perfect arc

Chapter 149 Chapter 149: People who can't do without the toilet

Chapter 149 Chapter 140 Nine: People who can't live without the toilet
Regarding the instructions given by Coach Coboni, Kabini agreed to follow through, and whether it would be effective or not would have to wait for God's arrangement.As soon as the matter was over, Coach Koboni finally said that the conversation was over, and asked Kabinet to take a good shower, and then go home to pack up his travel belongings.

In fact, when Kabini finished talking with Coach Koboni, other teammates also finished the last practice session, and there was no dinner party at noon, so all the teammates were ready to go back after finishing everything in the locker room. home.

Kabinet was also leaving the training base, but he didn't go home directly as Coach Koboni said, but decided to go to the Mashu's house according to his original arrangement, to see if the idiot was still there. Died of shock in the toilet.

Vice-captain Roffman learned of Kabinet's whereabouts, and said that he would drive Kabinet there. Kabi thought that there were a lot of things to deal with next, and at that moment, he didn't want to spend any more time hailing a taxi. What the hell, the two hit it off immediately, the car moved, and drove towards the Mashu's house.

This time, it was the first time for Kabine to sit in Rohman's car. After driving for a few minutes, Kabine realized that Rohman's driving style was completely different from that idiot Mashu's. Not to mention wandering within a safe range, I'm afraid that Roffman won't get a speeding ticket within a year.

During the period, Kabini asked if Rohman would go to Mashu's house with him, so as to appreciate the idiot's embarrassed appearance, but of course Rohman, who had a family, chose to send Kabine to his destination , and will go home immediately. Although Kabine lives alone for a long time, he understands Roffman's decision very well.

Three or ten minutes later, the car drove into a private alley. Although Kabinet hadn't been here many times, based on his memory, he found that this private alley was the only way to the Mashu's house.Then, the car drove forward on this trail for more than 10 seconds, and Kabinet still said softly at this moment: "Isn't that idiot living too carefully?"

On the side, Luo Fuman controlled the steering wheel of the car, turned his head slightly and asked, "What? You haven't been here?"

Cabine replied: "No! I've been here before! It's just that I didn't have a deep impression. Now that I looked carefully, I realized that the idiot really spared no expense for this villa!"

Roffman has been working with Muckraut for a long time, and the two sides have a deep understanding, so he said to Cabine: "Hey! Do you know? Originally, this trail was not a private road, but later Muckraut seemed to eat it. I took the wrong medicine, and I just filed an application with the Highway Bureau, and in the end, this trail was privatized!"

Cabine snorted and said, "That idiot has too much money! I don't know how to spend it!"

It took more than 40 seconds for the car to drive completely through this private path, and then turned a small turn before arriving at Mashu's house. After the car came to a complete stop, Kabini asked about Roffman's question before getting out of the car. Unexpectedly, Roffman was eager to go home with his wife and children, and his attitude did not change. Kabinet had no choice but to say thank you, and finally got out of the car.

After Roffman's car completely disappeared in front of his eyes, Kabini let go of his arm after waving goodbye, turned around and walked to the iron gate of the Mummy's house, stretched out his right index finger, and pressed the doorbell.

The doorbell rang three times. Not only was there no movement from the iron gate, but there seemed to be no movement behind the door. At this moment, Kabinet was not in a hurry, so he pressed the doorbell for the second time. The big iron gate didn't move at all, as if there would be no movement within a few miles around.

"Damn! Didn't you agree to wait for me at home? Where did this idiot go?"

Kabini, who had been in contact with the mouse before leaving the training base, was already complaining at this time. Without giving up, Kabini pressed the call button next to the iron gate and shouted: "Idiot! Are you at home? Hurry up!" Open the door~!"

There was no human voice coming out of the loudspeaker. Maybe the mouse had died of shock in the toilet. Kabini stood outside the iron gate like an idiot. He waited anxiously for a minute before he found out. There was some movement behind the iron gate. . .

After listening quietly, Kabini intuitively felt that the movement was not from a human being, but from a dog.

"[Offside]! Quickly ask your father to come out and open the door!"

Cabinet shouted to a Labrador, but it sounded so idiotic, because to make the iron gate slide open, no one needed to come to the door and operate the opening device, just a remote control from inside the house. You can.

No matter how clever [Offside] is, it is impossible to help Kabinet, temporarily leaving a distance between a person and a dog is an iron gate.


With a sound, Kabini turned around and saw that the iron gate slid inwards. Before the gate was fully opened, [Offside] had already rushed towards Kabini. Cabine took a step and stopped.

"Come in! I'm really sorry just now, I was in the toilet all the time, so I couldn't open the door in time!"

Mashu was actually dressed in sleeping clothes, with a pale face and slightly bent back, standing in front of his house, saying sorry to Kabini.Seeing this, Kabinet, who originally wanted to scold the other party, immediately retracted his original intention, because after all, the crime of diarrhea that idiot Mashu suffered was also Kabinai's fault.

A joke can only be a joke. Unexpectedly, a few bowls of borscht will subdue the mice.

When the two of them, as well as a dog, had arrived at the house, Cabinet said without mentioning the matter, "I think... you'd better hire a live-in servant! It would be more convenient!"

The mouse sat down on the soft leather sofa, avoiding Kabinet's question, and said, "Damn! You really hurt me! I basically spent today in the toilet...!"

Kabinai leaned forward, patted the Mashu on the shoulder, and said, "Oh! What about this matter? I can only say sorry!"

Mashu covered his stomach and said, "Now I don't even dare to speak too hard, because I'm worried that if my body shakes, I'm afraid I'm going to the toilet again!"

Cabine cared about the other party and said, "Have you taken your medicine?"

The mouse asked, "What kind of medicine?"

Cabine said with a smile: "It doesn't matter! Anyway, it's just psychiatric drugs and drugs to treat diarrhea. In short, have you taken it?"

The mouse took the other party's joke and said with a smile, "I ate them all! I ate them all!"

After closing his mouth, Mashu changed the topic to another place, and asked Kabini: "Why are you so anxious to come to see me today? Are you worried that I will die at home?"

Instead, Cabinet replied very seriously: "Because I'm going to Lausanne, Switzerland to participate in the pre-match training of the national team tomorrow morning, so I want to see you before departure!"

The mouse exhaled cautiously, and said: "Even if you have a little conscience, you still know to come and see my condition. I dare not eat anything all day...! By the way! At the same time, I also want to congratulate you , I was finally promoted to the national team! Congratulations!"

Cabinet replied: "Thank you! But... for a marginal figure in the national team like you, does the fact that I become a French international make you feel a little sour?"

Upon hearing this, the mouse stretched its feet towards Kabini beside him, and said, "Fuck you! How dare you laugh at me?"

Kabinet deliberately didn't avoid it, took a hard kick, and said after finishing: "Remind you, you must not make too much movement, if not, I'm afraid you will stay in the toilet all afternoon today, and you won't be able to come out until night ..."

(End of this chapter)

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