perfect arc

Chapter 104: Chapter 104: Wing Wings

Chapter 104: Chapter [-]
No.70 minutes, the game was suspended.

"Coach! I think it's better to change people. The team has been beaten. We should make adjustments in the midfield. Simply remove the left wing and replace it with an engineer, and increase the intensity of pinching the opponent. You say Woolen cloth?"

. . . . . . . .

The winger who injured his thigh while fighting for the ball with Alba still fell to the ground, and the Granada team doctor was still half-kneeling beside him, with two hands in rubber gloves lightly on the inner thigh of the winger. After pinching a few times, the team doctor was speechless, he wanted to find out the exact location of the injury before making a conclusion, but Yi Feng didn't cry or fuss anymore, the only thing was that his face was still twisted.

At this time, Coach Koboni standing on the sideline seemed to be thinking. Although the assistant coach's suggestion was heard, the old coach still didn't want to act rashly. If he really wanted to follow the assistant coach's method, then It means that in the remaining 20 minutes, the team's situation will become more and more passive, and they must strictly guard to the end. . .

First of all, it is impossible to compete with the Barcelona team for control of the midfield. After all, the dual-core mobility is very flexible. In addition, the little flea pads in front, Sanchez cuts the side, and Pedro is more like a ghost. Change positions from time to time, and sometimes even see his ghost in the middle area. Coach Coboni knows very well that the midfielder cannot be grabbed.

The tactics must remain the same, passively waiting for the opportunity to take the initiative to quickly strike. The Granada team must find a way to cut off any space for the forward transmission of the dual-core. Like the key, this will make Granada's defensive work easier, unless the little flea suddenly gets nervous again and rides alone in a scene. Of course, I'm afraid this is just talk.

However, what makes Coach Koboni a little embarrassed is the current score, the difference of one goal, and more than 20 minutes, is it defending?Wait for another chance?Or go all out and fight back with all your strength?This question is not difficult, but it also made Coach Koboni think deeply for a long time.

"Alas~! We lack a capable helmsman, which causes us to suffer a lot when we fight back!"

Coach Koboni finally answered the assistant coach and said what he was most concerned about at the moment. The assistant coach said "hmm~" and turned to look at the bench. Coach Coboni said:
"Coach~! Why don't you do nothing and keep going, remove the fake front and left wing, and replace them with two engineers?"

Hearing this, Coach Coboni's first reaction was very stunned. He didn't dare to imagine that his left and right hands would say such absurd words, and making such a dispatch is obviously to stick to the end~!You're only one goal behind, so you really don't plan to tie the score?

"We are only one goal behind. If we do as you do, then we will be completely passive~! And as I said, we are only missing a helmsman, so there is no need to replace two engineers~! Understand Is it~?"

Coach Koboni gave his opinion, but the assistant coach refused to give up, and hurriedly explained his opinion: "Coach~! In fact, in the seven or ten minutes just now, the role of the false forward was not satisfactory. This is what you saw with your own eyes, instead of leaving him to scurry about on the field reluctantly, it is better to replace him with an engineer and strengthen the pressure on the opponent~!"

"Hmm~~!" Coach Koboni uttered, his eyes swaying from side to side. He heard the assistant coach's words, and he never left the field. He was absolutely focused on two things.

At this moment, the injured winger grinned, gritted his teeth, and stood up slightly. The team doctor supported him and cooperated with his steps. The two walked outside the sideline. The referee observed the situation on the court. situation, ready to signal to restart the game. . .

"Request a replacement~!"

Coach Coboni suddenly yelled at the fourth referee, it seemed that the stubborn old man wanted to fight, and the assistant coach beside him hurried to the bench and asked two of the players: "Have you just warmed up? "

"I'm ready~! Coach~!"

The two team members said in unison, the confidence on their faces seemed to be going to a big fight.

"Okay~! Come out~! Get ready to play~!"

The assistant coach never asked Coach Coboni what kind of substitution method, but he resolutely sent two engineers to prepare to play, and Coach Coboni did not object. This scene fully reflected the tension between the two. A tacit understanding in terms of work.

"Oh~? It seems that the Granada team is going to make a substitution~! And it will replace two players at once~! What kind of method does the old man Coboni come up with to deal with the disadvantages the team is facing now? ~?"

The on-site commentator not only explained the substitution of the Granada team, but also raised a question.

Sure enough, when the fourth referee raised the electronic card, the pseudo-forward trotted up, facing the fact that he was substituted off, and prepared to leave the field. As for the injured winger, he didn't have to run into the field again. He was helped into the field by the team doctor. into the locker room.

"I believe this has confused many people~? Coach Koboni actually replaced two engineers~? Granada really don't want to tie the score?"

Obviously, the decision made by Coach Coboni and the assistant coaches surprised the commentator, and this also made Cabine not quite understand what the two coaches did. He scratched the back of his head and asked Mr. Haas: "What's going on here? Do you understand?"

Mr. Haas had no cigarettes in his left hand and no beer in his right hand. He hissed and replied two seconds later: "Although the old man Coach Coboni gave a full-court pressing strategy, he didn't get it." 100% efficiency, plus your teammates can't control the midfield, I guess this game... it will be difficult for your Granada team to take away a point~!"

Kabi's face was annoyed. Mr. Haas's words undoubtedly stabbed his heart. Facts are facts, and they are already in front of his eyes. If he doesn't want to face them, it can only represent the cowardice of that person.

So, Kabini shook his head first, and then said: "I firmly believe that as long as the ball is still rolling, then everything still has a chance~!"


Mr. Haas chuckled twice, and said, "Don't be in a hurry~! I haven't finished talking yet?"

Kabini raised his right hand, and Mr. Haas agreed, so he continued: "Didn't you notice? Your teammates are going to fight together~!"

"Oh?" Cabine asked.

Mr. Haas swallowed, and said: "To put it bluntly, it is to increase the pressure and wait for the initiative while being passive~!"

Cabine replied, "But time is running out. Counting injury time, there are only about 24 minutes left. Is this really a solution?"

Mr. Haas said: "That's right~! It's the only way~! And I can guarantee that your teammates will make frequent fouls~!"

Cabine asked, "Tactical foul~?"

Mr. Haas snorted, and continued: "No~! It's not just that, the engineers are in charge of strengthening the sweep, and the sweep is to grab the ball and take advantage of the opportunity to counterattack. In this way, your teammates will commit five fouls Inside, steal the only chance to counterattack...~! Of course~! This is just my preliminary estimate, whether it will be effective depends on the overall performance of the Granada team~!"

(End of this chapter)

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