perfect arc

Chapter 132 Chapter 132: Telegram Bombing

Chapter 132 Chapter 130 Two: Phone Bombing

Fifteen hours after the Granada Communications Department released the news, it was already a new morning.

Like Coach Koboni, Kabine stayed in front of the computer last night, following up rumors of his departure through online information.Even though he and Coach Coboni both knew it well, after reading about three or four reports about him on the Internet, Cabine felt a little dark in his heart. This is something that I have never tried in my previous career.

Either he became the focus, or the slightest vanity caused Kabinet to blindly maintain the dark feeling in his heart. Since eleven o'clock last night, he has been nestled under the quilt and slept soundly.

When Kabinet's eyelids opened in the new morning, the reaction nerve line in his brain told himself that this was definitely not a natural waking up.Normally, Kabinet could sleep for a few 10 minutes more, but unfortunately, he couldn't, because the beautiful love song rang from the mobile phone next to the pillow. . .

Under the inertial consciousness, Kabini maintained a bleary state of mind, glanced at the screen of the phone again, and saw who the caller was, but in less than a second, he pressed the answer button. He had practiced hundreds of times. To be precise, he seemed to have expected that this person would contact him during this time.

Cabine responded first: "Hello! Mr. Haas! Good morning!"

Mr. Haas didn't even say 'good morning', but hurriedly said: "It was too late last night after finishing business, in order not to disturb the rest of the two parties, so I contacted you when I woke up this morning, sorry!"

Cabine said with a smile: "Mr. Haas! Is it so serious? Take back your 'sorry', it's not like the sky is about to fall, and I also know the purpose of your call this time!"

Mr. Haas let out a "hmm" and said, "Very good! Then let me get to the main point! First of all, you don't have to worry, because I thought about it for a long time last night, and I think this rumor is just a trick played by Coach Coboni. The second is that the old guy said that the board of directors does not pay, I believe this, but according to my final deduction, this matter is likely to be related to the acquisition of other players!"

Cabine replied: "Yes! The player Coach Coboni wants is Bam!"

Mr. Haas hissed, and said, "Huh? You know all about it? At the beginning, I planned to hide this matter out of professional ethics!"

Cabine said: "Mr. Haas! If you don't say it, I don't blame you. I understand that all the procedures for acquiring players need to be handled carefully. On the contrary, I admire you a little bit, because you know Graner The team will not pay you half of the fee, but you insist on recommending Bam to Coach Koboni, this kind of professionalism is worth learning from others!"

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Haas didn't react much, but just answered: "Then if that's the case... Do you also know the inside story of the report last night? Did the old guy discuss it with you in advance?"

Cabine said: "Mr. Haas! Seeing how calm I am, you know what's going on, right?"

Mr. Haas replied word by word: "Cunning! Brilliant trick! Using this method to force the board of directors to pay, I believe that old guy must be willing to go all out!"

Cabine snorted, and said, "There needs to be another word in here, and that is 'helpless'!"

Mr. Haas changed his attitude, sighed, and then said: "Since this is the case, it's easy. Don't worry, the old guy knows what to do next. If he needs your continued cooperation, you can Follow along, anyway, the few of us know that the report is false."

Cabine said: "Yes! I understand! And I want to explain, in fact, according to the original arrangement, I have to keep my mouth shut. Unexpectedly, you have already got half of what you said halfway through. I think it is pointless to continue to hide it, so Just admit it, even so, I still hope you will keep...!"

Mr. Haas rushed to the words: "Don't worry! Even if I'm outside, I won't say much. As for contacting you this time, I'm mainly worried that you believe this matter is true, so I want to explain it to you personally, but I didn't Thinking that you knew the inside story a long time ago, that's fine, and I'm relieved!"

Cabine said: "Well! Got it! Then... let's do it! See you later! Bye!"

Mr. Haas replied: "Okay! That's it for now! Goodbye!"

Every time Mr. Haas senses that Kabinet is in trouble and that Kabinet cannot handle things alone, he will appear by Kabinai's side as soon as possible to escort him.And it's the same this time. Although there are some lack of communication between them, all these things that Mr. Haas shows every time are exactly what Kabinet needs most.

After putting down his mobile phone, Kabinet vaguely felt that the rumors about his possible departure from the team had been raging in Granada, so he would receive more than one call today.

