perfect arc

Chapter 101 Chapter 101: Idiot

Chapter 101: Chapter [-]: Idiot

Kabini accepted Coach Koboni's suggestion and said "hmm".

For a young player who is only 20 years old, when dealing with such matters, he often ignores comprehensive consideration of the matter. Just like Kabinet, he speaks loudly and considers himself a genius. So, that's just describing myself in the game.

The world outside the arena is beyond Kabinet's imagination. At this time, Mr. Haas played a key role. Even if Kabinet still insists on his own opinion in the end, it will not damage the relationship between the two. partnership.

And coach Koboni is just Kabinet's coach, even if he puts forward relevant opinions, it seems to be a lie.A little more conspiracy theory, before the team has achieved its goal, Kabini has a certain effect on the team's performance improvement, so?Coach Koboni, will the old man let go of an outstanding young player like Kabinet?

Longing for the Falcon soaring in the sky, genius, lunatic, you can't be tied up no matter what, Coach Koboni didn't expect that there would be a club playing against Kabinet before half the schedule was completed. Got an idea, what does this mean?Does it mean that coach Coboni has a unique ability?Or is it that Cabine's football talent will be discovered by others sooner or later?

Even gold can shine. Even if Kabinet is injured, he is still a piece of gold covered by mud. If you wipe off the mud, the golden light inside will be released eventually.

Now, someone has discovered the golden light on Cabinet. At this moment, it seems that five goals in those three games are more realistic than Granada's three-point victory.The primary task of the all-round midfielder in the game is not to score goals first, but to control the rhythm of the quasi-up and down. From this point of view, Kabinet has overfulfilled his task and directly attracted other clubs. s concern.

"No! I don't agree to the transfer!"

These are the original words of Kabini, the original words with a seemingly firm attitude. After being said by Coach Koboni, such thoughts suddenly wavered in his heart, but he was not hesitating, just shaking, just That's all.

It seems that "20 years old" can only control things within the scope of "20 years old".

At least that's how Kabinet is at the moment.

. . . . . . . . . .

Coach Koboni said what he wanted to say, and nothing else. Kabinet turned around and returned to his dressing position. On the way back, his messy thoughts became more and more urgent. Handling can't grasp the rhythm steadily, is he destined to be an 'idiot'?

"Why don't you ask the opinion of the idiot next to you?"

The idiot was thinking like this, he turned his head and saw the idiot he said was preparing for the second half of the game and was changing into a clean jersey.

"Shh~! Hey~!"

An idiot is calling another idiot.

"What did Coach Koboni want to talk to you about? Tell me?" The idiot who was called had already put on his jersey, sat down, and asked without talking nonsense.

The idiot who desperately needed someone else's opinion motioned for him to move his head closer, which he did, before he said, "Coach Coboni talked to me about the transfer!"

"What~~? Apart from our Granada team, is there any other club on this earth willing to want you?"

"Crack~!" Kabini slapped Mashu on the arm and said, "Idiot! Be serious!"

"Hee hee~!" Mashu smirked, both the smile and the laughter did not lose his idiot style.

Cabine hid his head deeply, and whispered: "Hey~! Seriously, what do you think about this matter?"

"Don't you have any plans in your heart?" Mashu asked without completely withdrawing her smile.

Kabini let out a "hiss", his brows were furrowed, his face was distorted as if he was suffering from constipation and couldn't excrete normally.

"What? Do you want to go to the toilet?" Muckus read Kabinet's expression very accurately.

Kabini rolled his eyes at each other. The two idiots thought they were having a serious chat, but to outsiders, they seemed to be playing around, and they were veritable two idiots.

"Don't be a mother-in-law, tell me~!"

Mashu urged Kabinet to open his mouth quickly, and added the word 'grandmother' to describe Kabinet's current situation, which was very accurate.

Kabinet paused for a moment before saying, "I don't have any reason to leave here before the team completes the planned goal!"

Mock-mouse nodded his head, gave a "hmm", and continued, "What about after we complete the goal? According to your thinking, that is to say, you will leave the Granada team after all, won't you?"

"Uh~~~!" Kabinet hesitated.

Squirrel choked, "Don't play dumb! Say it!"

This is really a difficult problem. What's ridiculous is that this difficult problem obviously already has an answer, but Kabinet holds the answer tightly in his arms, and his mouth doesn't even move.

Squirrel snorted, and said, "Then let me ask you, will you play in the Granada team until you retire?"

"I said yes, do you believe it?" Kabini replied word by word.

Squirrel shook its head, and replied, "I don't believe it! So, this is the crux of the problem!"

Kabini was speechless, but still frowned, lowered his head in thought, as if he understood the meaning of the other party's words.

This time, the mouse opened the tab of a can of drink again, gulped two mouthfuls down its throat, wiped the drink juice seeping out of the corner of its mouth, and said, "I think you should turn your eyes to the water now." Focus on the right place, that is, you don't think about anything at this time, concentrate on paying for the team, so that we can successfully complete the goal!"

"Oh~? Is it that simple?" Kabinet asked.

Mashu gave a "hmm" and said, "It's that simple! Can't you do it? Idiot!"

In the early days, Kabini seemed a bit contradictory on how to deal with this matter, and even said in his mouth that he would not leave the Granada team if his goal was not fulfilled one day, and was later coached by Coboni. It disturbed his thoughts for a while, and unexpectedly made him unsteady, and Ma Shu's words were very direct, maybe it was also the reason why the bystanders could clearly understand, and finally pulled Kabinet out of the fog.

When idiots communicate with idiots, they produce unexpected chemical effects.

"Stop wasting time thinking about unnecessary things! You must remember what is the most important thing to do now!"

Mashu was still adding sentences to his own thoughts, and Kabinet reacted quickly, and replied: "Put the team's goals first, and regard it as the first priority!"

"Idiot! Pretty smart!"

After Mashu finished speaking, he gave his right hand and wanted to give Kabinet a high-five.


After the sound died down, the Mock Mouse moved its head closer, and outsiders who didn't know it would think that these two idiots wanted to have a French friendship kiss!

"Hey~! Out of curiosity, which club wants to buy you?"

Kabinet didn't give a shit, and said bluntly: "To be precise, it should be two clubs...!"

"Oh~~?" said the Mock-mouse.

Cabine suddenly pretended to be mysterious, and asked, "If you had to choose, do you think it would be better to go to London or Turin?"

The mouse replied suddenly: "I think you go...die! It will be better!"

The two laughed loudly, without losing the original demeanor of that idiot. . .

(End of this chapter)

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