perfect arc

Chapter 31 Chapter 31: Earthquake

Chapter 31 Chapter 31: Earthquake

The height is 2 meters,
The width is 7 meters.

This is a rectangular goal.

Where football belongs.

To end the opponent's endless entanglement is to quickly let the ball fly into the goal's net.

Make everyone dumbfounded. . .

Athletic Bilbao ended no fewer than [-] consecutive passes. Although the players of the Granada team were actively fighting, they strictly guarded against each other.But during the opponent's entire passing process, they couldn't even touch the leather of the ball, which embarrassed Coach Koboni on the side.

Kabini's clinging, Mashu's return to defense, Fiske's interference, and his teammates' seemingly airtight defensive positions were instantly overwhelmed by the arrogance of the [no pass, no shoot] enemy in the penalty area. crushed. . .

The opponent who is so obsessed with [holding the ball] reluctantly passes the ball in the penalty area, and the teammate who runs forward receives the ball steadily and volleys from close range. . .

End the Granada team's endless stalking.

The ball stopped spinning and lay quietly in the net.

Outside the nest, there are two worlds.

Athletic Bilbao had an unbelievable equalizer and celebrated in their own home court unscrupulously.

The home fans shouted the team song, waved their hands and stretched their arms, and the San Mames Stadium was in a frenzy.

The on-site commentator gave Athletic Bilbao a joking [icing on the cake], and said with a smile:

【Fans!The local earthquake bureau just sent news that a slight earthquake of magnitude 3.2 was recorded at the San Mames Stadium! 】

The epicenter of the 【Earthquake】: from the crazy fan zone of Athletic Bilbao!

The cause of the [earthquake] is closely related to the Granada team. . .

The commentator shook his head after finishing speaking, and continued: "A magical goal! Let the defensive players of the Granada team be dumbfounded!"

The commentator used "dumbfounded" to describe the expressions of the players of the Granada team at this time, which is obviously to save face.

To describe it correctly, the expressions of the Granada players. . .

It looks like an idiot.

Coach Coboni didn't look like an idiot. His forehead was bulging with blue veins, his hands were dancing wildly, and he was chattering and cursing non-stop.

Angrily, he kicked a mineral water bottle that had fallen by the grass, and the water bottle flew into the air and landed several feet away.

It's not a dumbass trait, it's a killing cadence.

If he was given a sharp knife, would he chop his team members into pieces one by one?
Coach Koboni pointed the main finger at Kabini for losing the ball, and shouted nervously: "What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to go forward and block the ball earlier... idiot!"

No matter how loud the carnival of the home fans was, Cabine still listened to Coach Coboni's accusations every word.

Kabini believes that he made mistakes, but they should not be infinitely magnified by Coach Koboni.

[Remorse] is his main feeling at this time, he feels that he should tackle the ball early.

His inexplicable hesitation just gave his opponent a chance.

With a deep sweat on his face, Kabini reluctantly replied loudly to Coach Koboni: "There is still time! We can get ahead again! Coach~~!"

Coach Coboni was extremely angry, how could he be in the mood to listen to such nonsense.

Without saying anything, what remained in his heart was still some dissatisfaction with Kabinet. . .

"Well! Coach Coboni is furious! It can be seen that he thinks that Kabinet should bear some responsibility for the conceded goal!" said the on-site commentator.

"Although this player has talent, he lacks experience and needs to continue to hone it!" Another commentator continued.

The ground no longer shakes, the wind no longer howls.

The celebrations are over, and the San Mamés stadium is a little [quiet].

The two teams set up their formations, and the Granada team was ready to kick off again.

The legal time has passed 58 minutes, and the score shows: 1 to 1!

The ball leaves the tee box, assumes its natural role, and rolls across the court.

[As long as the ball is still rolling, everything still has a chance. 】

----- Kabinet persistently thinks!
From the restart until now, Granada have kept possession firmly under their feet.

The offensive line moved forward quietly with the continuous passing between teammates. Although the opponents did not give them a chance and rushed forward, the players with the ball in Granada were very straightforward when handling the ball at their feet and never dragged their feet. . . .

The pace of mutual passing between teammates is very fast. It is almost like the ball is at the foot in one second, and the ball is accurately delivered to the feet of teammates in the next second.

A round of boring ground organization unexpectedly showed super reading ability.

The ground attack in the middle was the idea of ​​coach Koboni during the intermission. He adjusted Kabinet as the offensive axis and ordered Mashu to act as a false forward to cover Kabinet.

Changing this tactic first brought the Granada team not to lead the score, but to be equalized by the opponent. . .

So, is Coach Coboni still betting on this game?

Just 63 minutes past legal time.

Coach Koboni wouldn't allow himself to sit down even for a moment, the veins on his forehead had already calmed down, he put his hands in his jacket pockets, and stood by the sideline with an extremely stubborn look on his face.

Even if the assistant coach stepped forward and asked, "Coach, do you want to adjust your tactics?"

He also replied almost paranoidly: "Not at all!"

Coach Coboni speaks his words, but his eyes are on the field.

Wherever the ball is, his eyes are fixed there.

"Although Athletic Bilbao is constantly being beaten, Granada's attack is not very threatening." The commentator said.

A round of purposeful, useless ground attacks exhausted the opponent and almost exhausted himself.

