e-sports winner

Chapter 65 The End

Chapter 65 The End
Chen Guo looked at Fang Qingxue and Wu Di, saw that they both nodded and said, "Okay, the three of us will go together."

Zhuge Liang looked at each other with a smile, and Zhuge Liang said: "According to the information we have already obtained, we already know the exact location of the lair. When you get there, you can see a passage leading directly to the ground. There will be many demons guarding the entrance. There is no way you can do it." Kill them hard, and then enter their incubation area. The demons attack us to plunder the population and become a container for them to give birth to new demons, and they can only hatch near the leader. You must be careful not to be parasitized. And the bottom of the cave , is where the demon chief is, of whom we know nothing."

Chen Guo nodded, and discussed the details with Zhuge Liang and Huang Zhong.When the aliens entered the firing range of the artillery team led by Huang Zhong, Huang Zhong would order all the artillery on the Great Wall to fire collectively. At that time, the battlefield would be covered in thick smoke. Chen Guo and the others took advantage of this time to fly from the sky Cross the battlefield to reach the alien's lair.

Seeing the alien army getting closer, Chen Guo could even see the teeth in the alien's mouth.Huang Zhong finally let out a roar: "All fire!"

Then there was a deafening sound of cannons on the Great Wall, and countless shells flew towards the alien army in the sky.The huge momentum caused by the shells instantly covered the battlefield with thick smoke.

Zhuge Liang frowned, and said to Chen Guo and the others, "It's now."

Then Zhuge Liang was lifted up by some kind of force, and facing the three of Chen Guo with palms, he shouted, "Yuan! Qi! Bomb!"

When Chen Guo heard it, she almost shot him, thinking that a Super Saiyan was attacking her.

Afterwards, Chen Guo and the three were wrapped in a huge bubble and flew into the sky.Zhuge Liang panted heavily after landing, and said to Huang Zhong: "I hope they can succeed."

Huang Zhong sighed when he heard it, and said, "I hope, the will of the city lord is getting more and more depressed now, and instead of taking the initiative to stand on the Great Wall to resist the demons in the past, if they succeed, the city lord can rekindle hope."

Standing in the air bubble, Chen Guo looked down with Fang Qingxue and Wu Di.After crossing the thick smoke, there were still endless alien shapes, all of them lowered their heads and ran rapidly.

"En! I suddenly remembered something, if the three of us succeed, how can we come back?"

After speaking, Chen Guo felt a chill behind her.Two fierce eyes stared at him firmly, a strong sense of fear prevented Chen Guo from acting rashly.

Wu Di shook the sword in his hand, put the sword back into the scabbard, and said, "At worst, I'll come back!"

Chen Guo nodded, and said instantly, "Mm, Your Lady Queen is wise."

It has been flying for a long time until it has completely passed the alien army.In front of Chen Guo, a desolate mountain range appeared, and the bubbles began to lose momentum and flew downward.

In front of a huge hole, Chen Guo and the three finally got their feet on the ground again.

"This is the lair that Zhuge Liang said, but there is not a single alien staying behind." Chen Guo frowned, and the other party said emotionally to Wu Di.

Fang Qingxue replied with some uncertainty: "Could it be true that the whole army went out and didn't even keep the housekeeper?"

Chen Guo shook her head, thinking it was impossible.Zhuge Liang said that the heroes who had sent off before came, and the leader of the alien should be able to take precautions.

Wu Di closed her eyes as soon as she landed. At this moment, she suddenly opened them and said, "I feel an evil force growing deep in the lair. No matter what the situation is, we must go in as soon as possible."

Chen Guo nodded and was the first to walk into the lair.He wasn't trying to be a hero, or to show leadership, but being with Wu Di was too much of a blow.

He's still a sensory hero, even breaking through the basic rules of the glory of the king, breaking through the map vision.

The passage to this lair is long, dank and dark.From time to time, a mucus-like thing fell from the top of the head, and the stench was disgusting.

After walking for a long time, they came to a huge space.The rotten smell entered her nose, Chen Guo hurriedly held her breath, after awakening a hero, breathing is no longer necessary.But in front of them are all rotting flesh, scattered armor, and human clothes.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Chen Guo almost vomited out, Fang Qingxue also turned pale, only Wu Di looked normal, licked his lips and said: "This should be the hatchery of aliens, and the eggs of aliens are similar to those in the movie. It's just that these eggs are all broken, and there is not a single alien facehugger here."

Looking at the shattered alien eggs, and Wu Di who looked normal and even a little excited.Chen Guo had to sigh that there was indeed a gap between people.

Suddenly a loud roar came out, it was the sharp, hoarse and scalp-numbing cry unique to the alien.The source of the sound came from the cave at the other end of the hatching ground.

Several people looked at each other and continued to walk down.The smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and the cave became more and more dense. In the end, only three people could walk side by side.

Finally, the three of them saw a faint light at the end of the passage.But it was very dim, it didn't seem like natural light, but it seemed artificial.

Chen Guo signaled the two to be careful, and then slowly approached the light source.

Chen Guo, who had a clear look at the situation outside, was shocked. The hole was above a huge space.And in this space, three giant aliens with a height of more than ten meters were bound by iron chains, and they were sniffing at the surroundings, as if they smelled a smell of food.

Chen Guo not only thought that if these three aliens joined the battlefield outside and could easily cross the Great Wall with one leap, then what would Huang Zhong and the others use to resist them.

Mu Qianqiu's voice suddenly said: "It seems that this is the final monster deep in Chen Yin's subconscious. These three aliens represent the desire and violence suppressed by Chen Yin in the deepest part of his subconscious, but the iron on these aliens The chain looks extremely strong, and there is no possibility for the alien to escape. This means that Chen Yin's main consciousness is still very sound at this time. "

Chen Guo frowned, and said, "But the three aliens are so big, even if we stand up and let the three of us beat them, they won't be able to kill them. How can we destroy them?"

Mu Qianqiu replied: "Desire and violence are part of human nature and cannot be eliminated. Have you seen that behind these aliens, there is a small door. I guess as long as you pass through this door, you will You can see Chen Yin's main consciousness now."

Chen Guo looked behind the monsters, and indeed saw a door on the wall that only one person could enter and exit.

"What if your estimate is wrong?" Chen Guo asked Mu Qianqiu.

Mu Qianqiu returned: "If I guess wrong, then there is no if. But there is no other way, you can't go back."

(End of this chapter)

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