perfect arc

Chapter 451: The whereabouts of the leader

Chapter 451 Chapter 450: The whereabouts of the leader

For two consecutive days, the Granada team was arranged for high-intensity training. The players had a hard time adapting to it. However, after a few training sessions, they went back to the locker room and took a hot bath. And the mashu was still looking at his muscles, saying that he was full of strength.

Another day, Coach Koboni gave the team members some time to recover their physical strength. I heard that Mashu took Endel and his pet dog "offside" to climb the mountain. It has become a popular place for some nature lovers to enjoy the scenery. In the end, due to too many tourists, the two climbed halfway up the mountain with a dog, and then walked back.

No one dared to ask about Bam's private whereabouts, but his teammates heard that this guy applied to Coach Koboni to practice alone again, but the key battle was imminent, and Coach Koboni would not be so stupid as to be stupid during this period. After Bam, Bam seemed to have disappeared in Granada. Almost some tabloid reporters claimed that Bam's figure in this city was the most difficult for them to capture.

But on the rest day, Kabinet's figure was captured by local tabloid reporters, because the European golden boy has long been accustomed to running around the city alone on holidays. Although he only has eight kilometers, he has run the farthest and longest recently. Once, when he was running through the square in the old district, he was photographed outside the street by a tabloid reporter.

"Hey! Cabine, can you stop and talk about your thoughts on the next game against Atletico Madrid?" A fat reporter chased Cabine while taking pictures, and he was about to die after asking. He stopped and gasped for breath, but Kabinet Without any intention of stopping, he said hastily, "Sorry! I'm running, so I can't answer."

When Kabini ran back to live downstairs, Andorsi was used to waiting for him downstairs, which is not unusual, but he was surprised to see that the mouse, Endel and 'offside' were also waiting for him downstairs, and he had time to ask what happened in the future. Squirrel yelled, "Damn it! You ran empty-handed and didn't bring your cell phone. I have something urgent to call on you. Fortunately, Andorsi was able to calculate the time when you came back, so I knew exactly what to do."

"Yes! I will calculate." Andorsi said, he still lowered his head, smiled, and was a little shy, and he looked very cute.

At this time, Endel also politely greeted Kabini. The guy looked much better. He must have eaten good food and dishes together when he was helping with the housework at the Mashu's house. Kabini also nodded. , and then said to Mashu: "If you have something to say, you don't have to bring the whole family here to find me, do you?"

After talking about a mountaineering outing, Ma Shu drove a seven-person family car, pointed at the family car and said, "Come in my car and talk, or go up to your house?"

"Don't go to my house. The destructive power of 'offside' is too amazing. The last time I cleaned it was very painful." After Kabinet finished speaking, he stepped forward to tease the chin of 'offside', but the mouse gave " Offside' gave the order: "This stupid donkey dislikes you, bite him quickly!"


"Offside" was obviously amused by Kabinet, wagging his tail vigorously, and then jumped up and lay on Kabiney's shoulder. The dog's tongue was aimed at Kabinet's entire face, and Endel beside him was also pleased, haha Just laughing, Andorsi was alone in his own world, and went back upstairs without saying hello.

Then Kabini greeted 'offside' and said to the mouse: "Can you be more straightforward and talk about the matter here, why get into the car? I am sweaty and dirty the leather seats of your seven-seater car. I There is no compensation."

"Bullshit! I can buy ten of these seven-person family cars at once. Please come in and sit down. I'll share with you a piece of news that will definitely make you ecstatic." Squirrel smugly smiled. A few times, it made Kabinet feel sick.

Mashu arranged for Endel to lead the 'Mashu' around, and there were only two idiots, Kabinet and Mashu, left in the seven-person car. Lying down to recover his strength, the mouse took out a tablet and said, "I promise, after telling this news, you idiot will definitely bounce up."

"Sadugir spoke harsh words again? Humph! I'll just wait for him, it won't scare me." Kabinet squinted his eyes. He didn't believe that the news given by the mouse would shock him, but five seconds later , he found himself wrong.

The mouse swiped a few times on the tablet and said, "It has nothing to do with Sadugir, I mean... I found a news report about that Chinese girl in the electronic media, do you want to read it?"

Kabini shuddered, and he jumped up, reached out to grab the tablet, and shouted, "Cerina had an accident? Show me the fuck?"

Mashu handed over the tablet, covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Don't worry, your Chinese girl was not harmed, she just loves public welfare and was reported by the media. I remember you said that she is a... volunteer group the head of the team?"

"You idiot know nothing, go buy your seven-person family car!" Kabini said as he anxiously read the electronic media reports. The content was not much, but he was sure that Cherina had met her. What an accident, Cherina just led some members of her volunteer team to various remote mountainous areas in China to do public welfare services for those poor families.

Cabine's voice trembled, and said: "It turns out that she has been busy with these things in the mountains of China for the past few months, my God! Her hair is messed up, and she has lost a lot of weight. I really want to help her. , It’s amazing that a person can persist in his own country for several months to do such a meaningful thing! Cherina is amazing!"

"If I book a flight ticket to China for you, there will be a [-]% discount, do you need it?" Mashu looked naughty, but Kabinet choked back: "I hope that next time you go back to Holland, you can only take a cargo plane, and then go with me." Sleep with fresh sardines."

The mouse raised his head and smiled, and said, "But can this explain why the Chinese girl didn't reply to you? I remember you should have sent her at least five emails, right? Do you understand her?"

Kabini lightly touched the screen of the tablet computer, swipe the photo of Cherina in the report with his finger, and said: "Of course I can understand, besides, I have clearly stated my meaning in the email, more than once, and I know she will definitely go back to Marseille, and she will definitely give me an answer, and that answer must be what I think with her, it must be yes!"

"Hmm! So touching! Do I need to cooperate with the tears?" Mashu's tone was mischievous again.

Kabini gave the mouse a sideways look, and said, "Also, please remember, you idiot, she has a name. The French name is Cherina, and the Chinese name is Yan Ming. If you are rude, I will beat you to death." you!"

(End of this chapter)

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