money baseball

Chapter 200 69 Catchers Are Really Difficult

Chapter 200 69 Catchers Are Really Difficult

"That ah~ If you use playing games to describe it, it's a purely technical flow~" Shen Qin took the gloves aside and asked, "Want to take a photo?"

Fujifu paused, and hurriedly said, "Yes."

"But the photos can't capture anything~"


Having said that, Shen Qin still showed off: "Of course stealing a good ball depends on skill, let's briefly talk about it."

"Actually, the most critical foundation is the direction of movement of the gloves."

As he spoke, he gestured with his gloved hand: "The moving direction of the glove must be opposite to the direction of the ball, so that it can bring about a concealed movement effect. In other words, it can create an illusion for people behind you. , mistakenly thinking that your glove has not actually moved much. Because if you go in the opposite direction, it is returning to the range of the strike zone, so in fact it is just returning to the original point. This is the cause of the illusion."

"No matter which direction the ball is thrown, there are only a few ways to pull the glove back, from bottom to top, from top to bottom, and from more angles. But generally speaking, it is from the outside to the inside. This one can't escape."

"In addition to the upper part of the glove, this is a judgment criterion for the chief judge. In other words, everyone is like this. If you see more exposed parts, you will naturally think that your glove has not sunk too badly. So it's really important to keep the thumb under the ball."

Fujio: "..." What he said sounds very detailed and reasonable at first glance, but he can't understand it at all~ Even if he takes a photo and writes a lot of words, readers are just like himself, unable to understand Bar?

Shen Qin spread his hands and said: "You can't understand this just by listening to the description. This is hard work, not a simple adjustment. Not only does it require long-term practice year after year, but it also requires a lot of practice. In addition, engage in actual combat to gain experience.”

When he said that, Fujio was weirdly relaxed, and quite recognized it.It's not easy, but in the gold coin baseball center, you can hear about hard work~ This is really... ヽ(ー_ー)ノ

"We know that Gu Mo has a lot of catchers, five?"

"There are a lot of people who can squat and catch, but now after adjustments, a few of them can squat but are obviously more suitable for other positions, and they are basically no longer allowed to squat. After all, it is harmful to health, but it is purely adding to the burden. So now it can only be counted as 5, me, Yuanyuan, Yaoyao, Abe and Renji."

"But it seems that you are the only ones who have been squatting in the game? Recently, it is only you. Abe and Renji have been in other positions. Will the lineup be fixed like this in the future? Squatting is very important for healthy people. Is there a big impact? If so, will there be rotations going forward?"

Shen Qin smiled and said: "There are so many questions, let me sort them out~ Because it seems a bit contradictory to say this?"

Fujifu's record paused. This person's condition is not at all like the players he usually contacts. Can you be a little nervous, child?Please give me back the rhythm thank you.

Shen Qin went on to say directly: "As we all know, the burden of the catcher position is very heavy. In terms of going further, a catcher's career usually does not last too long. When it comes to moving to first base or DH, Not a lot ~ Of course, this is the best case scenario, after all, whether you switch to first base or DH, you have to have a very good bat as the foundation."

"But the reality is usually that a catcher has a lot of work, and usually there is little targeted practice on striking, coupled with the wear and tear of long-term squatting, so catchers are generally not very good at striking."

At this moment, Fujifu was about to say that there are also super-capable catchers, and Shen Qin continued: "Of course, this is only the majority of cases. Generally speaking, catchers are mostly divided into two categories. One is that the stick is stronger than the glove , one is that the glove is better than the stick. As for the kind that has both the glove and the stick and maintains good health for a long time, but ends up as the only catcher in his career ~ it is too rare to be an effective sample.”

"This is what we call the foundation."

"Our current considerations are also based on reality."

"Let's talk about the first type of catchers with strong edges and corners. Their experience needs to be acquired. This is a phased loss, and then they enter the profession, and the damage continues to stack up. Wait until their bodies can no longer support the work of the catcher. But their bats are no good~ so what can they do? They are not competent at the first base and DH positions, so there are only two ways, one is to save face, and end their careers , retired."

"This is still the most perfect choice. After all, those who can make this choice must have no financial pressure and are loved by the fan community. Otherwise, they will lose their jobs after retiring. What can we do?"

"And the other is to continue your career helplessly. If you want to make money and continue playing, you can only 'be obedient'. It is a matter of saying whether to let the starter or r let the bench. As for going to the bullpen to be a bull The shed catcher...that was inevitable too."

"Let's not talk about the salary issue, just the psychological gap is unbearable, right?"

Fujio: "..." No~ what do you want to say?What happened when you suddenly forgot?

For a long time, I could only continue with my previous question: "Then Abe and Lianji are now...?"

"It's one more choice. First, maybe they can also be perfectly competent in other positions, so they can give up the catcher position. Second, take advantage of the current stage to gain experience, practice bats, and raise their bodies. When the muscle strength has caught up with the ability to share the supporting force, the official squatting will start."

Fujio asked curiously, "Will it be too late?"

"No, there are quite a few players who have turned from college to catcher, or even from professional to catcher, and many of their careers have been extended and their statistics are good enough. Of course, this group of children was born in a good age. In the future, maybe the players' All aspects of security will be more perfect.”

Speaking of this, Fujio smiled, these children are really thinking far ahead.But I have to say, the reason is still there. "What about you? You don't worry about getting hurt? And isn't it too arbitrary? After all, no matter what level you are, there are always catchers."

"Well~" Shen Qin didn't continue to talk about himself, but answered another question: "Other catchers~ That's for sure, a baseball without a catcher is incomplete. So how can the catchers reduce the wear and tear at this stage? Is it more important? You can rotate more catchers, or you can extend the training time~ There are many ways, and scientists still need to work hard.”

(End of this chapter)

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