money baseball

Chapter 2 2 Beauty Cafe

Chapter 2 2 Beauty Cafe

Pulling the wrong host... the matter is very embarrassing!
If the system wants to re-select the host, it has to help the current wrong 'host' to the pinnacle of baseball before the next one.

And if Shen Yao wants to go back, he also has to take this step first~
It seems that there is no problem, but he doesn't want to never do it once.

But now there is no choice, at least to settle down first.

Shen Yao himself is not in a hurry, so he just treats it as a tourist, and he can brag when he goes back ~ it seems to be not bad?

"This is Sun Island in the parallel world. It is no different from the world you came to, but there is a slight difference. It's not a big problem." Xiao Douding pointed with his hands behind his back, looking like an old man: "Your backpack There are relevant documents in it, and the luggage is extra, don’t worry, it’s all new and clean!”

Shen Yao opened it and took a look. The ID was fine, with his own face and his own name.

Xiao Douding explained: "This is to make the host feel more substituting. Ahem ~ Now let me introduce your character settings."

"We are two half-brothers, but we haven't met each other. You, Shen Yao, are 15 years old. You are a mixed blood of Huami Island and the Three Kingdoms. You came back from the United States this time to escape from laziness. By the way, you inherited A baseball club, uh~ of course they still take care of me on the surface!."

"In the setting, you were originally a person who didn't respect the old and didn't love the young, a scumbag, and was ruthless and unreasonable. No one liked you. But until you met baseball..."


As a system that is highly sought after by the host, Xiaozhen is now afraid of the word 'stop', and can only ask angrily: "What are you doing again?!"

"I'm not a mixed blood from the three kingdoms of Huami Island. Regardless of my age or status, there is obviously no possibility of direct inheritance, and there are various taxes."

"Don't be nervous!"

"I'm not nervous."

"Okay~" Xiaozhen rubbed his face: "Don't think too much, this is just a setting, anyway, no matter the reality is not realistic, others will take it for granted, and it is said that inheritance is for you to understand, in fact, it is your parents. The families of both sides are reunited, and they are too lazy to take us, so we just hang out in the countryside by ourselves, hey, listen to me first."

"In short, the most important thing is that you are a loser!"

Shen Yao: "..."

"Father doesn't hurt, mother doesn't love~"

"They love me so much!"

"I'm talking about the setting here!" Xiaozhen clenched his fists, feeling really bad about being interrupted: "In short, you are rebellious because you don't love your mother or father! So you came to Japan. In order to look at the store, but in fact it is an escape, thinking of a strange environment to take a breath!"

"My classmates in the past thought you were a weirdo, spooky and stalking girls~"

Shen Yao was about to die of anger, he had never done such a thing, even if it was set, it would be incompetent to be put on this!

"You come to this distant country, no one cares about you, and you feel very comfortable. Of course, you still need to go to school. You are not interested in some special clubs, and most of them don't understand, so you choose baseball and get to know some Friends, from being unable to get along with each other at the beginning, they gradually became close friends in daily training and competitions, and then led this grassroots team from the countryside all the way to Koshien!"

Speaking of this, Xiaozhen's tone became cheerful, and he seemed very excited: "Do you know Koshien? It is the holy place in the hearts of all baseball boys."

"..." This Shen Yao really knew that his father had attended a high school in Japan for a year before entering the profession, but this did not mean that he yearned for this, but he gave Xiaozhen a sideways look: "Your story is too stupid. , can't you just summarize it with youthful enthusiasm?"

"Of course! Youth! Blood! The best! Don't worry, with me here, you will be the ace pitcher!"

Shen Yao hehe: "In my opinion, youth and passion once is enough. How old am I? Besides, you want to make me a god, and at the same time, you want to throw me into Jiashiyuan? Let me tell you, I In the past, there were many teammates in Asia. They all complained to me about this and caused irreversible damage to the bodies of many players. The coaches are unprofessional, they only strive for results, and the players are unscientific in chasing their dreams ~ you Don't think you can fool me by putting your face on a child's face!"

Xiao Zhen was so mad that she wanted to howl a few times!What's the matter with this person? ! "You don't know Koshien at all! You don't know what it means to kids playing baseball! It's worth paying so much for this dream! You..."

"It's alright, alright~ I don't want to know." Shen Yao pinched his ears, the kid's voice was a little sharp, and he panicked a little: "Now I suspect that all the past hosts of your baseball system are from the Asian school. .”

Xiaozhen was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "How do you know?!"

Shen Yao clicked his tongue. After all, if you are in the big league school, you should know how important it is to 'control' a 'quantity'.

Furthermore, if it is true that the system has successfully brought people to the major leagues 999 times, then he is extremely suspicious that the system is making orders, or that the host is a top-notch, otherwise he will follow the system's crazy admiration for Jiashien , the problem should have been exposed long ago.

For example, the host suffers from injuries and illnesses that will affect his future career, or simply being crippled by training ruins the possibility of entering a career~
Of course, it is also possible that the system itself is very strong, and he doesn't care about these failures, as long as the number of successes is accumulated.

However, it is not ruled out that the system itself has some secret medicine that can "King Kong is not bad".

Thinking of this brought up the topic: "As a baseball system, you must know a lot about baseball, right?"

"Of course, anyway, it can easily bring you to the pinnacle of professional baseball!"

"Then what path are you going to set for me? Other than Jiashien?"

Xiaozhen patted his chest, and said proudly: "It's been arranged a long time ago, you just take the same route as the previous 999 hosts."

