perfect arc


Chapter 36 Chapter 36: Three days and two nights for two idiots!Assemble!
[Striving to remain undefeated, take all three points, and end a fierce battle]

Kabinet contributed [scoring twice]

After the victory at the San Mames Stadium. . .

The Granada team chose to return to Granada overnight with the demeanor of a triumphant division.When the team's charter flight landed at Granada International Airport, it was already local time: [-]:[-] am.

Although coach Koboni is a stubborn person, he still retains half of his sophistication.He specially approved: [The whole team has a three-day holiday]. When the team was disbanded at the training base, he repeatedly told the players: "Young people! Cherish these three days of vacation! Go and play as much as you want! But don't drink recklessly! That won't do you any good! Clear!"

The mood of having a holiday is nothing like the mood of winning a lottery.

Hearing this good news, the players were all so happy that flowers bloomed in their hearts and their faces were full of relief.

Kabinet was certainly happy to learn that there was a holiday.But his attention was focused on his mobile phone, and there were two text messages in his mobile phone:
[Young man, congratulations on scoring twice and winning for the team.You are one step closer to the top of European football, keep going! 】

————Obviously, this is a message from the agent, Mr. Haas.

【asshole!Well done!When I come to Granada another day, I will treat you to dinner!However, you are responsible for the round-trip air ticket!Ha~~!Reconnect!come on! 】

————This is more obvious, it is the Scotsman Widson that stinky boy.

After reading the text message carefully, Cabine grinned.Such a happy state is not all due to receiving congratulatory text messages from Mr. Haas and Wedson.

In it, there is more mixed, perhaps the joy of winning for the team with one's own strength.

"Hey~! What are you smirking about? Like an idiot!" Mashu asked, carrying a big slanted bag.

Kabini was stunned, and returned calmly: "It's okay! I'm just happy!"

Ma Shu respected: "Nonsense! Of course I'm happy to win!"

Kabini was blocked by the spout of the mouse for a moment, unable to answer, so he could only rub his head and giggle.

Mashu spouted again: "Look at you, you really look like an idiot when you laugh! Ha~~!"

Normally, when Kabini encountered such a joke, he would definitely respond in the same way.But he still didn't answer at the moment, and continued to giggle.

The joy of victory had already overwhelmed Kabinet's other emotions.The reason why Mashu didn't say anything was because he had already understood Kabinet.

He then said to Cabine: "You are like an idiot, keep laughing! Don't tell people, you know me!"

After hearing this, Kabini raised his fist and hit [Meteor Hammer].Mashu tried to avoid it but failed, so he took a hard shot.

The two of them are like children, [fighting]

After the two of them were mad, the mouse said again: "It's early in the morning, for a while, you take my car, let's go together?"

Kabini immediately said: "Okay! I wish for it!"

Squirrel continued: "There's just one thing for me..."

Mock-mouse couldn't finish talking, and he stopped talking because he glanced sideways and saw a person walking towards them.

It's Coach Coboni.

As the coach of the team, his team has gone through another round of hard work and won with difficulty.With a handsome face and breezy walk, he came before Kabinet and Mashu.

He gave a word, but at the beginning, it was not a lecture.

He only heard him ask: "The team has dispersed, don't you two go home?"

Squirrel snatched a sentence: "Well~! We'll leave right away. Coach! Are you okay?"

Coach Coboni nodded, hissed briefly, and said, "I just want to have a brief chat with you two."

"Okay! What are you talking about? Coach!" It was Kabinet who answered.

Suddenly, Coach Koboni became serious, and first said to Mashu: "You guy, first you couldn't bear the opponent's provocation, and clashed with the opponent. Then you protested endlessly against the referee, and finally ate a bit A yellow card. Hmph~~! You have to review it and try to control your emotions."

The mouse was stunned for a while, he didn't expect that he would be spat out by Coach Koboni.

Players are reprimanded by coaches for a reason, which is what they should be.Mashu also understood, besides, he was indeed reckless first, which almost disrupted the team's game rhythm.So, he swallowed this stinky fart.

With a guilty face, Mashu replied: "Coach, please rest assured, I will definitely pay attention to my behavior on the field!"

Coach Koboni nodded upon hearing the answer, and said shortly, "Hmm~!"

Finally, he turned his face to Kabinet, pretending to hold his chin, and creaked his mouth.

Two seconds later, Coboni said, "What should I say about you~~?"

Kabinet was speechless and dared not answer.

Coach Koboni paused, and continued: "I will give you [-] points for your performance in this game!"

Kabini was astonished, but remained silent.

Coach Koboni smiled slightly, and continued: "Although you scored twice and helped the team win. But I still see your shortcomings on the field."

[In this world, hundreds of millions of people are persistently pursuing perfection, but perfection, does it really exist? 】

Kabini regretted it, but remained silent.

But Coboni suddenly asked: "Young man, what do you think?"

Kabini stared in astonishment, paused for a second, and then said: "My performance is indeed insufficient, but I value the result of the game more!"

"Oh~~?" Coach Koboni looked suspicious.

Cabine explained: "It's the mentality, the mentality of winning. As long as you can win, other factors can really be underestimated."

Coach Coboni replied: "Hmmm! You'll say that when you win. What if you lose?"

Cabine said: "I don't know, technically I can't write the word [lose]!"

"Ha~~!" Coach Koboni raised his head and smiled.He asked again: "Young man, how old are you this year?"

