perfect arc

Chapter 169: Chapter 169: Bizarre deaths

Chapter 169 Chapter 160 Nine: Bizarre Deaths

[A small canal river located in the northern new district of Granada, the embankment is three meters high, and a running path of nearly 400 meters is set up beside the river. Even so, citizens always like to come here for a walk after dinner. It doesn't necessarily come here for running.

Beside the several hundred meter running track, more than a dozen long chairs are set up at intervals, and more than [-] large trees more than ten meters high are planted beside the road, and they are lined up all the way to the north end.At the end of the northern end is a park for citizens to relax. This is also the finish line for runners. If you have enough energy, you can turn back and run again.

Walkers usually come slowly at the southern end of the Xiaoqu River. After arriving at the park, they can take advantage of the night to sit on the grass to rest, take a slow walk around the periphery of the park, or take advantage of the exclusive bicycle path. It's good to ride a bicycle for a while. Anyway, if you have a full meal and nothing to do, it's also good to come here to pass the time.

It is worth mentioning that the road is right outside the exit of the park, and less than 20 meters away from the exit is a [Pet Park], especially at night, some dog owners are always very happy to hold their pet dogs Come to the [Pet Park] to play. As for those citizens who don’t own dogs, they are also happy to lay their hands on the outer railing of the [Pet Park] and watch the small and big dogs play.

There are parks in the park, and the thoughtful arrangement of the city planning bureau directly boosts the popularity of this park. This place is simply a 'paradise for humans and dogs'.

There is a man and a woman, their fingers are intertwined, so sweet, they are also holding two pet dogs, walking by the side of the running path, presumably they are planning to go to the [Pet Park] to have fun with the dogs, and the two They were dogs of a good breed, one was a Labrador and the other was a German Shepherd. The two boys walked in front of their master, stopping from time to time to sniff this and that.

Looking at the collars of the two dogs, they are actually custom-made leather works, and their names are engraved with gold silk embroidery on the top of the collars. It seems that their owners have spent a lot of money. Seeing this The German shepherd ran off the road, and the owner saw the road outside, so he gave an order: "Shhhhh! Come back!"

The dog was also obedient, turned its head, wagged its tail, walked like a dog, and slipped back to its owner.

After two people and two dogs came to the entrance of [Pet Park], the two boys were already bouncing around, wagging the dog's tail wildly, and the dog's mouth was still making a sound of "He~he~", already excited Terrible, seeing so many of the same kind gathered in one place, making a fuss, why is it unhappy?

The man and the woman led the well-behaved Labrador into the [Pet Park] first, because the German shepherd met a Siberian sled three seconds ago, how did they know that the two dogs hit it off, although they are not the same breed, but Playing around like a brother, the male owner yelled at the German shepherd again: "Hush~! Here! Come back!"

The master's order didn't work. The German shepherd and the Siberian sleigh have interpreted the word "liberation" to the fullest. The two boys chased each other and jumped from the door of the "pet park" to the side of the road.

At this time, the owner of the Siberian sled was also issuing orders, trying to control the pet dog, because the two dogs were too close to the road, which was a bit dangerous.Besides, even though it is a large dog with strong skills, the destructiveness of cars to the outside world cannot be underestimated.

The German shepherd was playing crazy, and the male owner was very impatient. Together with the owner of the Siberian sled, they came forward to pull back their pet dogs, but the speed of the large dogs was so fast that humans could not handle it. Crazy, the two owners couldn't pull back their pet dogs for a while.

What's funny is that the two dogs also know how to change positions and chase each other. The German Shepherd has changed from being the chaser to the being chased. chase after.

The German shepherd was cornered, and the dog staggered and backed up every time. Before he knew it, he ran into the road. The owner was also cornered by the two dogs, and murmured: "Stinky boy! I won't do it next time!" brought you here!"

As soon as the conversation was over, a small gray car drove by, and the German shepherd turned its back. No matter how quick the reaction was, it was too late. After the wheel ran over the dog, the male owner screamed and screamed. The sound of broken bones when it was run over was so desperate and sad to the host.

The scene was very difficult to see. The wheel of the small gray car was dragged with a long bloodstain. The German Shepherd didn't need to look too much, but he knew it was difficult to save.After the male owner ran quickly, he knelt down and stroked the dog's neck. When his hands were covered with blood, tears dripped on the corner of the German shepherd's mouth. . .

