perfect arc

Chapter 63 Chapter 63: Pretend

Chapter 63 Chapter 63: Pretend

The legal time of the game is approaching No.706 minutes.

Players from both sides set up a good formation, just waiting for Atletico Madrid to take the ball.

"Good performance!" Mashu stood five meters away from Kabi, and said vigorously.And Kabinet turned his head and smiled politely, which was regarded as a tribute to everything.

Mashu gave praise, but Kabinet was indifferent, but the two understood their respective thoughts.

Kabini knew that Mashu's praise for him was not fake, but his mind was already on the game. At this time, he didn't want to make unnecessary moves, he just wanted to go all out and take advantage of the situation to chase points.

Mashu didn't mind either. After all, they were all on the same battlefield, and they were still facing a backward situation. He understood Kabinet's indifference.At this moment, it seems that every teammate has the same idea as Kabinet, and is bound to recover the points behind.

Kabinet puffed out his chest and let out a long breath, convinced that he was ready.

"~Beep~~!" The whistle sounded disturbing, and the ball rolled.

For a moment, Kabini started in a stride, and there was not much time left, and he was not allowed to delay for another moment.The purpose of his start is clear, and the idea of ​​rushing forward is also very thorough.

He read: I must break the ball under the opponent's feet.

Kabine was in a hurry, and the opponent holding the ball was startled when he saw this, and when he panicked again, the movement of holding the ball suddenly lost his rhythm. He couldn't figure out why Kabine rushed forward so angrily. ?Of course, there is no need for him to find out everything, because at this time Kabini has already recognized the ball but not the person.

In a panic, the opponent holding the ball showed timidity, and hurriedly gave the ball away, removing all entanglements. It can be seen that Kabini's rushing rush made a professional player lose confidence in even handling the ball.

---- Atletico Madrid's midfield defense area.

The ball turned, and Kabinet also turned, and quickly followed. When the opponent caught the ball, Kabinet was pressed very hard. He made a decision and quickly passed the ball to a defensive midfielder.

Granada's offensive line was pushed forward step by step under the opening of Cabine. They had no choice. In less than 6 minutes, they must do what they should do.

"Come forward! Hey...! Do you hear that? The front line is pushed forward!" the stubborn Coach Koboni roared.He no longer cared about the consequences, and didn't care whether Atletico Madrid would take advantage of the situation to fight back. He just kept yelling and ordered the players to fight. . .

After 30 seconds, the ball was no longer at the feet of the defensive midfielder, nor was it at the feet of Kabinet.Suddenly, Kabine took a glance and saw that the ball was caught by Shadugir.

Perhaps [Son of the Ghost] was a little tired. After this kid controlled the ball, he no longer had the momentum he had in the early stage of the game. His pace was slack, his ball protection movements were stiff, and he reluctantly avoided Roffman.In such a state, the on-site commentator gave an analysis: "The game is nearing the end, and Shadugir's physical strength seems to be exhausted..."

Kabini's running range is really wide. After a few minutes, he accumulated nearly 500 meters.He ran three more steps, and there were only two seconds left before he collided with Sadugir. . .

Undoubtedly, this is another one-on-one battle. In this plot, there are only Kabinet and Sadugil, and there is no room for other people.

Two seconds passed, Kabinet stepped forward, and Shadugir also had to slam on the brakes, trying to make room for himself and throwing Kabiney off.

"Ha~~! Here comes the picture again! Shadugir was once again blocked by Kabine! How will Kabine, who has already suffered twice, deal with this defensive work...?" The commentator gave own doubts.

Suddenly, "~~唰~~!" Kabini stretched out his right foot, his movements were crisp and his purpose was simple, as if he was about to bring down Sadugir.

Shadugir flicked the ball lightly to avoid Kabinet's first interception.

The two leaped forward quickly, and neither of them lost their position. Kabini tried to block the ball but failed.Shoulder-to-shoulder, Sadugil was more than able to handle it, without any expression of effort.

However, in the sudden brake just now, Sadugir failed to get rid of Kabinet, and Kabinai fell into his body at the opportunity, pinching Sadugir's advancement space.At this time, Sadugir's advance was not going well, and passing the ball would not be his choice at this time. He lowered his head and fought hard with Kabinet several times in the midfield area. . .

Suddenly, Kabinet's eyes flashed, and he read: Here comes another chance!

In front of him, there is plenty of space for interception, and he stretched out his feet again. Shadugir smelled something wrong, and exerted force with his feet, rushing to avoid it.Kabinet lost his balance and fell to the ground, and saw Shadugir take the ball and walk away.

Granada's right back responded in a timely manner, quickly filled his position, and jumped forward to block.Seeing this, Sadugir just continued to run forward, and when the distance between the two was appropriate, he used a 'Marseille roundabout' to throw off the right back.

Two seconds later, Sadugir appeared on the right side outside the penalty area. He leaped three meters forward and immediately recruited a Granada defender.Sadugir grinned, and before the defender stepped forward, he swayed his body and flicked his right foot. In an instant, the man and the ball turned sharply, and were about to cut inside to the middle of the penalty area.

