pitching coaches, and bullpen coaches~Of course it's normal to start as an assistant coach. Although it is said that the world of old coaches is now, after professional retirement, he will directly enter the general team. There will be no lack of a coaching role."

"No matter how bad it is, there are all kinds of coaches in the minor leagues~ After all, they have accumulated qualifications. In addition, there are too many places to go to the scouting department, information department, consultants, etc.~ Well, our agency is also very good. Good choice."

"Of course, we will also provide some investment plans within the scope of the contract, which can be regarded as accumulating funds for life after retirement."

"In short, ensuring the livelihood of all employees must be done well."

Some players are actually not very clear, but they are all obediently marked, and I plan to follow up to find out~
Cheng Gong was one of them, and it sounded a bit foggy.Miyuki who sat next to him explained softly to him.

"So these are good, right?"

"Yes, it's largely relieved of worries." Miyuki looked at the stage, but what he was most concerned about was the university~ if he went to university, would there be any other subsidies.If you enter the profession directly, what kind of obstacles will there be if you go to the major leagues in the future?

"And then there's the question of universities."

"One of the models is high school + college + draft. Because there is a large sample that has been recognized, so the early income is the highest in the optional range, at least more reasonable than the test." (I don't know which year it started. Yes, anyway, it can be done in the past few years.)
(End of this chapter)

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