Coach Coboni's trick of [asking knowingly] made Kabinet stunned again.

But it can be concluded that Coach Coboni is definitely not playing dumb.

Kabini was stunned, and replied: "20 years old, coach."

Coach Koboni snorted, and said after a long time: "No wonder! Your words really have the momentum of [20 years old]. Okay, let's stop chatting, you guys go home!"

The squirrel who was left on the sidelines immediately replied: "Understood, coach. Let's go now!"

After finishing speaking, he tugged at Kabini and said, "Let's go, I have something to discuss with you."

At this time, Coach Koboni had already walked away, and Kabini asked Mummy: "Did I say something wrong?"

Mashu spread his hands and flattened his lips, and replied, "No!"

Kabini scratched his head, wrinkled his brows, and murmured: "I have a strange feeling..."

Squirrel panicked and said, "Oh! You talk a lot of nonsense! Let's go!"

After saying goodbye to the few teammates who were still at the training base, Mashu dragged Kabiney and left the training base.

Mashu picked up the car in the parking lot of the base, drove to the gate of the base, loaded Kabinet who was waiting for him, waved his hand to change gears, and stepped on the accelerator. After 60:[-] seconds, the sports car had already accelerated to [-]km/h. He left the training base quickly and headed towards Kabini's house.

Halfway through, Kabinet said: "Do you have to drive so fast?"

Mashu replied: "It's early morning! What's more, this small straight road is in the middle of the road, how can we not get off the car?"

Cabine shook his head and said, "Fuck you! What kind of logic are you talking about?"

Mashu was suddenly overjoyed, and replied: "Idiot! You are jealous, I have a sports car~~! Ha~!"

Kabinet saluted with another punch, hitting the mouse on the shoulder, and said: "You are an idiot! I can afford this kind of sports car!"

While the two were chatting, the sports car was gradually racing on this small straight road at a speed of 80km/h.

The night outside the car window is low-key, the trees and grass are luxuriant, and the sports car is driving all the way, sweeping the scenery.

Suddenly, an iron sign welded on the side of the road was thrown by the fast-moving sports car.

There are several large characters engraved on the iron plate: [Slow!Please drive safely! 】

The two people in the car felt the extreme speed of the sports car, and the adrenal glands in their bodies soared to the extreme.

After a few minutes, the sports car slowed down.It's not that the rats have had enough, but that the car is about to hit the highway.

The mouse relaxed, and then said suddenly: "Didn't I just say that I have something to discuss with you?"

Kabini, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, realized: "Ah! That's right! I forgot! What's going on?"

Squirrel laughed ghostly, and said, "I told you, if you miss that penalty kick, you have to fulfill one of my demands! Hee hee!"

After speaking, with a sly expression on his face, he turned his head to look at Kabiner.

Of course Kabinet remembered, so he asked, "Tell me! What is your request!"

Seeing that he had succeeded, the mouse continued to laugh: "Didn't Coach Koboni give us three days off...?"

Cabinet replied: "Yes! And then?"

Squirrel replied: "Hee hee~! Go on vacation with me!"

When Kabini heard this, he lingered for a few seconds and asked, "Is the three-day vacation enough...?"

Mashu said sincerely, "It's definitely enough!"

"Where are we going?" Cabine asked.

The Mock-mouse did not hesitate, and said, "Majoca! How is it? Satisfied?"

Cabine said: "Integrity is very important to friends! Okay! I'll go on vacation with you!"

Mashu held the steering wheel with his right hand, and snapped his fingers with his left hand: "~Bo~~"

Then shouted in the car: "Oh~~~! Majorca! Here we come!"

Kabinet got out of the car, and when he returned to the entrance of the residential building, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

He was tired and desperately needed to lie on the soft bed at home and have a big sleep.

He turned to the squirrel sitting in the car and said, "Thank you!"

The mouse said, "Don't talk nonsense! Let me tell you first, you go home and sleep first. I will call you in about nine hours."

Cabine asked, "Oh~~?"

The mouse explained again: "Idiot! I'll go home first and let my agent help us arrange the details of the vacation. I estimate that it will take nine hours to complete, understand?"

Cabine nodded and said, "If this is the case, it would be great. Huh~~~? Are we leaving in nine hours?"

The squirrel sitting in the sports car bent over, turned its head sideways, and said to Kabini who was standing outside the car: "Yes! It will take nine hours at the earliest to complete all the details."

Kabini said: "Oh~~~! Well, I'll go back to sleep for a while."

After finishing speaking, he turned around, but after taking two steps, he fell back again.

With a puzzled look on his face, he asked Mashu: "Then what about [offside]?"

When the mouse heard it, it sneered: "I really admire you! You are still thinking about [offside]! Don't worry, I will arrange for [offside] to stay in the ** Hotel."

Kabini made it clear: "Oh~~! Alright! See you later!"

After the two said goodbye, the mouse stepped on the gas pedal, and the noisy engine sounded in the dust. Within two seconds, the sports car disappeared into the dark street.

Kabini returned to the door of the house, used the key, opened the door, walked into the house, pressed the light button, and closed the door again. . .

Huh?Kabinet sensed that his right foot stepped on something.

He looked down and saw that it was a piece of white paper folded into a square.

He bent over to pick it up, unfolded the white paper, and saw a few large characters written on the white paper: 【Good performance!I am very satisfied! 】

Kabini burst into laughter after reading it.This is Andorsi's [prank] again. . . ?
(End of this chapter)

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