e-sports winner

Chapter 63 Even More Medium 2

Chapter 63

I found a family who was willing to take me in, and I stayed there temporarily.Chen Guo decided to take a look at the situation first, and then smooth things out with Mu Qianqiu before moving forward.

After hearing Chen Guo finished telling him all the information he knew, Mu Qianqiu took a deep breath and said: "It seems that we have really reached the edge of the deepest part of Chen Yin's subconscious mind. After all, psychology is a science that exists for a short time. .As for the depths of the human subconscious, what it looks like and what functions it has are just speculations. But the mainstream view is that the depths of the human subconscious are actually imprisoned for those needs that are usually suppressed.”

Chen Guo thought for a while, then said suspiciously: "In the depths of the subconscious mind, there should be emotions about desire, violence, and destruction, just like the psychology master Freud explained. After all, in the real world , These things are completely forbidden and will be punished by law. But why is it so peaceful here, and everyone is so kind and friendly?"

Mu Qianqiu pondered for a while and said: "Freud's theory is actually not accepted by mainstream psychology. In real life, can you really not do what you said? As long as you dare to bear the consequences, in fact you I can do anything. According to my explanation of the subconscious mind, the energy in the human body is actually divided into two types: life and death. When a certain energy is not accepted by the outside world, it will be hidden deep in the subconscious mind. For example Creativity, reason, is life energy. Repression, not being recognized, and obedience are dead energy."

Chen Guo nodded. Indeed, for people, bad emotions are not only caused by desire.This also explains why Chen Yin, who always looks very depressed on the outside, is so peaceful deep down in his subconscious.So he said: "Then I am considered a member of our sect. How many people are there in our sect? Have any great gods appeared in our sect?"

"...I am the only one from this faction. Anyone who believes in this faction belongs to this faction." Chen Guo immediately shut up, saying that these theories were all thought up by you alone, and they are probably not well accepted by your peers. , as the saying goes, peers are the most annoying.

Mu Qianqiu was obviously unhappy to be interrupted by Chen Guo, but limited by the system, he could only finish the rest of the sentence: "So in the real world, there are many seemingly honest people. When the energy deep in the subconscious explodes , will do very cruel things. And many seemingly unreliable people will do feats that move the world when the energy in the depths of their subconscious explodes. After all, it is too narrow to view the world purely from good and evil, so No one knows how the deepest part of the subconscious mind works, and you're on your own."

Although Mu Qianqiu couldn't give any decisive advice on the next action.But Chen Guo still decided to take action. The subconscious world is influenced by the system. Although it is almost static relative to the outside world, the two words "almost" show that the time outside is actually still flowing.

He felt that the system didn't seem to last much longer, and he didn't have much time left for him.Looking at the City of Light, Chen Guo felt that Chen Yin was inside, and she had to meet him and persuade him to save the two parallel worlds with her.

"I apply to accept the trial of the court." Chen Guo stood at the city gate and said to the two soldiers guarding the city.

The two soldiers looked at each other. No one had applied for a trial for a long time. They looked at Chen Guo carefully. A soldier quickly ran into the city and came out after a while and said, "The court has accepted your request. There will be a court session."

Chen Guo was taken aback when she heard that, it was so efficient.

But when Chen Guo stood in the courtroom and faced the high-ranking judge, the surrounding audience was already full, and many people were even standing. Apart from the space between Chen Guo and the judge, there was nowhere else to set foot in the whole courtroom. .

With such a high attendance rate, it completely kills real movie theaters in seconds.Chen Guo had a feeling of being entertained by others. These people were of different ages, men and women, some in gorgeous clothes, some in rags. Looking at these completely incompatible crowd, she felt very speechless.

Some were wearing suits, some were wearing ancient Chinese Hanfu, and some were wearing European mid-world armor. Chen Guo even saw it in them, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Sherlock, the American drama version of Sherlock, Robert Tang Jr. Nicki version of Sherlock.

Chen Guo finally knew where Chen Yin's secondary illness came from. Everyone present had a strong aura of secondary illness.

With the Avengers here, it would be nice if you let them fight the little monsters.Why let other people who failed the trial go to the front line to fight the demons.

At this time, Mu Qianqiu said: "This is what Chen Yin subconsciously wants to protect. They live here not because of their abilities, but because of the justice they represent. It seems that the situation is already very severe, and it has come to an end. Protect these people, instead of allowing them to use their abilities to help Chen Yin become a better person."

Sitting in the judge's seat was a man without a face, whose face was like a blank sheet of paper.The judge tapped the hammer in his hand, made a solemn voice, and said: "Silence, the trial is just beginning. Please put your right hand on the book of honesty in front of you. will be real."

Chen Guo looked down, and there was indeed a book in front of her. Chen Guo put her hand on the book, but she didn't feel anything unusual.

"Excuse me, what is the most shameful thing the person under trial has done in his life?" The judge's solemn voice sounded again.

Shame, the most shameful thing, how could I say that.But Chen Guo's mouth seemed out of control, and she spoke without any emotion in her voice.

"The most shameful thing in my life was when I was 10 years old. Because I was short, my mother often took me to the girls' bathhouse to bathe. Later, I grew very fast and reached 1.7 meters in less than two years. Taking a shower in a women's bathhouse is the most shameful thing in my life and the thing I want to do again the most."

Chen Guo wanted to cover her mouth and take her hand off the book, but found that her body was out of control at all, as if held in place by some force.

After Chen Guo finished speaking, the audience in the court immediately began to discuss.Among them, Hulk was the loudest, and he yelled directly: "Hulk thinks too, Hulk has never been in a women's bathhouse."

Maybe Hulk just wants to take a bath in the women's bathhouse. As for whether there are other people in the bathhouse, Chen Guo feels that Hulk doesn't care at all.

Chen Guo's whole body was completely uncontrolled except for her mouth, which opened her mouth and said, "Your Honor, I want to appeal for myself. Although I have obscene thoughts, I have never taken actual actions. Essentially, I am still a man of virtue and wisdom." A good young man with excellent physical condition."

(End of this chapter)

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