perfect arc

Chapter 157 Chapter 157: Bloodletting

Chapter 157 Chapter 150 VII: Bloodletting
"Beautiful! The supplementary shot was successful! The Czech team finally changed the score in the No.307 minute of the first half. They led the French team with a score of 1:0, and the French team was here. There were many defensive mistakes in the game. Could it be that the halo of the former world champions and European champions brought them pressure? Presumably this problem also plagued the coach of the French team, Coach Cetazzi, and how will he countermeasures? ?”

The on-site commentator completely ignored the Czech fans who were celebrating loudly in the St. Jakob Park Stadium at this time. The shouting of nearly [-] fans did not bring any disturbance to the on-site commentator. Work, explaining to the other audience the moment when the Czech team defeated the French team.

The capacity of the St. Jakob Park Stadium is 1 spectators. Except for the fans of the Czech team, most of the remaining [-] fans wear the jersey of the Gallic Rooster, but almost none of them Those who were silent, they either raised their hands and pouted their mouths, or held their heads and frowned, clearly expressing their negative emotions towards the poor performance of the French team.

Even if this is just a friendly match, it is inevitable to feel a little sad to see the love team being defeated by the opponent. The fans may also be thinking, if coach Setazzi chooses to play with an absolute first-line lineup, then today's The French team will not end up like this.

Whether it is to say that the half-strength play has affected the overall situation, or that the boys who played for the French team are not strong enough, none of this can conceal the fact that the Czech team beat the French team just now.In the steps of the Czech team's overall attack, [The Ripper] Bam just played a crucial role. If he hadn't been a winger, he would kill all the way on the wing, and then attack in a narrow corner ten meters outside the goal. If the shot is blocked, then the Czech striker will not succeed in making up shots.

"It's too strong! I finally understand why Coach Koboni wants to sign him at all costs!"

Kabine, who also feels a little sad for the team's loss of points, still stays on the bench. Although he is not good at the winger, he still understands the dilemma when he is intercepted by two defenders one by one. .In fact, it is not difficult to get rid of the opponent, and Kabini can do it too. It's just that Bam's fierce attack all the way surprised Kabini. Dujill's shadow, if you look carefully, you will find that Bam is not as frivolous as Shadujill's.

Kabini thought to himself that he had already understood Coach Koboni's painstaking efforts, and after watching Bam's performance, he did not rush to compare the gap in strength between himself and Bam, but calmed down, Thinking about how to lure Bam to the bait next.

The scene returns to coach Setazzi. After the Czech players finished celebrating, the old coach paced to the bench, deliberately hiding his eyes, and turned to the players on the bench. After taking a glance, and finally figured out the game time, he turned around and returned to the sideline.

"Come on! Come on! Let's start again!"

Coach Setazzi clapped his hands on the sideline and yelled at the eleven players fighting on the field. He didn't yell everywhere like Coach Koboni, but purely cheered up the players. In my heart, the gentle temperament shown by coach Setazzi directly draws a distance from coach Koboni.

When the French team was defeated, the shots on the scene would not let go of every meaningful second. Not only did it give a three-second close-up of the scene where coach Setazzi cheered for the players just now, And this move also attracted the commentary of the on-site commentator: "If there is no accident, coach Setazzi should not make a substitution at the end of the first half. Even so, this old coach should seriously Considering the fact that tactical adjustments have been made, as far as we know, there are no less than three young players on the bench, this may be the choice of coach Setazzi!"

Another commentator continued: "That's right! Coach Setazzi has made it clear at the press conference before the game that the main purpose of this game is just for training, and it's nothing to give young players more opportunities. Bad thing, um... OK! The French team has kicked off again! The game continues!"

The moment the ball rolled, all the fans in the St. Jakob Park roared in unison, as if to start the continuation of the game. The French team fell behind by one goal, so they took advantage of the fact that they were still in control of the ball. When advancing step by step, they inadvertently revealed their cautious attitude on the overall front.

"Oh? The French team seems to be hesitating? It seems that after losing a goal, they dare not rush forward!"

The on-site commentator's commentary is easy to understand, but the French players, who are players in the game, don't quite agree with the on-site commentator's statement. The reason why they seem to be unable to move an inch has nothing to do with courage, let alone hesitation.

In the 5 minutes after the re-kick-off, the Czech team's unrelenting posture made the French team unable to easily make long passes and lobs. Even in the process of short passes between the three, they were also affected by the Czech The pressing of the defenders.

Every opponent is not a fool, they will never let you take the ball comfortably, in this very difficult moment up and down, if the French team wants not to lose possession of the ball, they can only make it in the gap between each other. You have to move quickly and catch the ball accurately, and you can't be stupid to create opportunities for your opponent.

"There's someone behind! Hurry up!"

After receiving a pass from a teammate, Wovega changed his style of attacking from the left and chose to take the ball and move to the middle to play by ear. Unexpectedly, he ran into a player without any accidents just four steps away. The opponent's interception, with a flick of the more flexible left ankle, the ball was cleverly avoided. After catching up with the ball, he ignored his back in a panic and only waited for Moussa.Sissoko woke him up loudly, but it was too late.

The sneak attacking enemy straightened up and planned a reasonable interception position in seconds. When Vovega reacted, there was no chance to pass the ball to relieve the crisis. A second later, Vovega fell to the ground Seeing that the referee did not blow the whistle, he knew that the opponent's sneak attack was successful. What was even more exasperating was that Ren Woweiga complained repeatedly, and the referee revealed that the Czech player's interception action was not suspected of fouling. . .

"Damn it!" Wovega scolded softly, and started chasing after the other five teammates, but when the Czech team's player with the ball passed the ball straight to Bam, it directly caused the French team to return even if they returned. Chasing is also a futile end.


The cheers from the fans in the field were undoubtedly given to Bam, who took the ball from his teammates and led the other attackers to fight back with a leading attitude. It's not a coincidence, but after adjusting the route of the surprise attack, it will continue to attack from the sideways, and when it encounters interception, it will simply speed up and make a forcible breakthrough.

"Okay! Bam took advantage of his speed to successfully grab the position, and made a pass from the baseline. The quality is good. Let's see how the Czech forward who is ambushing in the penalty area will deal with it?"

The on-site commentator’s commentary missed one thing, that is, after the French players who went to intercept Bam failed to swing their moves, they chased all the way back not only not to touch the corner of Bam’s clothes, but also sucked enough of Bam. Grass scraped up by Tom's toes when he ran wildly.

Seeing this, the captain of the French team, Lloris, slapped the ball, and the ball flew to the left. After the striker of the Czech team who was about to catch the ball did not taste the sweetness, he patted Bam in the distance twice with grace. Palms for encouragement.

Seeing that the team turned the corner again, coach Setazi immediately figured out how much time was left in the game. Now, the 15-minute intermission is extremely precious to the whole team. Sitting and waiting is not an option. Actively Changing tactics can help the team stop the bleeding. . .

(End of this chapter)

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