"Sure enough, it's an inward cut! The Granada team is in danger!" the commentator said anxiously.

Coach Koboni, who was watching the game from the sidelines, also felt very bad. Seeing that Sadugir threw off his players one by one without much effort, he immediately showed a surprised expression.

At this time, Kabinet had already got up, and instead of foolishly chasing after Sadugir's forward route, he ran obediently to the middle of the penalty area, intending to assault Sadugir halfway.

Sadugir has already succeeded, and changed his tricks, cutting all the way on the edge of the penalty area, trying to create space for the shot.Fiske didn't sit still and waited for the moment Shadujill passed by, he stepped forward with two steps and made a slippery tackle. However, Shadujill moved too fast, and Fisk didn't get the timing right, which resulted in this shot The interception was unsuccessful.

After dropping another opponent, Sadugir decided it was time to call it a day.

"Huh...?" The commentator suddenly stood upright and said suddenly.

Witnessing what was about to happen, Coach Koboni shook his head and sighed: Do this. . .It's too risky!
"~唰~~!" Before Sadugir's right toe hit the ball, a strange foot stretched out behind him, scraping a small piece of grass on his heel, and bumped towards the ball. . .

"~Boom~~!" The ball didn't fly out, but just bounced in the direction where Fiske was, and Sadugil even fell to the ground.

Kabinet also fell to the ground, and turned his head to look at the referee. Seeing that the opponent signaled that his tackle was not fouled, he stood up hastily and rushed forward quickly. . .

Sadugir, who has always been rampant, quickly got up. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Kabinet would attack from behind and blocked his shot.

However, this son was humiliated in one fell swoop, but there was no air on his face, and he simply said: How interesting!

"Quick! Open up the position a little bit!" Mashu yelled, and rushed to the front court again.

And the ball was no longer under Fiske's feet. After catching the ball, he immediately cleared the siege with his feet.

From the words just now, it can be seen that Mashu seems to be planning an offensive, and Kabini also widens the positions of himself and his teammates, interpreting Mashu's instructions.

"Hey~~!" The mouse shouted again after running a few meters away.The winger holding the ball was vigilant, and immediately knew that the mouse was calling him, and in an instant, he seemed to have moved.Yi Feng used his speed to make the enemy who was chasing him gasp for breath, and it took another two seconds before he finally threw the enemy off. . .

Unexpectedly, after Yi Feng ran not far away, he didn't see any broad avenues, but greeted another wave of interception by the enemy.Yi Feng suddenly decided that he could no longer dribble the ball. The defender in front was fierce and reluctant to attack, fearing that it would ruin the efforts of his teammates.

The decision was decisive and the action was quick. In seconds, the ball was sent by the winger, and the direction given was exactly the side of the Mashu who was asking for the ball just now.When Mashu saw the ball rushing towards him, he was overjoyed, and a variety of ways to plan the attack flashed in his mind.The ball came in a hurry, and Ma Shu blocked the inside of his right foot and took possession of the ball.

Immediately, Mashu looked around, memorizing the approximate positions of Kabinet, the striker and other players in his mind, followed by another move, quickly throwing off the enemy lying on the left side. . .

The ball has not yet entered the penalty area, and neither has the Mashu.

On the sidelines, Coach Coboni read: Shoot!Forget it!Come on~~!

Here, after the squirrel passed the obstacle, the connection action on the back was also very simple. After a few efforts, it seemed that it was about to make a move.

In this situation, if this idiot shoots a long shot, it will be expected by the audience, just as the commentator at this time said: "The distance and angle are good! Could it be a long shot Woolen cloth?"

All of a sudden, the mouse is already arching its feet, is it a long shot?I believe only he himself can know.What's even more strange is that at this time, Kabinet's forward move seems a bit redundant, but he still has no intention of stopping, and continues to do what he wants to do.

In seconds, the ball was on the right edge of the penalty area, and so was the person holding the ball.

And Cabinet's actions remain a mystery.

Twenty meters away from the goal, the ball was kicked by the mashu, and the scene presented surprised everyone in the field.

In an instant, Coach Coboni understood, and so did the commentator.

The commentator said in a loud voice: "Wow~! This is not a shot...!" The voice seemed hurried.

Mashu was ready to shoot, and when he kicked his feet, he deceived several opponents in an instant, and even the defense general who rushed forward to block the ball was slashed by Mashu, his footsteps lost balance, his heel slipped, and he fell The fate of gnawing on the ground in embarrassment.

Since it's not a shot, where does the ball go?

When Kabini was running forward to the depths, and at the moment when Mashu kicked his feet, the two sides looked at each other, aimed at the timing, one passed the ball, and the other ran forward. . .

Kabini blasted off the offside trap set by the opponent in one fell swoop, and the two opponents were startled, and hurriedly turned around to block the ball.And Kabinet looked composed, unusually calm, stretched his right foot, and unloaded the ball. . .

When the ball touched the ground, the distance between Kabinet and the goal was close to about 13 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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