The ball flew across the court, and the path of the ball was drawn in an irregular chaotic diagram.

[Axis] Kabinet asked for the ball on his own initiative, and when the ball arrived, it was in his feet.

In less than a second, he handed the ball to the left winger and handled it quickly.

Following the instructions of Coach Coboni, the winger abandoned the sideline breakthrough, held the ball on his feet, pinched into the middle, and swam flexibly.

Kabinet is alert and actively looking for a position.The Mashu stepped back and tried to draw the opponent to create space for Kabinet.

The forward teammates are also eager to move, just waiting for the ball to be fed.

An opponent stepped forward to single-handedly challenge the winger, and the winger pushed the ball forcefully. . .

The ball is still at the winger's feet.

The winger is full of confidence, keeps pace with the ball, and wants to repeat the same trick, and then push the ball forcibly.

Unexpectedly, this enemy came in a crazy way, without saying a word, he fell to the ground and slid the shovel.

When I shovel it away, the grass dust is scattered everywhere.

Seeing the situation, Yi Feng didn't panic, he knew that if he met head-on, he would hurt his feet and tendons, and he would definitely suffer.

So in a second, swing your body to the right, keeping people but not the ball, just to avoid them.

The ball was squeezed out of the range of the two.

As soon as this scene appeared, the on-site commentator opened his mouth again: "It's so dangerous! If Yi Feng really touches it, there is a good chance of being injured."

The partner next to him continued: "Yes! When facing an opponent with a head-on tackle, if you know that it is not good, then don't be brave, after all, your body is the most important."

The ball slipped lonely to the right, enjoying a short period of freedom.

I saw the players from both sides rushing forward together, trying to take possession of the ball so that the ball would no longer be lonely.

In this case, it depends on the positioning and starting speed of the players on both sides.I saw that the running force of the ball was weakened, and it was bouncing slowly.

Athletic Bilbao have a good position and get the ball quickly.Although the Granada team did not lose speed, it was a little too late in the fierce competition, that is, a little bit late.

Going too late, unable to hold the ball, you have to react immediately for the next step.

Squirrel yelled, "Damn it!"

At this time, Kabinet was even more surprised, shouting: "No! Quickly retreat!"

The nerves of several defensive players of the Granada team suddenly exploded, their legs flew back, and they fell behind one after another, locking the city.

Athletic Bilbao also unceremoniously planned a round of counterattack after getting the ball.

All of a sudden, the situation on the court exactly fulfilled what Coach Coboni said: [The opponent deliberately let us use the ball possession tactics in the middle range, the purpose is to wait for us to make mistakes, when we make a mistake, the opponent An efficient counterattack will be launched. 】

A teammate accidentally loses the ball and the opponent gets the ball quickly.

From offense to defense. . .

A counterattack began.

The opponent with the ball runs forward on the right, and his three teammates move forward in unison.

The Granada team changed their formation quickly, and several offensive players took the initiative to retreat.Cabine's situation was even worse. He ran towards the opponent with the ball like a mad dog.

[Accelerate, accelerate desperately. 】

Kabini is so crazy, the purpose could not be simpler:
-----【I couldn't stop the opponent just now, so the team lost the ball.But now this enemy member, he is determined! 】

At this moment, the court is not just as monotonous as two people running wildly.

The attackers are running, and those who are on the defensive are also running.

It's time to stop this offensive!
Not far from the penalty area, the opponent with the ball came from the right side. He slowed down rhythmically, and slowly approached the penalty area line on the right side, and then took less than two seconds to look at the situation in the penalty area. . .

Then, bend your feet and draw your bow.

"Not good! He's going to make a cross! The teammates who are already in place are in excellent positions! It must be a ground ball!" The commentator said excitedly.

And the coach of Athletic Bilbao watched nervously.Of course, so did Coach Coboni.

It's a pity that the emotions and expectations of the two are different. . .

The enemy is in a frenzy, is it a cross?

Absolutely. . .

The tip of the toe is almost touching the ball. . .

. . . . . .

"Huh? That's...? My God! It's Kabinet!" The commentator lost control.

. . . . . .

The fighting spirit of not giving up, the desperate pursuit, the perfect sliding action, and the impeccable tackle.

Cabine showed all his tricks to the fans. . .

Another scene in exchange is:
The ball jumped out from the opponent's feet, and the opponent smashed his mouth to pieces, and the pass was attempted.

The ball rolled over the baseline, and Cabine looked at the referee.

The referee said there was no foul on Cabine's tackle and awarded a corner kick to Athletic Bilbao.

At this time, there was applause on the court, and the applause changed from weak to strong, and its purpose was unknown.

"Hey! The fans are applauding Kabini's performance of actively stealing the ball just now!" The commentator explained.

"Yes! There are also home fans who gave applause! This is an expression of respect and recognition for a player!" His commentary partner continued.

---【It is very difficult to win the respect of the fans of the enemy team!In the European football world, the most memorable episode is the dream night of the Brazilian superstar Ronaldinho at the Bernabéu Stadium]

Corner for Athletic Bilbao.

The kick-off player places the ball securely near the corner line and then waves his right hand to alert both players that he is about to take a corner kick.

Another round of offensive and defensive battles. . .

(End of this chapter)

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