Perhaps Cabine was also smart for a while. After 15 minutes, he received a second call. The topic was still inseparable from the rumors, but the caller was a bit unexpected, and it was Pebbeo.

Kabini answered the phone and asked, "Huh? I thought it was Andorsi?"

Pebeo replied: "I believe you also know the report last night. Andorsi lost his temper because of this matter, saying that you are leaving the Granada team, and you are very sad, and you still refuse to talk to anyone. People are talking!"

Cabine let out an "ah" and said, "It's not convenient for me to talk about the details. Anyway, you have to believe me, I will definitely not leave the team during the winter transfer window, because I am the protagonist in the rumors. Only I know the truth of it!"

Pebeo exhaled a long breath and said, "That's good! Andorsi and I are still worrying about this problem! But do you know? I heard from my friend that just last night, the [1931] bar Your boss is still making a bet that if you leave the Granada team, the boss will burn your signed jersey in public!"

Hearing this, Kabine was very stunned, and said: "Those fans are too excited, right? I don't know what to say anymore. Anyway, the report is false, so you can rest assured. Finally, I would like to ask you to comfort me Give Andorsi a shot, tell him not to believe those reports, I'm going back to the training base in a while, maybe when I get home, I'll tell Andorsi myself!"

Pebeo said: "It's okay! You don't have to worry! Leave Andosi to me! There is nothing else, go get busy!"

Kabini let out a "huh" and hung up the phone. Before the person and the phone had a break for 10 minutes, the third phone rang, and the caller was Mashu.

Kabini answered the phone and said, "Fart your fart!"

Squirrel laughed "hee hee" twice, and asked, "Hey! Could it be that Coach Coboni is really going to sell you?"

Cabine replied: "Fart! Don't talk nonsense! That report is false, believe me, it must be right!"

Mashu said: "Actually, to me, it doesn't matter whether that report is true or not. Anyway, I just don't want you to leave me!"

Cabine said: "Please talk to me on the phone after you take the medicine next time! Okay?"

Squirrel was amused, and laughed straight away. After closing his mouth, he said: "Okay! Knowing that you will not leave the team, I am also relieved, so let's stop chatting! See you at the training base later!"

Kabini shook his head and said, "Remind you, remember to take medicine before returning to the training base!"

After the two idiots went crazy, Kabinet thought that no one else would call, so he simply threw the phone on the sofa, turned around and walked to the kitchen, preparing to arrange a breakfast for himself.

Just after taking five steps, the ringtone of the fourth call suddenly rang.

Kabini stopped, turned back to the sofa, and when he picked up the phone, he said, "Damn! I'm going crazy!"

As for who the caller of this call was, Kabinet was unexpected about it, and within a second or two, he suddenly realized that he had indeed not contacted the other party for a long time.

This person is Kabini's teammate when he played for the PSV Eindhoven youth team --- Scotsman Widson.

Widson always called Kabinet a "bastard". Even if Kabinet really looked like a jerk, he wouldn't often say this word. On this issue, Kabini asked Widson himself, but Weidson Desun's answer was: Let me use other normal adjectives to address you, I really can't do it. . .

It's hard to analyze why Kabinet always deals with some idiot teammates, or fate, or like-mindedness.The only certainty is that, over time, Kabinet will establish a deep friendship with these idiot teammates.

"Asshole! Why haven't you called me for so long? Did you forget about my friend after becoming a big star?" Widson joked.

Kabinet didn't think it was funny, so he replied: "There are so many troubles recently, I forgot!"

Wedson said: "Trouble? Oh...! I know this! It's for the report last night...!"

Before Wedson could finish speaking, Cabine rushed to speak: "Listen to me, the report is false, please believe me?"

Wedson has a great talent for creating atmosphere, just listen to him say: "That's good! You bastard! Listen! As long as you arrange the round-trip air ticket and room and board for me next time I come to Granada, then I will believe you !"

Cabine snorted, seemed to be provoked, and said: "Okay! No problem! As long as you don't mention anything about the report, then we can reach an agreement, and then just want to ask, when will you Coming to Granada?"

Wedson thought for a few seconds and said, "Your birthday is coming soon, why don't you let me come over to celebrate your birthday?"

Cabine smiled and said, "Alright! I'll introduce another idiot to you if you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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