Hearing the sound, other citizens who rushed over formed a small circle at the scene. Someone suggested that the male owner send the dog to the pet hospital as soon as possible, but after careful consideration, doing so would only be a waste of time.

Surprisingly, the driver of the small gray car not only didn't come forward to help, but after opening the door, he went straight to that stop, with a fierce look in his eyes, and said harshly: "Go to hell! You beast! You deserve it! It's retribution!"

Outsiders who don't know the inside story may listen to it and think that the driver is complaining coldly about the German shepherd running around on the road, but in the eyes of the male owner, he knows that the driver is actually scolding him, because when he looked up After seeing the driver's face, everything seemed to be clear. 】

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is a story told by Mashu, it happened last summer, the hostess was his ex-girlfriend, the Labrador was [offside], and the German shepherd that unfortunately died under the wheel was [red card] 】.

"Oh~~? It turns out that [Red Card] died like this. Didn't you say that it died of illness? If I hadn't read the report in today's newspaper, I might never have figured it out?" Kabinet Frowning tightly, he said.

After attending today's practice class, Kabini and Mashu casually visited a cafe. They were supposed to go home to buy some time to rest so that they could prepare for the battle. After a report, he thought it was necessary to have a private talk with the mice.

In the sports section of the major tabloids published today in Granada City, the rumor that the Czech boy Bam is about to join the Granada team was collectively reported. I saw a news about myself and the mice in the newspaper.
[The two stars of the Granada team clashed with the cinema staff]

It is not difficult to guess that this news must have been reported to the media by the staff of the movie theater or someone else, but there is no need to elaborate on this matter, the staff made mistakes first, and there is no need for Kabinet and Mashu to clarify this matter.

The point is that the last few lines of this report bring up an old story about Mockingbird, which is exactly what Mockingbird just told.The reason why Cabine didn't know about it was that he had just joined the Granada team for less than half a year, and the second was that he didn't bother to look up the information on the Mickey Mouse on the Internet. Your right to privacy.

When he was puzzled, Kabini sat down with Mashu in this cafe. Most of the story was told, but there were still a few details that Kabini could not understand, so he asked Mashu: "Did you offend that one?" Driver? Did he kill [Red Card] out of revenge?"

Sad things flooded into my heart, and the mouse was already unhappy, and said without a smile: "In principle, it is indeed revenge, but after the police intervened in the investigation, the driver has been following me for a long time, and he originally wanted to The one who killed me, you understand?"

When Kabini heard this, he took a breath, and took a long time to continue: "This...what is going on?"

Mashu sighed, and said with absent-minded eyes: "After coming to the Granada team, the salary is high, the starting lineup, the support, and the career development are very smooth, which also makes me more arrogant in my attitude towards people. The driver is originally A fan of the Granada team saw me at the gate of the training base one day and wanted to ask for an autograph. How did I know that I was arrogant, rude and outspoken, and said something like racial discrimination to the driver, because he is a A Negro!"

Kabini said "Huh?", the Mickey Mouse in the story is obviously very different from the Mickey Mouse in front of him, he was surprised that the Mickey Mouse before was a person who deserves to be beaten, and then said: "No As for it? You just scolded the other party, is the driver crazy?"

The mouse smiled very reluctantly, and said: "No~! I am the one who is crazy. Maybe you also know that in continental Europe, the consequences of insulting a black man are far more serious than insulting a woman. Although the driver Just killed a dog, but with bad motives, so he's already in prison."

Having said this, Kirby knew in his heart that Mashu still had something to tell, so he simply said nothing.

The coffee on the table had already cooled down, and the mouse picked up the bottom of the cup, took a sip of the coffee, and continued, "The driver is right, everything is retribution, and soon, my girlfriend also used this incident to tell me Goodbye, because when [Red Card] was one month old, we brought her home together, and after that, she became my 'ex-girlfriend', maybe... She wanted to leave a long time ago, just take this It's just an excuse!"

After speaking, Kabini couldn't add a word on this topic. How can he, who can only play football, really add opinions on emotional matters?
However, in today's conversation, Kabini also understood some things that he did not understand. For example, when he and the squirrel went to Majorca for vacation last time, the squirrel seemed to avoid ghosts at the airport. Fear of meeting fans is undoubtedly a sequelae.

So why did the mice have another dispute with the staff in the movie theater?Isn't he afraid of being retaliated again?It's very simple, because the nature of the matter is different, and the movie theater is not the fault of Mashu.

(End of this chapter)

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