money baseball

Chapter 186 47 Adaptability

Chapter 186 47 Adaptability

"What can we see from this video?" Cheng Gong asked directly, anyway, it is in the test now, if the other party answers, there is no charge!Really smart as me.

Shen Qin looked funny, and wanted to pat the kid's head: "Then you have to wait, I'll find a professional person to answer, after all, I'm a catcher, no one professionally understands."

Of course, Cheng Gong had no objection, and was even a little excited!Could it be that the teacher behind the Golden Coin Baseball Center is finally about to emerge?


"Poof!!" Why him? !

That tall guy with golden hair~
Isn’t this Goo Mo’s pitcher? !

Cheng Gong's eyes were too resentful, Shen Qin comforted him: "Coach still has a say in the speed of the ball and the second seam."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: "Let's see his problem."

Coach is different from Shen Qin, making money is Qin Qin and his baby's business, he is responsible for spending money... Well, in fact, when others need help, he will help, and will not discuss such things as whether to pay or not.After watching the pitching video of the two of them just now, he asked, "Are they all weighted balls?"

"Head and tail are not."

"Oh~" Coach looked back and forth on the computer for a while, compared the data, and then pointed to the still picture of the two pitchers releasing the ball and said: "You can try adjusting the angle between the torso and the free foot. Of course. Because the number of samples is insufficient, we cannot say absolutely whether it is useful or not. You can try it.”

"There is a sample!" Chenggong said hurriedly: "We played in the jackal's stadium before, didn't there be a route?"

"Yes..." Shen Qin was a little helpless, found out the pitching compilation album at that time and showed it to Coach, and apologized to the other extreme players.

Miyuki and the others have no opinions at all, so it's okay to take a look, what impact can it have.It's better to see more!
Several people gathered in front of the computer screen for a while, only to realize that it was said to be a compilation of pitching, but the picture was different from what they had imagined.

It is filled with all kinds of lines and afterimages.

Chenggong looked at himself as overpowered, a little confused: "What does this mean?"

"Yeah!" Jiang Gu also snorted, and he also looked overlapping in the picture!

Coach presses the button to make this section of the video loop, only to see that the person himself is still alone, and as he throws the ball, he gradually brings overlays. Throwing a bunch out: "This one is about common rails, but obviously, your problem is not only here."

Although both of them are currently Gumo players, they are still old enough and have sufficient qualifications. They treat these players like children who teach how to play every year. They answer all questions and have nothing to hide. "Come, take a look at what I said to Haitang yesterday."

They were talking, and Shen Qin opened the video of Coach yesterday.After playing, Coach went on to say: "Although I didn't throw a changeup yesterday, let's compare the four seams and the two seams."

Coach in the film does not have any double image of the human body, and the balls are even completely overlapped for a long distance, and only at the end do they rush out separately.

Cheng Gong "hissed", everyone is playing ball, what does this mean, you can probably understand it by comparing it!

If the first ball paths of each ball are overlapped, wouldn't the player's judgment be lost directly?

"Is it just a straight ball? Or is it okay to change the ball?"

Shen Qin is happy, the child's reaction ability is still very fast.These computers have all entered the data at home in the past, so naturally there are samples left.So I picked a video of offseason practice.It's not a professional stadium, and I don't wear a jersey, just an ordinary T-shirt.

Straight ball, change ball...

The more I watched, the more surprised the players became.

Aside from Fubuya who was obsessed with pitching, Narimiya, Miyuki, and Chris were the two catchers who were the most surprised.

Especially Chris, he hasn't seen this and related videos before~ This is the trump card of the demon.I don't even mind giving these data to others.Is it because of his extreme confidence in himself...or is it because of some other reason?

Carter, slider, on earth does it work? !

No wonder the hitters at Kaitang couldn't hit the ball at all. They didn't have time to react. Every ball seemed to be the same.Okay~ With that ball speed, even if the ball is thrown wide, it will be difficult to react, right?
"The degree of co-orbit is the basic standard for testing the overall completion of pitchers." Coach said with a blank expression, only biting a lollipop: "Jumo's pitchers are basically in a state of disintegration, and currently no balls are required. How many tricks are there, basically only straight balls and sliders. Trying to protect the health of the players is one aspect, and more importantly, the applicability of the sliders has the same track as these two types of balls. This has to be done step by step. At least do a good job of the co-orbital degree of the two balls.”

Narimiya stared: "Every pitcher? Including the one who played against us last time?"

"Watakuchi? Of course, but he is still learning how to skate, and his progress is a little behind others, but his straight ball displacement is very beautiful, so even if the progress is slower, he is still in a position with a relatively high degree of completion. After all, the other A group of straight balls are not practiced well."

"What about Hongo?" Miyuki asked.Inomi's previous match with Guma was against Tokuji, so he naturally has a better understanding of Tokuji's ability.On Qingdao's side, the pitcher he faced against Gu Mo before was Hongo, so naturally he should pay more attention to Hongo.

"Hongo?" Coach bit more than half of the candy with a click, and then continued: "Hongo's straight ball needs to be broken up and re-trained, and the current progress is good. If you rely on the past straight ball, it is okay at this stage, and it will be in the future. It is relatively constrained. So it will be easier to readjust at this stage."

Of course, the main reason is that there are cheap children in the hometown, and they are also considered as family members, so the requirements must be higher.

Miyuki thought about it, but didn't quite understand.Hongo's current straight ball, they still don't like it? !You must know that Jiang Gu's straight balls at this stage are amazing enough, no matter in terms of ball speed or tail force.If he's consistent, he'll be a great ace.But in his opinion, Gumo's hometown is more complete and more stable than Jianggu. What's not satisfactory? "Is there a problem with his straight ball?"

At least he can't see where there is a problem, and the tail is also very beautiful~
"Too straight."

"Too straight? Too straight...isn't it good?" Miyuki has gotten used to the opposite cognition of the other party, and even finds it fresh and interesting. After all, no matter if it is traditional or trendy, as long as it is useful, you can use it. Isn't it?
"What's so good about being too straight?" Coach paused, looked at Shen Qin, and spoke much more smoothly: "How should I explain it? How can I describe it better?"

(End of this chapter)

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