His eyes fell on the other party's diamond necklace and he paused: "Although you were rich before crossing, money cannot buy absolute domination on the field! This is a sense of accomplishment that you have never experienced! Believe me, you will I like it! Oh, by the way, you said you were a player before, but then the topic got off track. Did I guess correctly, you are a minor league player, right? Oh, it’s not shameful, don’t worry, I’m here, This time, maybe you don’t need to be in the minor leagues!”

"..." Shen Yao suppressed the desire to complain, and said, "Go ahead and talk about the route."

"The route is very clear!" Xiaozhen jumped on tiptoe twice: "Come on, I'll take you back, let's talk while walking."

Shen Yao did not refuse, no matter what happens in the future, it is still necessary to get familiar with the surroundings.

"Let me tell you, it is very important to enter Jiashiyuan first! And if it is done properly, it can create momentum! Pheasant team! Under the leadership of Ace, they will enter Jiashiyuan all the way! This is the topic! With this A topic can bring a lot of attention!"

"Afterwards, I will help you defeat those traditional giants together, and let everyone's eyes fall on you as a dark horse! At this time, in addition to fans and media, professional baseball scouts will be attracted. Of course you can't hold back anymore." He said and looked at Shen Yao: "Do you understand what I said?"

"...I understand..." Shen Yao took out his sunglasses and put them on, finally he was able to roll his eyes quietly: "You continue."

Of course he understands what the system says, not only does he understand it, he has also experienced it many times.Although it's not Jiashiyuan, it's pretty much the same.When you want to get a big contract as a free agent, building momentum is essential.Compared with the system's arrangements for children, it is obvious that the scope of his operation is a little bit wider.

"Continue? To continue is of course to enter the Japanese island country's professional baseball. Play for a few years, accumulate fame and experience, and then go to Mimi to challenge the major leagues! This road is the smoothest! Listen to me! But actually I think There is no need to go to the United States to play golf. After all, the style of play between Japan and the United States is very different. The Japanese side is more detailed, while the American side uses physical strength~”

Shen Yao remained speechless, but he did not refute or explain, let alone whether this system has a character problem or is a serious day job fan, Zuo Zuo is still in a wait-and-see state, so there is no need to say too much.

Xiaozhen, who was labeled as 'follow', is still chattering: "You don't know the situation here, let me tell you, in high school, ace pitcher + Koshien is a perfect match! Everyone will like you by then .”

"I thank you."

"You're welcome."


Shen Yao touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed.After all, one of the most speechless things in the world is that you are ironic, and the object of the irony is a silly white sweet, and the world doesn't notice it~
"This way~"

While the two were talking, they were already on the embankment, looking at the green fields and mountains far away, Shen Yao's depressed mood suddenly brightened.

He has been to this country, but he has always stayed in big cities, not to mention the dense buildings, and the outdoors are also very crowded.But where he is now is completely different.

The sight is wide, the air is fresh, and a not-so-wide road stretches out along the embankment, without even a single person.

"The countryside is very quiet, but people have run out, and there are not many students in the school, which means that it is difficult to lead the baseball team." The system walked in front with short legs, and jumped twice from time to time: "I Let me tell you, this starting point is the best! The bitter boy came to the countryside of Ridao from the far side of the ocean, and led a whole team of rookies by himself, dragging them into Jiashiyuan! What an inspiration Ah! What blood!"


The system chattered happily by itself, and walked for a while and saw some wooden buildings before it became a little quieter.

Shen Yao gradually became puzzled~ Even in the countryside, these buildings seem to be too old, right?

It's not that the house is old and broken!But pure antiquity!It feels a bit cross-generational.

"Ah, by the way, I'll give you this phone." Xiaozhen turned around and fumbled for something from the pocket of his overalls, and handed it over: "It's very expensive, don't lose it, there are not even adults in the countryside here who have it."

hand, mobile phone? !Shen Yao, who has been calmly facing all kinds of weird events after time travel, can't hold back anymore!This screen needs to be opened, and it is about the size of a matchbox, and the thing with a bunch of round buttons underneath is a mobile phone? !

"..." How to use this thing?

He who was born in 2025 really doesn't know how to use this thing!

Why do mobile phones open and close? !Why are you still pressing the button? !Why is it so thick? !
Why... green light? !
"Haven't you seen this? It seems that the era you traveled to was very backward in technology!" Xiao Zhen's fat face had an adult helplessness, which seemed a little weird.He also stretched out his small arms and patted Shen Yao's legs, comforting him: "When you make a lot of money in the future, you will have these! What is a green screen mobile phone? There will be color ones in the future! The ones that can shoot videos! "


Shen Yao was speechless, and Xiaozhen only thought that he had been impacted by technology, pushed the person forward and continued walking, turned a corner and pointed to the house not far away and said: "When you arrive, there is it, your new life The place to start! Now that you’ve worn them all! Just work hard, and lose your status as the rich second generation in the past, and you can feel the burst of technology early! You can still be a rich generation! How wonderful!”

"..." Shen Yao walked a little further, and looked up at the old signboard... I can't understand it!As for Japanese, he can speak but not read: "What is written?"

"Tomorrow's baseball stadium."

Shen Yao compared the building opposite: "What about that one? The appearance is much better than this one. Is there still a business route to go because of the huge competitive pressure?"

"That's not true." Xiaozhen beckoned Shen Yao to squat down, and whispered: "It's a beauty cafe, children don't need to understand these things!"

"Coffee? Minors can't drink coffee here?"

"You are so stupid! I have never seen such a silly and sweet rich second generation like you. Fortunately, I will watch you in the future!" Xiaozhen glanced at the store, and said softly: "It is that kind of store, The kind where you can stay overnight, the word coffee is not important at all... Ah, by the way, because this system is for sports competitions, it does not provide you with a language package. You have to learn it yourself, why don't you hire a tutor? of?"

(End of this chapter)

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